Growing camellia from seeds at home

Tell me how to plant camellia seeds correctly? What needs to be done for this? Thank.

camellia The beautiful camellia is a bright representative of the Tea family and is able to compete with ornamental plants. A graceful tree or bush covered with glossy leaves, similar to plastic ones. And with the onset of flowering from large camellia inflorescences of the most diverse colors and shapes, you simply cannot take your eyes off.

Varietal camellias are propagated by cuttings - this allows you to preserve all parental characteristics and achieve early flowering. But species camellias such as, teahouse, can be obtained using seeds.

Before you start planting seeds, you should carefully study all the intricacies of seed growing camellias, namely:

  • select and prepare quality seeds;
  • sowing seeds correctly;
  • provide proper care for seedlings.

Selection and preparation of seeds

camellia seeds

Experienced flower growers who practice growing camellias at home recommend purchasing seeds in specialized stores, or even better - right in the greenhouses of botanical gardens.

Only mature seeds with a dark brown color are suitable for sowing. White color indicates immaturity.

Purchased fresh seeds should be stored in a sealed container in the refrigerator until sowing to prevent drying out. Dry seeds from bags must be soaked in water overnight, for fresh seeds this procedure is not required. In addition, immediately before sowing, dry seeds should break the integrity of the shell in order for them to germinate faster (for example, carefully file or puncture).

Sowing seeds

seedling camellia

To germinate seeds, you can use:

  • substrate for azaleas or camellias;
  • heather compost;
  • vermiculite;
  • a mixture of perlite and sphagnum moss;
  • a mixture of peat and river sand.

Fill small pots with a diameter of 7-9 cm with soil mixture and water it. Put the prepared seeds in containers, while the peephole should be located on the bottom or side. It is not necessary to deepen much, it is enough to slightly press it into the ground and sprinkle the seed a little on top with a substrate. Cover the pot with a film on top and put it on a partially darkened windowsill in a room with a temperature of at least 22 degrees Celsius.

Further care of seedlings


The soil in pots must be kept moist at all times, while avoiding stagnant moisture. Periodically ventilate the greenhouse by lifting the package. It will be possible to completely remove it after the seedlings hatch. This can take several months.

When the camellia seedlings grow up to 7 cm in height and form 4 true leaves, the seedlings must be transplanted into larger containers (up to 1 liter). The next transplant is carried out not earlier than the seedlings grow well and get stronger.

During the first transplant, the camellia seedlings must be dived - cut the tip of the root system to stimulate its branching.

Camellias grown with seeds bloom only from the fifth year of life.

Difficulties in growing camellia at home - video

  1. Tatyana

    Good day!
    How can you buy a camellia for growing at home?


