Growing spinach on a windowsill requires precise knowledge
Fragrant greens from the supermarket contain up to 60% nitrates, but vitamins are a tiny drop. Therefore, millions of housewives decide to start growing spinach on the windowsill, which boils down to proper sowing, care and harvesting.
In horticulture, the plant is classified according to the ripening period: early, mid-season and late varieties. Nevertheless, the optimum temperature for their successful growth is 16-18 ° C.
The amazing growing of spinach on a windowsill
The buyer faces the choice of a variety
The first stage begins with the selection of a suitable planting material. Experienced farmers identify several varieties that grow successfully in greenhouse conditions. For growing spinach from seed on the windowsill recommend choosing the following varieties:
- Gigantic. For a long time does not start up the arrow, is resistant to the accumulation of nitrates and has cold-resistant properties. A dense bush is cut at the root 3 weeks after planting.
- Fatty. A bunch of greens is rich in healthy proteins and vitamins. The variety is approved for use in baby food. Ripening period - 31 days.
- Matador. Prefers fertile soil and abundant watering. From germination to full maturation, it takes 40-50 days. The compact rosette consists of thick leaves that are cut to nothing.
- The Virofle monsters. It is considered the earliest, since in winter spinach on the windowsill can be harvested already 28 days or later. A bush of smooth greenery reaches 16-18 cm in diameter.
To harvest all year round, many growers recommend several crops per season. The interval between them is from 10 to 15 days.
Nevertheless, the indicated periods are relative, since the quality of the substrate affects the germination capacity. Also, climatic conditions play an important role. In addition, special attention should be paid to how to grow spinach on a windowsill in an apartment.
Preparatory stage - working with seeds and soil
Breeders assure that sowing can be carried out both in the autumn-winter and spring-summer seasons. The main thing is to choose varieties with large and fleshy leafy plates. Good seedlings will appear faster if:
- soak seeds in warm liquid for 24 hours;
- then maintain 2-4 hours in a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate;
- then let the grains dry by wrapping them in a paper towel.
Thanks to such "spa treatments" the planting material will swell enough. As a result, the hard shell will soften so much that it will allow the sprout to break through it very quickly. Disinfecting water destroys all germs and harmful spores in the seeds.
It happens that the gardener does not have the opportunity to soak. In this case, experts recommend abundantly moistening the soil in the container before sowing.
Cooking soil substrate
First, the hostess needs to decide what system she will use to grow spinach on the windowsill, either with or without a transplant. In the first case, a small container is used. After sprouting, the sprouts dive to a permanent place. In the second option, it is better to take flower pot or not deep but wide vessel. The main thing is that there are drainage holes in it. The pot is filled in this way:
- the bottom is covered with expanded clay, gravel or broken brick (layer thickness 2-3 cm), then moisture will not stagnate in the lower part;
- mix vermicompost (1 part) and coconut fiber (2 hours);
- instead of an organic component, perlite or vermiculite is sometimes used (1-2 tsp are added per 1 m² of soil).
You cannot buy soil mixtures that include peat additives. This natural material oxidizes the soil and, according to scientists, promotes the leaching of vitamins from the plant.
One of the features of the soil substrate is the ability to retain moisture for a long period. However, in such an environment, organic matter begins to rot. To minimize the appearance of fungi and rot, housewives try to use rocks of volcanic origin.
Economy option
At the same time, many people practice using the following soil composition: garden soil, humus (cow or deciduous), and sand. The first component will need 2 parts, and the rest - one at a time. Before planting, the soil mixture is scalded with boiling water or disinfected with a solution, and then left in the oven at 100 ° C for half an hour.
For the most beneficial effect, the earth is pre-shed. Spread on a baking sheet. The layer thickness is up to 5 cm. Then the dishes are placed in the baking sleeve and sent to the oven. This serves as an effective disinfection method.
Planting and caring for spinach on the windowsill is a great thing
It has already been said above that the culture can be sown at any time of the year. Still, it is worth considering the climatic features of each of them. On hot days of summer, the plant will have to be shaded, and in prolonged periods of a cloudy winter, it will be supplemented with special lamps (daylight hours should last 8-12 hours).
Having decided on the sowing season, you can get down to business. The event includes 6 simple procedures:
- The surface of the substrate is loosened and moisturized abundantly.
- With the help of a pencil, grooves or holes are formed. Embedding depth - 1.5-2 cm.
- Spread the seeds, slightly sprinkling with soil.
- Spray the planting with warm water.
- Cover with glassware or foil.
- After 5-6 days, the greenhouse is removed, but they do it gradually so that the sprouts can adapt.
The plant can easily tolerate a decrease in temperature: 8-10 ° C. Thus, glazed loggias, where a humid microclimate is constantly kept, are chosen as the best place for seedlings. This is the secret of how to grow spinach on the balcony.
Experienced gardeners also practice building tall greenhouses over containers. As a result, the most humid environment is preserved under their dome.
Seedlings dive when 2 full-fledged leaves appear. When they get stronger and take root in the new soil, the sprouts are fed with liquid fertilizer. Alternatively, ammonia (25%), "Fitosporin" or hydrogen peroxide (3%) are used. A very weak solution is prepared - 20 drops are diluted in 1 liter of water.
Rule of "Two U" - care and harvest
In many regions, winters are too harsh, so a more reliable location is selected for seedlings - a windowsill. But during the heating season it is too hot there and the moisture evaporates quickly. So, the hostess will have to spray her planting twice a day.
Among other things, there are several rules for how to grow spinach at home. An increase in room temperature to 18-20 ° С is favorable conditions for the formation of flower ovaries. The appearance of arrows and buds significantly impairs the taste of the leaves.
Without maintaining high humidity, the greens will begin to shrink and lose their juiciness. It is achieved through frequent spraying.
The first crop is harvested after 30 days from germination. With this period, up to 5-6 full-fledged leaves have time to form in the outlet. In this case, the bush stretches up to 10 cm.When the plant releases an arrow, it is completely harvested, and other seeds are sown into the soil.
As you can see, growing spinach on a windowsill is not at all difficult. You just need to pick a variety, pot and planting substrate. After sowing, seedlings must be watered and sprayed generously. And in the end, after a month, you can cut off the fresh leaves of the fleshy greens.