Growing both spring and winter rye: an opportunity to comprehend the ancient craft of ancestors
Rye cultivation has 2 goals. It is sown in the garden as green manure in order to clear the area of weeds and increase its fertility. But in most cases, the cereal is cultivated for food. This crop is more winter hardy than wheat. She feels great at -30-35˚С, especially in a snowless winter. In addition, rye's fibrous root system allows it to survive on light and heavy soil types. Thanks to this structure, nutrients are not washed out of the earth, and the top layer of the soil does not evaporate. To get the highest grain yield, the farmer should learn the intricacies of sowing cereal.
Rye yield by region: interesting facts
The genus of the plant has 10 species. Nowadays, only the sowing variety is cultivated, which includes about 39 varieties. Sadly, spring rye is planted only if the winter rye is lost or damaged. Moreover, it is relevant in the area where very severe frosts are observed. Therefore, on the sown areas of Russia, only 1% of all plantings are allocated to it.
For the success of this business, it is worth knowing what is the yield of rye from 1 hectare in individual regions:
- Stavropol Territory - 48.3 c / ha.
- Lipetsk region - 44.6 c / ha.
- Moscow region - 42 c / ha.
- Krasnodar Territory and Kaliningrad Region - 38 c / ha.
On farms in Denmark, as well as in Germany, stalks of perennial rye are used as a feed mixture for pigs - a new variety. The yield of its green mass is 20 t / ha, and the yield of hay is 80 c / ha.
In other places, this indicator varies from 22 to 30 kg / ha. Data are for 2016. According to experts, in comparison with last year, the rye yield increased by 29-67%, depending on the region. At the same time, planting of winter rye is carried out on sandy soils. Due to its unpretentiousness, agriculture calmly tolerates heat and frost.
As the vice-president of the Russian Grain Union noted, in recent years, hybrid varieties of cereals have been bred, the yield of which is over 100 c / ha.
Growing rye: preparing and planting seeds
Productivity largely depends on compliance with the crop rotation system.
To get a high-quality harvest, rye (winter) sowing is carried out after the predecessor crops:
- buckwheat;
- peas;
- spring wheat;
- legumes;
- lupine;
- potatoes (early variety);
- corn;
- clover.
The spring variety grows well after rapeseed, clover, perennial grass and corn. Sowing rye in spring is often in the second half of May. However, the exact date of planting is determined depending on the characteristics of the individual variety. Early ripening plants are sown from May 15 to 25, and mid-ripening ones - from May 5-15 (in the Eastern Siberian regions).
Among other things, the climate of the local region affects the timing of planting:
- Far East - until May 20.
- Steppe zone - the last decade of May.
- Siberia - 10-20 days of the month.
For each region, agronomists have developed a special seeding rate. Chernozem lands - 6.5 million viable seeds per hectare, the Urals and Siberia - 6.3 million / ha, other types of soils (steppe and forest-steppe) - 5.5 million / ha.
Nevertheless, if the weather has stabilized, the air temperature is kept, and frosts are not expected, then planting work is carried out much earlier. It is worth knowing that you can plant it in the ground, the top layer of which has warmed up to + 2˚С, because the crops can withstand up to -8˚С.
In addition to spring planting, winter rye is sown in autumn:
- Southern territories - end of September until October 10.
- Central regions of Russia (chernozems) - the second half of August.
- Non-black earth strip - August 5-25.
The seeds are planted 45-50 days before the start of frost. During these 1.5 months, the sprouts will be able to fully ripen, sprout and rise to 25-30 cm.
If sowing is carried out either earlier or later than the expected time, then agriculture will not be able to survive the winter.
Planting rye - an experience acquired for centuries
Since the culture loses its germination after 3-4 years, it is recommended to use last year's grains when growing rye. Freshly harvested seed material is dried under a canopy with good ventilation and access to sunlight. The procedure lasts from 3 to 5 days. After that, experts advise dressing the seeds, because it helps to grow rye for grain, as many farmers want.
As a preventive measure, special means are used:
- "TMTD". Consumption of the preparation: 2 kg per 1 ton of seed. The product protects the culture from root rot and stem smut damage.
- Other growth regulators as well as nutrients.
- Funzadol. For 1 ton of grains, 2.3-3 kg of funds are needed. As a result, the crops cannot be affected by snow mold.
Dryers are used for drying. The temperature in them is set at 45-60 ° C, and the time is 2.5-4 hours.
Now you need to properly process the landing area. Some people practice plowing the garden in the fall. The work is carried out in September or October, deepening the soil by 25-30 cm. In the spring, the soil is harrowed at a depth of only 5 cm. This helps to destroy the top layer of the earthen crust, as well as to destroy shoots and weed seeds.
Depending on how the rye grows, 3 sowing methods are used:
- Private. Furrows are made at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other.
- Narrow-row. The row spacing is 8 cm.
- Cross. One part of the seeds is sown along the field, and the other is sown across.
Due to the dryness of the arable soil, the grains may not take root in the ground. In this case, it is recommended to roll the section.
The seeding depth depends on the type of soil. For soils of medium density, this indicator is 4-5 cm, for heavy soils - 2-3 cm, for light - 5-6 cm.If the weather is dry during planting, then the embedding depth for each species increases by 2 cm.
The long-awaited harvest is ready
The life cycle of agriculture consists of several stages. It starts growing faster than weeds, so it drowns them out. Literally 18 days after tillering, a tube appears. Heading is observed after 15 days. At this stage of ripening, crops acquire a bluish tint, while wheat turns green. Flowering begins in 13 days and lasts 12 days.
Agronomists have researched and know exactly when rye ripens. From the moment of earing to full ripeness, 2 months pass.
The grain ripens at the end of its waxy maturity. At this stage, nutrients are not supplied to it. If you start harvesting winter rye too late, then the grain will crumble. An unripe crop has too wet and long stems. These, in turn, will wrap around the harvester drum and hinder the threshing process. After mowing, rolls are formed, in which the grain ripens from 2 to 7 days. Then they carry out its threshing. And now rye is ready, but what is made of it.
Harvesting is carried out when the stubble reaches 18-20 cm, and the density of such sowing should be 300 stems / 1 m².
The use of rye: tasty and healthy
The dried grains are ground into flour, from which they make flakes or bake very nutritious and healthy brown bread. It is considered a product of wealthy people. Moreover, the bran, straw and chaff of the crop are used to feed livestock. In addition, many will be interested in learning how to germinate rye. First, the grains are sorted out, and then soaked (water should cover them by 1.5 cm).
The technology of this process is very simple.:
- the container is placed in a warm room;
- for 12 hours, change the fluid every 3 hours;
- after the time has elapsed, the grains are washed under running water;
- they are placed in a bowl and covered with moistened gauze (the cloth is folded 5-6 times);
- the dishes are left in this state for 4-6 hours.
Since it is quite easy to germinate rye, this procedure is repeated several times per season. Store it in the refrigerator for 5 days. Wash thoroughly before use. Doctors recommend that you chew the grains well so that the beneficial ingredients are absorbed faster.
This concludes the process of growing rye. However, farmers are looking forward to autumn or spring to sow their crops again.