Growing a strawberry tree taking into account the Russian climate
Everything is fine in arbutus (aka strawberry tree): beautiful red bark, original fruits, besides, it is also an unpretentious perennial culture. It can grow in any soil and is drought tolerant. One only overshadows the cultivation of a strawberry tree in our area - its thermophilicity and relatively low frost resistance. If the tree feels great in summer even at 30 ° C, then the Russian winter is unlikely to survive. The minimum values that arbutus tolerates without damage are stable 12 ° frost or short-term frosts up to minus 15 °. Unfortunately, in our climate, such warm winters are often a luxury. However, this is not a reason to refuse to get yourself an original exotic. Greenhouses, winter gardens and just a bright corner in the house in winter will create almost natural growth conditions for it.
Growing a strawberry tree
To maintain acidity, the soil around the seedling can be mulched with coniferous litter.
How to care for arbutus
The strawberry tree loves warmth, light, moisture and fresh air. Indoor plants in tubs for the summer are taken out into the street, but greenhouses need frequent ventilation.
Strawberry does not require much attention, and caring for it consists of the usual procedures for a florist - gardener:
- Regular watering with soft, settled water. With a lack of moisture, the tree will shed its foliage.
- Top dressing in the spring - summer period with organic and mineral complexes. For young seedlings, you can use heather fertilizer.
- Spring sanitary pruning. Dry and diseased branches are removed. Forming the same arbutus is troublesome, but possible, but it grows slowly. It will be enough just to cut out the shoots that grow incorrectly (inward) so that the entire crown is well lit.
Special attention should be paid to the wintering of the strawberry tree. In general, it can be warm all year round, but it is advisable to organize a dormant period. At the same time, it must pass in relative coolness (up to 10 ° C). In this case, feeding is canceled until spring, and watering is significantly reduced. If the strawberry hibernates in a warm room, caring for it continues, as in the summer. But you need to be prepared for the fact that the tree can form an ugly growth. Cold wintering will relieve this phenomenon.