High warm beds for a "smart" garden
If you want your garden to give big yields, make tall, warm beds. Many gardeners are already using them on their plots. We will analyze the pros and cons of such beds.
Minus one: the complexity of making a high warm bed. The arrangement process takes a lot of time and effort. It is necessary to remove the top layer of soil. Put a frame made of boards, bricks, logs or slate. Lay "organic pies": cardboard and large branches down, cover with earth and mulch on top.
Minus the second: the garden bed dries up quickly in hot weather and needs to be watered more often, and all the plants in the garden need to be mulched. Mulch will help retain moisture.
Plus the first: due to the fact that the beds are above ground level, the sun's rays warm them up faster than the rest of the soil on the site. Therefore, in a vegetable garden with "smart" beds, the planting season can be started earlier.
Plus the second: it is convenient to regulate soil moisture. On high beds water does not stagnate, therefore, in a rainy year, plants will not suffer from its excess. In the hot summer, the beds will have to be watered more.
Plus the third: the weeds do not fall on the high bed because of the fence. At the same time, weeds growing between the beds can be used as mulch. It will protect the soil from drying out and will be an excellent fertilizer for crops growing in the garden.
Plus the fourth: a vegetable garden with high beds is convenient to process. Due to the fact that the beds are located above ground level, you do not need to lean towards the plants.
Plus the fifth: minimum labor costs. Despite the fact that we will spend a lot of effort building tall beds, we will save 90% of the time in the future. High warm beds will not need to be dug up if, after each season, they are sown with siderates.
We use natural farming
After the harvest is harvested, you need to sow the beds with siderates. This will eliminate the need to prepare the beds for the spring season. Siderata play an important role in snow retention in winter and prevent rapid evaporation of moisture in spring. They loosen the soil and improve its structure.
The choice of green manure depends on what kind of crop you plan to plant in the garden next season. For example, mustard should not be planted where cabbage or radish will grow next year. Phacelia is a versatile green manure and deoxidizes the soil well.
A smart vegetable garden does not require much attention, but it gives good yields.