It is not at all difficult to grow a persimmon from a stone at home.
Recently, flower growers have become increasingly interested in growing exotic crops in indoor conditions. You won't surprise anyone with a lemon in a pot, but not everyone decides to plant a persimmon. And it is completely in vain, because this thermophilic plant feels very comfortable indoors and even bears fruit under the condition of proper agricultural technology. In addition, the bush is very decorative and, on equal terms, can take a place among other indoor plants.
Planting material can always be found in the market or in the store, where there is a wide selection of fruits towards the end of autumn. Instead of throwing away the seeds after eating the sweet pulp, let's try growing indoor persimmons from seeds. This is not at all as difficult as it seems at first glance, and a few tips will help even a beginner to cope.
How to choose and prepare seed material?
If possible, it is better to purchase the most cold-resistant persimmon variety, especially if further planting of a tree in the garden is planned (Virginsky, Rossiyanka, Tamopan). In the case when the persimmon will grow exclusively indoors, the variety is not so important.
The main rule when buying persimmons is that the fruit should not be frozen, otherwise the stone will lose its vitality. It is better to buy a half-ripe persimmon and let it ripen in the apartment.
When the fruit is tender, separate the pulp and process the seeds as follows:
- rinse well;
- dry;
- soak for a day in a solution of potassium permanganate;
- before planting, put in a solution with a growth stimulator for a couple of hours.
The persimmon stone is covered with a very dense shell. To accelerate germination, you need to scrape it with sandpaper.
How to germinate persimmons?
You can germinate a prepared bone using one of the following methods:
- Fold gauze in several layers and moisten it abundantly. Place the bone on top and place everything in a bag. Tie it up and put it in a warm place. Open periodically for ventilation. When a sprout appears, plant a bone in priming.
- Immediately plant persimmons in small cups with nutritious light soil and cover with a bag.
Regardless of which method is used, the seeds should germinate after about 2 weeks, otherwise they are considered non-viable and it is better to replace the seeds with new ones.
How to care for persimmon?
As soon as the shoots hatch, the shelter is removed, and the plant continues to grow, watering and spraying moderately.
Sometimes the shell from the bone does not open enough, pinching the sprout. Carefully remove it with tweezers, otherwise the plant will die.
When a pair of true leaves forms on the seedling, it is transferred into a more spacious pot. The next transshipment is carried out when the persimmon reaches a height of about 40 cm (this will happen very quickly, since the bush is growing at a good pace). In the future, the procedure is carried out every year until the tree reaches 5 years, then - once every two years. In summer, a pot of persimmon can be put outside, but in the winter it can be taken into the house.
I put 5 persimmon seeds in a pot with a palm tree. And for a while I forgot about them. But today I was surprised to find that three of them have already appeared. And then probably the other two will appear. And now I don't know what to do next.
Since the rastishki decided to please you with their birth, just give them the opportunity to do it. Let them grow up a little, and so that they do not stretch out, try to find a bright place for the tub with a palm tree at this time. When the seedlings get stronger, and a couple of real leaves appear, transplant them into separate pots. To learn how to care for persimmon at home, go here