Planting a pear seedling in open ground
The pear, like all other fruit trees, is grown in nurseries and sold as annual seedlings grafted onto the stock. When choosing a seedling, you need to pay attention to the root system of the tree. It should be well developed and not dry. The "influx" formed at the junction of the rootstock and the scion should be clearly visible. Then it is guaranteed that you will not buy a “wild”, but a cultivated pear.
When planting, it is very important not to bury the graft in the soil, otherwise the growth of the pear will slow down and it will not bear fruit. The graft should be 4-5 cm above ground level for normal tree growth.
The pear takes root very poorly on light and heavy loams. Suitable soils for growing pears are sandy loam because they are looser. Also, the pear responds well to the introduction of organic matter into the soil, so it is important to fertilize the planting hole.
Soil preparation
Before planting a seedling, a planting hole is dug into the ground 1 m deep.It is filled with two buckets of rotted manure or compost. Also, a quarter of a bucket of wood ash is introduced into the pit. Then mineral dressings are added: potassium sulfate, magnesium and boron for good pear growth and rapid development of the root system. Further, this fertile soil is dug up, mixing all the components.
When is the best time to plant a pear?
There are two main periods planting pears: autumn (in the first ten days of November) and spring (from the end of April to the first ten days of May). For regions with a warm climate, it is better to choose an autumn planting date, because the seedling increases the rate of new roots formation. In autumn, more moisture accumulates in the soil, which improves the survival of the tree.
Spring planting is more suitable for cold climates. Pear is a thermophilic tree, therefore, for better survival of the seedling, it must be planted when the soil temperature rises to +5ABOUTC - (+ 7ABOUTC), and the air temperature will be +10ABOUTC - (+ 15ABOUTFROM).
Planting a tree
The root collar must not be buried during planting. A seedling is placed in a prepared planting hole and covered with fertile soil so that the root collar is at the level of the horizon, and the graft is 4-5 cm above the soil level. After the pear is planted in the ground, it must be watered well. As a rule, from 10 to 15 liters of water is poured under the seedling.
To prevent the wind from breaking a young pear seedling, it is necessary to drive a support next to it and tie the seedling to it.