High Yielding Apple Dream for Your Garden

apple tree dream Apple Dream is a winter-hardy, high-yielding variety. The plant is distinguished by its compact size and good resistance to various diseases. With proper care, the tree will delight you with fruits with high taste.

Apple Dream: variety description

ripening of apples

The tree grows up to 3 m tall. The crown of this variety is spreading, round. The bark is reddish-gray. In young twigs, it is brown-green. With proper care, the apple tree gives a good harvest. The fruits are large, regular in shape. The weight of an apple ranges from 230 g. From one adult tree, up to 110 kg of apples can be harvested.

Larger fruits are observed on a dwarf rootstock.

Ripe apples have a yellowish or greenish tint. Fruits in direct sunlight become deep red in color. The pulp is juicy, friable, white-pink.

The fruits are rich in:

  • organic acids;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates;
  • proteins;
  • alimentary fiber.

This apple variety is not self-fertile. Therefore, in order to constantly get a good and high-quality harvest, it is necessary to plant pollinators.

Apple tree planting Dream

planting an apple tree seedlingYou don't need to have any special skills to grow a beautiful and healthy tree. It is enough to follow the basic rules of planting and care.

Seat selection

The best place for planting is an area with good sun light. There should be no buildings, fences and old tall trees nearby.

It is also not recommended to plant the tree in places where water can stagnate. Excess moisture is bad for the apple tree.

Site preparation

preparation of a place for planting an apple treeFirst you need to carefully dig up the landing site. This should be done in the fall, just before the frost. If the soil is acidic, then liming is recommended. You will also need to apply a small amount of fertilizer. An excellent option is humus.

It is best to plant the Dream apple tree in early spring.

Landing scheme

A seedling dimple is formed a week before planting. Its depth should be within 65 cm, and its width should be at least one meter.

If you plan to plant several trees in a row, then you must maintain a distance of 3-4 m between them.

A layer of nutritious soil and crushed eggshells is laid at the bottom of the recess. After 7 days, the soil is well watered and the seedling is placed. The roots must be carefully straightened. This will allow the plant to quickly take root in a new place.

correct planting of the seedlingThen fill the depression with soil and tamp it slightly. When planting, it is important to ensure that the root collar is at least 5 cm above the ground.

Young tree care

apple tree careAlthough this variety is unpretentious in care, you still need to adhere to the basic rules. Only then will you achieve the desired result.


The frequency of watering depends on the weather outside. If the summer is rainy enough, then there is no need to water the tree. In dry and hot weather, it is recommended to carry out the procedure once a week.

When watering an apple tree, remember that the older the tree is, the more water it needs.

Since the second half of summer, irrigation is completely stopped. This is necessary so that the apple tree can fully prepare for winter.


fertilizationTop dressing is applied twice a year, in spring and autumn. After winter, fertilize the apple tree nitrogen preparations... Urea is a good option. You can also add nitroammofosk.In the fall, fertilizing is carried out with phosphorus and potassium compounds. This will allow the plant to survive the winter well and give a bountiful harvest for the next year.

Weed removal

Treating the trunk circle is very important, especially in the first year after planting. If you do not loosen the soil and do not remove weeds, then the tree can suffer from aphids and other diseases. Periodic weeding improves the supply of oxygen and nutrients, without which the apple tree will not be able to fully develop.

Disease prevention

whitewashing of trunksDespite the fact that this variety has good immunity, prevention still does not hurt. For good flowering and fruiting, the crown must be treated with fungicides just before the buds open.

Removing all fallen leaves is also a good prevention. It is in them that a large number of insects and bacteria are located, which, with the arrival of spring, infect nearby trees. In addition, it is recommended to carry out whitewashing the trunk and skeletal branches.

Apple pruning

apple pruningPruning correctly will allow the tree to develop well and bear fruit abundantly. In addition, such a procedure significantly increases immunity. The first pruning is carried out on annual trees. The twigs and trunk are shortened by 1/3. This is done in the spring, just before bud break.

If you decide to completely remove the twig, then you need to cut it near the trunk itself.

It is necessary to thin out the crown annually. You should not remove many branches in one approach. This can negatively affect the apple tree. Also, in the spring, remove all deformed and new shoots that thicken the crown. This should not be allowed, as too many branches reduce the yield.

Collection and storage of fruits

harvestingRipening of apples falls at the end of August. Harvesting is necessary as it ripens. Overripe fruits are able to crack and fall off on their own, which significantly reduces their storage time.

Torn blocks, which have a perfect surface, can be kept for up to two months. It is important to monitor the temperature and humidity in the room. The ideal indicators are from +20 to +220C. Air humidity should be within 30%.

This variety of apples is consumed both raw and used for processing. Due to the good structure of the pulp and high taste, the fruits can be dried, made from them compotes, jam, jam, and also frozen and fermented.

If you properly care for the apple tree, then a bountiful harvest is guaranteed. In order to get tasty and beautiful fruits, you just need to cut, water and feed the tree in time.

Characteristics of the Dream apple tree - video


