Plum growing in Siberia - popular varieties

For several years in a row, plums have been freezing in our garden (Hungarian and thorny plums were planted). So, from our own experience, we were convinced that these trees do not always survive in the harsh Siberian winters. Tell me what varieties of plums can be grown in Siberia?

plum in siberia Despite the fact that the plum is, in general, quite winter-hardy, the Siberian climate, with its frosts and heavy rainfall in the form of snow, does not tolerate most of its species. Here gardeners will have to select special varieties that have a number of advantages over plums grown in the European part.

Plum varieties for Siberia, they should not only have increased winter hardiness, but also resistance to a sharp temperature drop in early spring, as well as damping and freezing as a result of abundant snow cover. In addition, they have to withstand strong winds well in low temperature conditions.

The best types of plums for growing in the Siberian climate are:

  • varieties of the Ussuri plum;
  • cherry-plum hybrids.

Features of the Ussuri plum

plum altai jubilee

Types of the Ussuri plums have increased winter hardiness and easily tolerate frosts down to -44 degrees, but this is possible only with a sufficient level of moisture. In the event of drought, the resistance of trees to freezing decreases significantly, the taste and quantitative characteristics of the fruits deteriorate, and sometimes the ovary even completely falls off. With a sufficient amount of moisture, they bear fruit abundantly from 3 years of age. Also resistant to damping.

Since most varieties are distinguished by early flowering, flower buds can be damaged by severe return frosts (if the air temperature drops below 3 degrees below zero), which should be taken into account when growing plums in regions with late spring.

From the Ussuri plums, the following varieties tolerate Siberian winters well:

  • Altai anniversary;
  • Yellow Hopty;
  • Pyramidal;
  • Dawn of Altai;
  • Red-cheeked.

Features of cherry-plum hybrids

hybrid plum mainor

Hybrids of plum and sand cherry are compact in size, their bush height does not exceed 2 m, due to which in winter most of the crown is protected from frost by snow.

Flowering in hybrids occurs a week later than in the Ussuri plum, which also contributes to the preservation of the future harvest, although flower buds already have increased winter hardiness. Plums begin to bear fruit from the second year of life; in most varieties, the fruits are dark in color and ripen at the end of summer.

The most winter-hardy are domestic breeding hybrids. As for American varieties, the aerial part of them often freezes out, but it quickly recovers.

Most often, such hybrid varieties are grown in Siberia:

  • Bee;
  • Chulym;
  • Amateur;
  • Admiral Schlei;
  • Mainor.

Cultivation of the Ussuri plum - video


