Growing thuja from seeds is interesting

growing thuja from seeds Thuja is a coniferous plant that not only has a stunning aroma, but also a beautiful appearance. That is why growing thuja from seeds is so popular. How exactly to grow a tree on your own, and what aspects of this procedure are important to know before planting, we will figure it out in the article.

Thuja breeding methods

reproduction of thuja seeds

There are several ways to propagate thuja. This is done using seeds and cuttings. The second method is most often used. It's easier and faster.

But, it is not always possible to purchase healthy cuttings, or to acquire them in sufficient quantities. In addition, seed breeding is gaining popularity. This ensures that the plant grows healthy and beautiful.

Seed preparation

collection of thuja seedsAt the first stage, it is important to properly prepare the seeds for planting. Since the plant itself perfectly tolerates cold and is considered frost-resistant, it is better to plant seeds before the cold comes.

Therefore, it is better to collect seeds at the end of summer. The procedure must be carried out before the bumps begin to open. And the easiest way to get the seeds will be from dry fruits.

To prevent the seeds from spoiling, they must be well dried. Therefore, immediately after assembly, lay them out on paper in a warm place. A window sill is perfect for sun rays. The main thing is not to dry them out, otherwise nothing will work.

Soil preparation and planting of thuja from seeds

sowing seedsThere are two options for planting seeds: directly into the open ground or into small wooden boxes. In the second case, only a few months later, when all the seedlings appear above the surface and get a little stronger, thuja, propagated by seeds at home, will be ready for planting.

To plant thuja with seeds, you need to specially prepare the soil in the right place. To do this, mix in a box one part of peat and turf soil with two parts of sand.

The resulting mass must be mixed thoroughly.

After that, compact the soil a little, and make deepened rows at a distance of 6-7 cm, in which to plant the seeds evenly. After that, sprinkle them a little with a layer of earth, about 1 cm and moisten a little.

Make sure that the water jet does not wash out the seeds.

Growing thuja from seeds

thuja seedlingsAfter planting, the cultivation of thuja from seeds continues. Already after 25 days, the first shoots can be seen. In this case, the temperature should not drop below 15 ° C.

In order to stimulate the growth of thuja, you need to feed it every two weeks. This is the only way to grow a healthy tree. It is best to use mineral fertilizers for these purposes, which include nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

young seedlings on the windowsillThuja from seeds grows rather slowly, no more than 8 cm in the first season. The sprouts must survive the first wintering in the box, where they were sown.

Experienced gardeners say that in the first spring, it is better to plant thuja seedlings in open ground in rows on separate beds, so that they grow even more.

In order for thuja seeds to reproduce successfully, it is better to choose a place in partial shade. It is important to additionally fertilize it before planting. For 1 square meter of soil, 1 bucket of humus, 45 grams of nitrophoska and 250 grams should be added wood ash... Distribute everything evenly, and then dig up the bed so that all the components are mixed.

Thuja transplant

landing in open groundFurther, the cultivation of thuja from seeds involves planting the shoots in open ground, at a permanent place of growth.This can be done in spring and autumn.

Thuja grows well on light sandy soils, especially with the addition of leafy and soddy soil. It is best to transfer a change of place by trees with a closed root system.planting a seedling with a closed root

To grow thuja from seeds, you must follow the following sequence:

  1. Thuja is planted in a recess, but no more than 70 cm. If you plan to make a kind of fence of coniferous trees, then the pit should be up to a meter deep. As for the width, it should be twice the diameter of the rhizome. Don't forget about drainage, which is essential for plants. Its amount should be about half of the total depth.
  2. Planting thuja seeds in autumn, like in spring, requires fertilization. If it is not possible to perform all the manipulations on your own, you can buy a ready-made mixture for planting conifers.
  3. During landing, the distance must be at least 1 meter. It is best that it be 2-2.5 meters. So, grown trees will not interfere with each other. When planting, the root collar should be aligned with the ground.
  4. Thuja perfectly tolerates drought and an adult plant needs additional watering only in the hottest weeks of summer. But, a young tree that has recently been transplanted needs additional moisture twice a week.
  5. Before growing thuja from seeds, it must be fed regularly for 2 years. The soil around the conifers is loosened only occasionally, and no deeper than 10 cm. The main rule when growing thuja is dry soil and a lot of shade can lead to the tree losing its unique color.
  6. Particular attention should be paid to the first wintering of the tree. In preparation for it, it is better to tie the branches with a rope so that winter blizzards do not disheve them. It is very important to cover it with spruce branches to protect it from frost.

Of course, in order to get a beautiful tree in the end, you need to pay attention. But, following these simple rules will help you get things done.

Thuja care

thuja careIn order for the thuja to continue to please the eye, it is important to constantly look after it. It is important to form the crown from the very beginning; for this, excess branches are regularly trimmed.

Each spring, the branches are shortened by two-thirds, allowing new shoots to grow. A sharp pruner works best for this. In addition, dry branches are constantly removed to renew the plant.

the result of hard workDue to the great popularity of conifers, many are interested in how to germinate thuja seeds. The process is long, but not difficult. You just need to follow the instructions and use the tips given in the article.

Stages of growing thuja from seeds - video


