Growing a golden mustache is a well-known simple philosophy

growing a golden mustache Growing a golden mustache is not a laborious process, but nevertheless, with the observance of some nuances. So, if you put the flowerpot on the sunny side, then its leaves will turn yellow or be covered with burgundy stripes. Nevertheless, many growers like this unusual coloring. Yet too long sunbathing leads to the complete drying of the green mass.

When propagating a culture, it is often recommended to cut off the top of the main stem. The wound formed will ooze and only then dry out. A month later, a couple of additional shoots will already be visible from the root part of the flowerpot. They are used as cuttings.

Growing a golden mustache

Lack of light leads to the rapid elongation of the stem. With this kind of lighting, the foliage begins to fade. Because of this, the pot is recommended to be placed at a distance of 1 m from the south window. On the windowsill, the flower is placed only in the eastern part of the house. At the same time, they try to keep the temperature in the room above 25 ° C. In winter, the plant needs rest, so it is transferred to a cool room in which the thermometer does not fall below 12 ° C.

A tropical guest is very picky about air humidity. In this regard, it is watered every day. Moreover, callisia is sprayed in the morning and in the evening. The pallet will help to simplify the irrigation procedure:

  • small pebbles are collected in it;
  • put under the pot;
  • periodically add water.

Then they carefully monitor that the ground does not become swampy. From time to time, the water is acidified with several citric acid granules. Growing golden mustache also includes rubbing the leaves of the flower, because a lot of dust settles on their glossy surface. These small particles impede the full development of culture.

It is advised to loosen the soil every week. This should be done carefully, trying not to damage the roots.

From which side to expect a threat?

Callisia - a treasure for the gardener. In addition to humidity and a warm climate, she will need nothing else. Nevertheless, such unpretentious crops also have a black half hour. There is a group of pests that can be deadly to her. These include:

  • thrips, the "headquarters" of which is most often under the leaves;
  • root rot caused by excessive waterlogging;
  • red spider mite.

You need to deal with such unexpected guests immediately after the first signs appear: the shoots have become lethargic, and the leaves wrinkled (they may fall off). First, parasites are washed off with a warm shower, protecting the roots of the plant. If this does not help, then every day they wipe the leafy plates with a swab dipped in ammonia or peroxide.

Experience shows that the cultivation of a golden mustache should not be neglected. Otherwise, it will look sickly and will not be able to help the gardener with its beneficial properties.


