Growing an apple tree of the winter-hardy and fruitful variety Imrus

apple tree imrus The Imrus apple tree is a hybrid winter variety with high yields, stable fruiting and good immunity to scab and other fungal diseases. Due to the excellent taste of the fruits and their long shelf life, the variety has become widespread not only in private household plots, but also in large industrial plantings.

What attracts our attention to the Imrus apple tree

apple tree imrus high-yielding variety

The Imrus apple tree was bred in 1977 at the All-Russian Institute of Fruit Breeding and was the result of long-term work on crossing the common Antonovka and the hybrid OR18T13.

Description of the apple variety Imrus:

  1. The average tree height usually does not exceed 3-4 m. The annual growth of the apple tree is about 10 cm.
  2. The crown is spreading, round, of medium density.
  3. Branches are sparse, curved, located at a distance from each other. Skeletal shoots form an acute angle with the trunk.
  4. The stem bark is greenish-brown with a rough surface.
  5. The leaves are small in size, oblong, green, with dense veins and a pointed tip. Glossy surface.
  6. Shield-shaped inflorescences consist of 5-6 flowers, pink-white. Blooms in May.
  7. Fruits are medium in size, slightly flattened. The average apple weight is 160-200 g. The skin is greenish or light yellow, the pulp is juicy, creamy, with a delicate sweet and sour taste.

Fruiting of the Imrus apple tree begins 2-4 years after planting. The maximum yield is observed in 6-8 years. Depending on the characteristics of care and cultivation, up to 28-35 kg of apples can be harvested from one tree per season.

The apples can be picked in the second half of September, but they are not yet ready to eat. After 2-4 weeks of storage, the fruits gain consumer maturity, which can be determined by the color change of the skin from green to yellow.

Planting and leaving

Planting and caring for the Imrus apple tree is not difficult, due to which the variety has gained wide popularity among both experienced farmers and novice gardeners. An unpretentious tree does not have special requirements for soil, lighting and maintenance.

Seat selection

ripening of fruitsFor active growth and high fruiting of the Imrus apple tree, it is best to choose a well-lit and ventilated area. The tree must be reliably protected from drafts, sunshine and stagnation of cold air masses.

The soil is better to choose loamy or sandy loam, breathable and loose. You can also use areas with black soil, but in this case, the soil must be mixed with river sand and clay.

The Imrus apple tree should not be grown in rocky, swampy areas, as well as in those places where groundwater is located less than 2 m from the surface of the soil and nearby open reservoirs.

Landing dates

apple planting datesPlanting the Imrus apple tree can be carried out both in spring and autumn. The best time for spring planting is the last week of April or the beginning of May, when the soil warms up enough and the air temperature is stable at a level not lower than + 13 ° C.

For autumn planting, seedlings are best planted at the end of September or the first half of October, 2-3 weeks before the first frost.

Step-by-step landing

planted apple seedlingThe Imrus apple tree must be planted at a distance of at least 6-7 m from other fruit trees, as it does not tolerate such a "neighborhood".Holes for spring planting of seedlings must be prepared in the fall - their depth should be at least 70-80 cm, diameter up to 90-100 cm. The finished holes are sprinkled with a mixture of soil and fertilizers, then filled with water.pit preparation

For autumn planting, the pits should be prepared in 3-4 weeks. Step-by-step planting of seedlings:

  1. Before planting, apple seedlings must be prepared - carefully inspect, cut off all spoiled and weak roots, then soak for 24 hours in water.
  2. Lower the seedling into the hole so that its root collar protrudes 5-6 cm above the soil level.
  3. Sprinkle the seedling with soil mixture prepared from soil, peat, compost and humus (in equal proportions). It is not necessary to tamp strongly, since Imrus loves airy soil.

sapling planting processAfter planting, the seedlings need to be watered abundantly, pouring 2 buckets of clean, settled water under each tree. After that, the trunk circle should be mulched with chopped grass or humus.

Watering the apple tree

blankDuring the first 1-2 years after planting, the seedlings of the Imrus apple tree require regular watering and special attention to the condition of the soil. Once every 5-6 days, trees need to be watered, pouring a bucket of water under each. After watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil and remove weeds.

Young apple trees should be watered until bud formation, then less often, every 15-20 days. For old trees, the watering rate is increased to 8-10 buckets.

What fertilizing does the Imrus apple tree need?

fertilizing under the apple treeStarting from 3-4 years after planting the apple tree, Imrus can be fed using complex fertilizers. A good effect is given by nitroammofosk. A tablespoon of the product must be diluted with 10 liters of water and used for watering.

You can also use chicken manure in the form of an aqueous solution, mullein. During the period of ovary formation, you can feed the Imrus apple trees with superphosphate. Dilute 50 g of fertilizer in 1 liter of water.

In the case of a bountiful harvest, apple trees require feeding in the fall. For this purpose, you can use a mixture of a tablespoon of superphosphate, the same amount of potassium salt and 500 g of ash.

Apple pruning

apple pruning imrusThe Imrus apple tree needs to be pruned every year, in early spring, before budding. During pruning, all shoots are removed that thicken the crown and interfere with its uniform lighting. All loose, dry and broken branches must also be removed. Annual pruning increases yields and flavor characteristics.

Many gardeners recommend pruning the apple tree in stages. During the spring procedure, all diseased and damaged branches are removed. And in the fall, non-viable shoots are cut off and the crown is thinned out.

ripening of applesApple-tree Imrus is one of the most common varieties in central Russia. It is successfully grown both in private homestead plots and in large farm gardens. The popularity of the Imrus variety is due to its high frost resistance, resistance to fungal diseases and pests. Differs in good yield and excellent taste of fruits.

Apple tree Imrus through the eyes of a gardener - video


