Growing strawberries on your own

strawberries in a jar photo Growing strawberries may seem simple at first glance. After all, the goal of any gardener is to get the most out of planting, which means to achieve a high yield of bushes and grow berries that should be large, sweet and juicy. This requires certain knowledge of growing strawberries not only from seedlingsbut also from seeds that are offered by online stores around the world. It is more and more popular to grow strawberries at home on the balcony in special pots or on vertical surfaces.

On this topic: video: how to plant strawberries in the spring?

Plant life cycle and material selection

Successful growing strawberries perhaps if you understand the life cycle of a plant. Like most hardy perennials, strawberries die off in winter and grow vigorously as soon as the sun's rays warm up the spring soil. Strawberries need at least 8 hours of full sun daily. The most favorable are areas with slightly acidic soil, the pH of which ranges between 5.5 and 6.8.

strawberry seedlings photos

Before choosing a variety for planting, determine what requirements you have for the plant. There are two main types of strawberries, namely summer fruit and year round. Summer varieties can be early, middle and late, which bear fruit towards the end of summer. In any case, when buying and choosing seedlings, consult the seller in the garden center, who will help with advice.

It is necessary to buy seedlings of strawberry bushes immediately before planting.

It doesn't matter if you have to growing strawberries in pots or in the open field, young plants should not be kept unnecessarily for a long time, but planted as quickly as possible so that it retains enough energy for growth and rooting when planting. When choosing a plant, carefully examine the bushes. The leaves should be bright green without brown or yellowish spots, the edges of the leaves should not be dry, and the plant should be wilted. The roots are moist, well developed.

You have determined where the bushes will be planted and the soil must be prepared in advance. Growing strawberries in boxes is convenient for some reason, they are easy to move and there is the possibility of keeping the plants indoors if the need arises.

Strawberry Anatomy

  1. The strawberry bush develops from a crown or rosette. When planting, pay special attention to its depth, it should be just above the soil level.

Reproduction of bushes is carried out by growing rosettes on the mustache of mother bushes. The closer it is to the mother bush, the stronger and better the young plant will be. Allow a maximum of three rosettes on one shoot to get good planting material. Each new bush must be deepened and do not forget to moisten the soil for the growth of the root system.

  1. Quite unusually located seed... Unlike many fruits, they are found on the outside of the berry. If you have to grow strawberries from seeds, know that it is much more difficult and you will see the fruits a year later than when planting seedlings.

Choosing a place and time


Depending on the variety, the time of planting seedlings will depend. Most of the plants are planted towards the end of summer, remontant plants are planted in autumn, which makes it possible for the seedlings to get used to the new site and create a healthy root system.

A place

vertical cultivation of strawberriesThe area for strawberry bushes should be warm and sunny, sheltered from the winds.The plant loves direct rays of light, does not develop well in the shade. You won't be able to get a good harvest if your strawberries don't get enough sun.

The soil

A slightly acidic soil, sandy loam and loamy, is suitable for planting. But under any conditions, additional enrichment with compost will be required, and if the soil is acidic, the introduction of dolomite flour. It is imperative to remove weeds and enrich the land with oxygen.


Place the root ball in water for about an hour before planting any young bushes from containers. This will ease the shock of the plant from moving from the pot to the ground and the roots will be well hydrated. We plant the strawberry bush in the ground, leaving the crown on the surface above the soil line. We compact the earth around the bush with our hands. The distance between the bushes is at least 35–40 cm, this will allow you to get a lush bush and high yields. Straw or dry grass should be laid out under the bushes, which will prevent the fruits from rotting from contact with the ground.


Moistening the soil should be regular, do not allow the earth clod to dry out and avoid mud puddles. Optimum watering should be done if the topsoil has dried 1 cm deep. Water should fall under the bush, and not on the berries, to avoid fruit rot.

Top dressing

Water solublefertilizers a high nitrogen content will promote leaf and root growth rather than focus on fruit formation.

Important! Remove the first flowers that appear on the plant. This will give the bush a chance to grow more vigorous and develop a root. We leave the following flowers.

The mustache is removed during flowering and ripening of the berries. They deplete the strawberry bush and rob it of nutrients.


The strawberry is a fairly hardy plant and continues to produce berries year after year. The bushes should be completely replaced after at least 3-4 years. If problems arise with the development of the plant, infection and viruses, then strawberries are completely replaced with young bushes earlier, without waiting for the deadline.

How to properly plant strawberries in a pot

potted strawberries in bloomThe plant has small roots, so it does well in small pots and containers. This is very convenient because you can place strawberry bushes on your terrace or balcony. Growing strawberries at home allows you to plant seedlings in a pot at any time of the year, but the best time is spring.

  • Choose a pot with a drainage hole and fill the bottom with broken tiles, expanded clay or pebbles.
  • The diameter of the pot must be at least 18 cm. We fill it with two-thirds of earth. Strawberries thrive in potting mix at a pH of 5.3-6.5.
  • Spill water until it starts flowing from the bottom of the pot.
  • Gently lift the strawberry bush out of the temporary container, carefully shake off excess soil, and separate the roots with your fingers.
  • Place the bushes in the water so that the plant is saturated with water. Leave for at least an hour.
  • Spread the roots on the ground in a pot in different directions from the bush outlet.
  • Sprinkle with earth to the level of the outlet and seal.
  • We water it abundantly with water, where the dips have formed we add earth.
  • Now you can place the pot in a sunny spot on the balcony.

Vertical cultivation of strawberries allows you to increase the number of bushes per sq. square meter. This is especially useful in small areas or terraces. For this, special containers or self-made devices are suitable. For these purposes, a wide pipe is suitable, in which holes are cut. Principle planting strawberries the same as in the pot.

How to get strawberry seedlings from seeds

  1. strawberry seedFill the container with earth and pour thoroughly with water.
  2. Use your finger to make a groove about 6 mm at intervals of 15 cm.
  3. Dip 3 seeds into each hole with tweezers.
  4. Sprinkle with earth and compact a little, but do not press hard to make it easier for the plant to come out.
  5. Cover the container with foil and place in a sunny place.Water periodically, but do not water the plants.
  6. As soon as the sprouts appear, remove the film. Watch the moisture in the ground.

Growing strawberries is fun. Because how carefully you will treat your plants, the quality of the fruits, their size and taste will depend.

All about growing strawberries - video

  1. Albina Andreevna Knyazeva

    Growing strawberries is a fun process. She, like no other plant, is grateful and quickly responds to care. Therefore, spring feeding with nitrogen fertilizers should not be very abundant. The strawberries will begin to grow foliage at the expense of the crop. In the spring, while the leaves are still growing, it is necessary to treat the plantation from overwintering pests and diseases. As soon as the first color appears on the berry, no processing can be done until the end of fruiting. Therefore, in order to eat healthy tasty berries, you should take care of the bushes in advance.
    Planting material for breeding a new bed must be well disinfected, even if the mustache is from your mother bush. During the growing season, any plant collects pests and diseases. Therefore, the plantation is aging and requires replacement. Not to transfer old diseases to a young plant is the concern of the gardener. If berries that are fluffy from rot have appeared on the bushes, they must be collected and destroyed by burning or buried deep in the ground. The spores spread quickly and there will be more and more rotten berries. Therefore, it is better to stop watering and harvest the ripening berries daily.


