What climbing plants to choose for a summer residence - recommendations
Opportunities to find the option that would satisfy all needs, desires and dreams, under current conditions, is not a problem. Moreover, there are traditional versions that gardeners have been using for a long time.
Here are just a few of the names of popular climbing plants:
- Morning glory. The plant reaches a height of 3-5 meters. This flower is known for the fact that there are more than 500 of its varieties and species. That is why the colors, sizes and shapes of gramophone flowers are very diverse.
- Tekoma (Kampsis)... Plant height up to 15 meters. The flowers are funnel-shaped tubes up to 10 cm long and 3-5 cm wide. The flowers are yellow, orange, red or pink.
- Passionflower... There are both perennial and annual varieties. Depending on this, the plant can reach from 2 to 10 meters. The flowers are like a star, with colors ranging from white to blue, pink and mixed.
- Canary ivy. If you create favorable conditions, the bush lives for more than 15 years, and reaches 30 meters in height. At the same time, it begins to bloom only from the age of 10.
- The grapes are maiden. The plant reaches 20 meters or more in height. With the onset of cold weather, the leaves are painted in juicy crimson tones. Small dark blue grapes.
- Hop. The rapidly growing crop reaches 4-8 meters in height. Pineal flowers of gentle green color. The leaves are carved, juicy green. There are different types, for example, Japanese hops are annuals, ordinary hops perennial.
- Climbing rose. There are 3 types of climbing roses: large-flowered climbers, cardesia hybrids, ramblers. The height of the bush, the size of the flower, and the frequency of flowering will depend on the type of rose. On average, the size of a bush is from 3 to 6 meters in height.
- Wisteria. 15 meters of this plant are decorated with 30 cm tassels, and so on all summer. Flowers can be pink, purple, or white.
- Sweet pea. The height of this delicate bush with a charming scent is from 2 meters. For two summer months, the plant gives incredibly elegant flowers collected in a brush.
If some of them can create a green carpet, then most still need support. It can be:
- arches,
- pergolas,
- ordinary fence,
- gazebos,
- architectural structures,
- monuments,
- building facades,
- tree trunks.
So you can independently create compositions that will make any idea even more interesting and exciting.
A variety of perennial climbing plants for summer cottages
Growing perennial vines is a very interesting thing, because whole compositions can be formed from them, changing their shapes and combining with other flowers. Moreover, most of the perennial climbing plants, planted in the country, please with their flowering over a long period.
- Tekoma.
It prefers a mild climate, good watering, autumn pruning of old stems, spring and summer feeding, then the bush blooms better. It can be propagated by seeds, but in order for the tekoma to bloom faster, it is better to do it by root shoots, cuttings or layering.In the fall, before the onset of cold weather, the cutting is planted at an angle to the ground. And it is best to do this in the place where it will constantly grow, since the survival rate of the shoot is very high. - Canary ivy.
This plant will become a decoration of the dacha if you provide it with proper care. The brightness of the summer sun and partial shade are both allowed, depending on the variety. If the leaves are variegated, then it is advisable to choose a well-lit place. It is watered abundantly as the earthen coma dries up near the bush. At least once a week, you need to feed the ivy with mineral fertilizers. Pruning is important to form the lushness of the bush. - Wisteria.
This is one of the most attractive climbing plants. It seems that it alone can replace a whole garden, wisteria blooms so beautifully. Some species of this bush are 8 meters long, while others reach up to 15 meters. This frost-hardy flower needs timely watering, light soil, bright sun, and being fertilized once a week. Liana needs solid support. At the end of flowering, the plant is cut off, and wrapped before the cold weather. - The grapes are maiden.
This liana is one of the most beloved by summer residents. And all because of its unpretentiousness. The grapes are shade-tolerant, frost-hardy, grows quickly, is not picky about lighting or soil, is durable, rarely gets sick, just multiplies by cuttings and seeds. But many believe that the main advantage is that the bush can be easily formed through pruning, thanks to this, it is an excellent material in the hands of those craftsmen who like to decorate the dacha on their own. - Hop.
The delicately heady smell of the plant and the density of its crown are attractive and create a cozy atmosphere. But he himself feels comfortable only in partial shade, then he is less susceptible to diseases. Loves moisture, but not waterlogging, and prefers loamy soil to everyone else. Does not require special care, except that sufficient feeding in the fall with organic matter. - Climbing rose.
This beauty is the most common climbing plant in gardens among summer residents. And not without reason, all the hassle of her care is compensated by the generous bloom of incredible beauty. Basic principles of care rose - this is timely watering and fertilization for 7 months, from April to October. Pruning after flowering, for winter and spring, and correct planting are also important so that the bush does not grow in a draft, not in the shade, and is not open to direct sunlight, while the land should be well-drained and light. And one more thing, the rose must be wrapped up with the onset of the first cold weather. This can be done directly on a support or bending to the ground, sprinkle with earth, foliage or spruce branches, and cover with a special cloth on top.
Annual climbing plants for summer cottages
Annual climbing plants are especially popular among summer residents. They are no less beautiful than their perennial counterparts, but care and planting of such flowers is very simple, to the point that they can reproduce by self-seeding. In addition, most often these flowers grow faster and care for them is minimal.
- Passionflower.
This vine grows very quickly, preferring abundant watering, but it is important that there is no stagnation of moisture in the soil, which the passionflower does not tolerate well. The place for planting is selected on the basis that the bush feels great in diffused lighting. The plant must be fed with organic matter or mineral fertilizers once a week. Obligatory pruning of those shoots that are bare and excessively long. A young bush is transplanted every year, in early spring, mature - every few years. - Sweet pea.
This flower does not like drafts and direct sunlight, although it prefers to grow in well-lit areas. Abundant watering suits him. The plant propagates by seeds, in April-May they should be sown directly into open ground. - Morning glory.
It is planted with seeds before winter, then they do not need to be embedded deep into the ground, or in April, May, when there is still enough moisture in the soil.The flower perfectly tolerates both the sun and shady places. In dry weather, it can be watered, but at the same time, make sure that there is no stagnation of water. It is better to fertilize it exclusively in the spring, while the green mass is growing.
In addition to the beauty that vines give, they can be used in several other ways, for example, for decorating outbuildings, and as a shadow over a gazebo or a porch of a house on a hot summer day.
But there is one more benefit from climbing plants in the country.
With their help, you can zone the site, gently separating the working area from the comfortably arranged resting place.
In addition, some varieties grapes, hops and other vines that are not afraid of drafts can be planted as a shield from the wind, or bright sun to protect other plants. All this makes up the comfort and design of the cottage, which helps to relax on it, spending less effort and getting a lot of pleasant impressions.
Nice plants, but I also really like clematis. They have a huge selection of shapes and colors. We built a gazebo in the yard, and I planted everything around with clematis - white, blue, red, orange and purple. It looks very beautiful, the main thing is that while the shoots are annual, wrap them with foil for the winter, in the second or third year they will get stronger and this does not need to be done. Perennial, my parents have been growing for about 15 years!
Yes, I also really love clematis. We have purple growing, but this year something has become unwell. Some black spots on the leaves, and then the leaves dry. Only a few flowers have blossomed. Probably need to spray with something. Can you tell me what?
And there is also such an interesting plant - the Antilles cucumber. It is very good if you need to hide something, for example, an ugly fence. It gives very dense greenery and behind it this fence will not be visible at all. We did this at our dacha, we have it for many years, but only this year we waited for its fruits and found that this plant is from pumpkin, the fruits have a pumpkin smell.