Growing sweet corn

sweet corn field Corn is rightfully considered one of the world's grain crops, along with rice and wheat. Corn dishes are cooked all over the world. This crop is grown for export in 70 countries around the world. It was planned to grow corn on an industrial scale in the USSR as well. Under N.S. Khrushchev called her respectfully "The Queen of the Fields" and "Russian Gold".

Corn is a heat-loving plant that does not tolerate a sharp drop in temperature. On summer cottages and household plots, mainly sweet corn is grown.

Sowing corn

Sweet corn is planted when the soil warms up to the depth of sowing seeds. They deepen the corn grains by 8 cm.By the time of sowing, the soil temperature should be +10ABOUTC- +12ABOUTFROM.

The corn is planted in the holes. A handful of rotted cow dung and wood ash are added to each hole. In order for the corn to grow, the soil must be moist, so the holes are watered with warm water. After the water is absorbed, three corn grains are planted in the holes, and after the first shoots appear, the corn is thinned out.

Optimum temperature for corn growth from +24ABOUTFrom to +30ABOUTC. In case of a threat of spring frosts in May, the corn is mulched. The plant will survive a short temperature drop to +5ABOUTC and will recover from the apical buds, but the harvest will not be plentiful.

Corn care

In order to get a large yield of sweet corn, follow the cultivation technology:

  • harbor or mulch corn before spring frosts;
  • maintain constant soil moisture, water the corn daily;
  • apply potash and magnesium-containing fertilizers to the soil every two weeks so that the corn “picks up sugar”.

If the plants do not freeze, it will be possible to start harvesting in early August. It is best to harvest corn at the milky stage, when its grains are still filled with sweet juice. Corn cobs coarsen very quickly, so it is better to harvest before the second half of August.

Corn very much depletes the soil, therefore, nitroammofoska and potassium chloride are introduced to the garden where the corn grew, for the autumn digging. It is not recommended to plant corn in one place for several years in a row.

Legumes are considered the best precursors for corn. It has been noticed that corn will grow better if it is planted next to the pumpkin. After corn, zucchini and tomatoes are planted in the garden.


