Growing from celery seeds - rules and recommendations
Growing from celery seeds is a painstaking process. Despite the fact that the culture is resistant to temperature extremes and can grow in open ground, the rules for caring for it must be strictly observed. The main method of propagation of plants is by seeds, which can be bought in specialized stores. It is especially important to monitor the well-being of leafy varieties, since changes in conditions of detention will affect the state of the greenery. If you grow the crop correctly, it can be used as a natural seasoning when preparing diet meals and traditional medicine.
Selection and preparation of seeds
Celery is easy to grow at home. Seeds are the planting material - when buying, it is important to pay attention to their age. If it exceeds 2 years, celery does not grow well and may not yield a harvest. The cultivation of this culture necessarily implies the preparation of seedlings. Early varieties (Kartuli) can be sown directly into open ground, but when growing medium and late varieties (Zakhar leaf celery), the seeds will not sprout.
Despite the fact that seeds can germinate immediately in the open field, experts recommend growing all varieties of leaf celery through seedlings.
In the agricultural technology of leaf celery, there are several ways to increase seed germination rates. The first of them is to soak them for a day in warm water, due to which the vegetation processes are activated. It is also recommended to rinse the planting material in hot water 15 minutes before sowing, and then dry it. However, the most difficult and at the same time the most effective method is the stratification of celery seeds. To do this, they must first be kept in a humid environment and at room temperature for a week, and then put in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. So the plants will quickly adapt after sowing.
Growing celery seedlings
For a high yield of leafy celery, you need to start with proper seedling growth. It can be placed in large boxes or pots and left in a dry and warm place. The best time to start cooking is the first days of spring. When the temperature outside is consistently warm at any time of the day, the plants will be strong enough to be transplanted into open ground.
Preparation of seeds for sowing in open ground includes several stages:
- at the beginning of March, leaf celery is sown for seedlings in pots or boxes, sprinkle with a small amount of peat and leave at a temperature of 20 degrees;
- when germinating seedlings - lower the temperature by a few degrees;
- when the first true leaves appear, a pick of leaf celery is carried out - a small part of the root is pinched off, thereby improving the formation of the root system;
- when ready, seedlings are planted in open ground.
The plant prefers fertile, nutritious soils, sufficiently moist and lighted areas. For growing from celery seeds, you can prepare the soil yourself by mixing humus or peat with turf in equal proportions. After the pick, young plants remain at room temperature - they need to adapt and get stronger before planting in open ground.
Growing from celery seeds and caring for seedlings
When growing from leaf celery seeds, you need to understand that some of the planting material will not sprout. Some seeds may be damaged or weak and will need to be removed.
Caring for young plants includes several stages:
- compliance with temperature and illumination;
- watering plants;
- fertilization.
After picking, it is better to hide the seedlings from direct sunlight for several days. Then they can be kept at room temperature without fear of excessive lighting. Moreover, a few weeks before planting, the seedlings can begin to adapt to the ambient temperature. To do this, they begin to take it out into the street, at first leaving it for a short while and only in good weather. In the future, the plant perfectly tolerates temperature changes and withstands cold snaps down to -5 ° C.
An important step in caring for seedlings is watering them. Seedlings should be kept in constantly moist soil, as they do not tolerate drought well and can die. However, due to their weak root system, they cannot withstand direct watering. The water can be left in the sump, and then the soil will be constantly and evenly moisturized. Some simply use a syringe to water the seedlings, being careful not to distribute the water to the roots.
10 days after the pick, you can fertilize the seedlings. It is better to choose commercial products based on phosphates - they are necessary for plants to form green mass. These drugs are sold in powder or granular form, and also as a spray. You can also pick up complex fertilizerwhich is suitable specifically for celery.
When carrying out a pick of celery, it is necessary to ensure that the central kidney does not remain in the ground. It is also called the leaf growth point: if it remains hidden, the plant will no longer form shoots.
Outdoor planting and plant care
Planting leaf celery in open ground can be carried out only when 4 to 6 true leaves do not appear on the plant. In addition, the outside temperature must remain above freezing around the clock. Tentatively, the procedure is carried out in mid-May.
Leaf celery is a crop for which it is important to choose the right neighbors. Some plants can inhibit the growth of greenery. The rest of the crops are either neutral or accelerate the growth and development of green mass.
There are several recommendations for planting celery next to it so that it grows as bulky and healthy as possible:
- corn, potatoes, carrots, parsley - unwanted neighbors, because in their presence the plant remains small and unstable;
- beans, tomatoes, spinach, cucumbers, beets and various types of greens are the best option;
- white cabbage is the best solution: it provokes the growth and development of the green mass of celery, and its presence drives away pests from it.
The rate of leaf celery sprouting may differ. So, the Parus variety is suitable for use already 40-45 days after germination. Celery Bordeaux can be harvested only 70 days after the formation of the first shoots, it belongs to the mid-season. However, there are also late-ripening varieties, the harvest of which will have to wait at least 90 days. This factor should be taken into account when choosing planting material.
Caring for leaf celery includes regular watering and weeding. Twice during the growing season, you will need to treat the plants with phosphate-potassium fertilizers. They increase the resistance of plants and their yield indicators, as well as protect them from several diseases and pests. The first time the drug is applied 2 weeks after planting seedlings in open ground, the second - after another 3 weeks.
Despite the fact that growing celery requires constant participation, even a beginner can cope with this process.The main thing is to choose the right variety so that it meets the requirements and fits the climatic conditions. It is recommended to add fresh herbs to salads, as well as to hot dishes.