Growing large onions in summer cottages
Many gardeners grow onions only for greens. For a good harvest of green onions, a large amount of nitrogen-containing fertilizers is applied to the soil. If you plant onions in order to get a good harvest of onions, then you need to follow some rules. With proper plant care, the bulb reaches a mass of 700 g.
Read the article: when and how to plant onion sets in open ground!
Soil preparation
For the onion to be large, it is necessary to properly prepare the landing site. Onions do not like heavy soils and loams. If your site has heavy clay soil, be sure to add sand and moor peat to the soil. Such a soil mixture allows moisture to pass through well, so there will be no stagnation of water in the garden, and the bulbs will not rot. In loose soil, the bulbs will be larger.
Onions also do not tolerate acidic soils. If you sow the onion in acidic soil, then it will poorly absorb nutrients. To normalize the acid-base balance, dolomite flour or slaked lime must be added to the soil.
These components must be brought in in the fall, for digging. Do not in any way add them just before planting the bulbs.
Onions are planted in grooves 10-15 cm wide at a distance of 20 cm from each other. With this planting scheme, every second onion is used for herbs, and the other half is left in the soil until the onion is harvested. To prevent the bulbs from being hit by the onion fly, plant next to the garden carrot... Onions will scare away carrot flies, and carrots will scare off onions. To combat the onion fly, you can add a little salt to the furrows when planting sets.
Onion disinfection
In order to prevent the bulbs from infecting fungal diseases, the sevok is disinfected. You can dip the onion in hydrogen peroxide for 20 minutes or treat the planting material with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The onion is immersed in a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes.
Top dressing
The first feeding of onions is carried out 5-6 days after planting in the ground. Onions are watered with a solution of cow dung. 1 liter of slurry must be diluted with 10 liters of water. Chicken droppings can also be used. A glass of slurry is dissolved in 10 liters of water.
The second feeding is done two weeks after the first. It is better to feed the onion with herbal infusion, but you can also use mineral fertilizers. Dissolve in 10 liters of water:
- 30 g superphosphate;
- 10 g of ammonium nitrate;
- 5 g of potassium fertilizer.
The third feeding is done at the end of June. If you are feeding the onion with herbal infusion, during the third feeding, add potassium sulfide to the soil. It has a good effect on the safety of the bulbs.
In no case, do not allow an excess of nitrogen fertilizers during feeding, since with an excess of nitrogen a good green feather will grow, but the bulb will be small.