Planting garlic before winter
Winter garlic is planted in October or November, depending on weather conditions.
It is important to plant the garlic two weeks before the onset of stable frost, so that it has time to build up the root system and does not freeze out in winter.
In order to get a good harvest, follow the planting technology:
- prepare furrows for planting garlic cloves;
- process planting material from fungal diseases and pests;
- Submerge the garlic in the soil to keep its root system from freezing.
Top dressing winter garlic spend in early spring.
Preparing the beds for planting
Garlic is planted in the beds. When preparing them, the soil is loosened and watered with a solution of the drug "Fitosporin". Then the bed is left for a week. After the drug is absorbed into the soil, it is loosened again and furrows are made on the bed.
If loam predominates in your area, add rotted cow dung into the furrows when preparing the beds. A large amount of potassium, phosphorus and other trace elements will increase the diameter of the garlic head.
The distance between furrows should be 8 cm, and between the beds 30 cm.
Preparing and planting garlic
Before planting, the garlic is treated with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. The teeth are left in the solution for ten minutes. This treatment kills mold spores and fungal diseases.
Garlic is planted to a depth of 7 cm - 8 cm. There is a planting rule for large-fruited varieties: the planting material is buried in the soil by three prong sizes. At this depth, the roots of garlic will not freeze in winter.
The root system of garlic is fibrous and superficial, so the distance between the teeth in the furrow should be from 7 cm to 10 cm so that the plants receive a sufficient amount of nutrients and sunlight. With this planting, the garlic will be larger.
Fertilizing Garlic
Winter garlic is fertilized as soon as the first shoots appear. A complex mineral fertilizer with a low nitrogen content is applied to the soil. Special fertilizers are often used for onions and garlic.
Remember that with a lack of nitrogen, the tips of the leaves of garlic turn yellow and the plant is susceptible to fungal diseases. If you add too much nitrogen to the soil, only the green mass of the garlic will develop well, and the teeth will be small.
Top dressing with mineral fertilizers is carried out every week until the end of March. On eight running meters of the bed, 10 liters of fertilizer solution are poured, which are diluted in warm water.