Growing delicious corn at their summer cottage
Corn does not grow in the wild. It can only be grown from seeds. In order to get a crop two weeks earlier, you need to grow seedlings. Corn rooted best in warm sawdust. To obtain seedlings, the seeds are planted at a distance of 2 cm from each other in a layer of sawdust 5 cm thick to a depth of 2 cm.
In two days, a grain of corn will take root. Then the seeds are planted in separate containers filled with fertile soil. The soil should cover the seed with a layer of 0.5 cm. After planting, the soil is well watered.
After a week, the corn seedlings should be 5cm to 10cm high. Planting corn in open ground is carried out in mid-May.
Planting corn outdoors
Seedlings of corn are planted in prepared holes 5 cm deep. The distance between the holes in a row should be 25cm, and between rows - 60cm.
Add one handful of rotted cow dung and wood ash to each hole. If you do not fertilize the soil, corn will take a long time to take root. This is a feature of this culture.
After making fertilizers, the holes are watered with warm water. After the water is absorbed into the soil, the seedlings are planted in the holes, and then watered again. Caring for corn is very simple:
- water the plants every three days;
- loosen the soil;
- mulch the corn to maintain soil moisture.
About three weeks after planting outdoors, the corn will form two true leaves. After another week, the formation of the first ear will begin.
Important! Corn grows very slowly, so the ear does not develop until it is completely covered with leaves.
The ear will begin to thicken a month and a half after planting the corn. A large number of green spikelets with a height of 5cm to 7cm will form inside the leaves, depending on the variety, then an ear is formed from the spikelets.
Corn forms several cobs. At the beginning of July, the ears will become overgrown with green fibrous hairs - stigmas, which will soon begin to dry out. When the stigmas are brown, the corn is ready for harvest. By this time, the corn stalk should be 5 cm thick.
Corn is very depleting of the soil, so it should not be planted in one place for several years in a row. The best precursor for corn is peas and other legumes.
Corn goes well with pumpkin. Its stem can be an excellent trellis for curly beans and cucumbers.