Useful properties and contraindications for the use of goji berries
Himalayan goji fruits are grown on the mountain peaks of Tibet, it was Tibetan monks who first discovered the beneficial properties and contraindications of goji berries. What is noteworthy: goji fruits have a second name - common wolfberry and are very similar to barberry berries, from which women in Russia cooked compotes and made jam. And only much later, when the healing qualities of barberry were revealed, the berries also began to be eaten: added to soups and cereals, brewed teas and decoctions. Goji berries are called "magic" and "miraculous", they are often used for medicinal purposes and used as a natural product for weight loss.
What are goji berries?
- 21 microelements (iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, germanium, iodine, etc.);
- amino acids, Omega 3 and 6 acids, poly- and monosaccharides, antioxidants;
- vitamins A, E, C and group B, ascorbic acid, vegetable protein;
- beta-carotene, protein, fiber, linoleic acid, xanthophyll pigment.
It is noteworthy that the content of some substances in the composition of goji berries is very high. For example, they have more iron than spinach; the amount of protein is higher than in wheat; more carotene than carrots; and there is much more vitamin C than lemons.
What are the benefits of Himalayan berries?
The healing qualities of goji berries were attributed a lot, up to twice the life extension. Of course, these fruits do not have such a magical effect, but, nevertheless, their valuable properties are undeniable. The use of goji berries is very beneficial for the body:
- strengthen blood vessels, normalize blood circulation, stabilize blood pressure;
- increase hemoglobin, improve sleep, fight stress and depression;
- slow down the aging process, lower blood cholesterol levels;
- improve memory and vision, prevent hypertensive crises;
- give the skin freshness and elasticity, promote weight loss;
- normalize the work of the heart, liver, kidneys, stomach and intestines;
- strengthen the immune system, increase tone and performance;
- relieve headaches, insomnia, apathy and atherosclerosis;
- help to endure menopause and pain during the menstrual cycle easier;
- increase libido and potency, regulate metabolism in the body.
Moreover, these Himalayan berries are low in calories: 100 g of fresh product (pitted) contains only 112 kcal. Therefore, they are allowed to be included in the diet, even with strict diets. Example: Ducan's diet with careful calorie count.
Especially goji berries are recommended for people living in big cities with poor ecology. These Himalayan fruits contain substances that remove waste and toxins from the body, as well as strengthen weakened immunity.
Harm and contraindications of goji berries
Like any other food product, goji berries have beneficial properties and contraindications. Despite its mild effect on the body, these exotic fruits are not recommended to be taken in some cases:
- people with an allergic reaction to red fruits;
- during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- at high temperatures, the use of goji berries is contraindicated;
- you should be careful if you have serious stomach problems;
- small children without the permission of a pediatrician;
- with hypertension and diabetes mellitus, a doctor's consultation is required;
- constipation, vomiting, flatulence and diarrhea are also contraindications.
It is strictly forbidden to consume these Himalayan fruits at the same time as taking anticoagulants (drugs that suppress blood clotting). It is also important to monitor the state of the body so as not to take berries during a period of, for example, fever.
Goji berries in the fight against excess weight
Every third inhabitant of the planet dreams of getting rid of extra pounds, and many use goji berries for weight loss. We already mentioned above the calorie content of fresh fruits (112 kcal per 100 g), but what about dry ones? They have a higher calorie content: per 100 g of dry berries, there are 253 kcal, plus the presence of fats. Why do nutritionists continue to recommend goji berries for weight loss? The answer is simple: nutritional value. These exotic fruits quickly dull hunger and convert subcutaneous fat into energy. The metabolism is normalized, digestion and bowel function are improved, appetite decreases and toxins are removed from the body. How to take goji berries with benefit and without harm? There is nothing difficult in this, all recommendations are quite simple.
It is necessary to control the dosage of berries, otherwise side effects, such as insomnia, may occur. If the dosage is not exceeded, but sleep is disturbed, then it is not recommended to consume Himalayan fruits in the evening, but to postpone the intake to the morning.
Rules for the selection and storage of Himalayan berries
For the product to bring maximum benefits to the body, it is important to know how to choose and store the fruits correctly. These recommendations will help you avoid fakes and buy not only high-quality goji berries, but also use them effectively for a long time:
- Appearance. The fruits should be free of plaque, crumbling and not sticking together.
- Color. Bright red with an orange tint, without extraneous colors.
- Taste. Take a bite of the berry, it should taste sour, but not sweet.
- Aroma. If the smell of sulfur comes from the fruit from matches, these are bad berries.
Fresh berries spoil quickly, so they have a limited shelf life. Dry fruits should be poured into a clean cotton bag and removed from a dark, dry place - they can be stored for up to two years. The main thing is to avoid exposure to sunlight.
How to take goji berries correctly?
Not everyone knows how to use goji berries correctly, and they make the mistake of simply pouring boiling water over a handful of fruits. On the one hand, this is correct, but on the other, it must be brewed correctly in order to use the full potential of the berries. First of all, calculate the dosage: the daily rate should not exceed 100 g (one tablespoon at a time). The easiest way is to put the fruit in a teapot, but this will only add vitamins to the tea.
How to brew goji berries? Nutritionists advise one of the fastest ways: rinse the fruits under running water, pour boiling water over them at the rate of 100 g of product per half a liter of boiling water, insist for about half an hour and drink in three doses during the day. If desired, after infusion, you can add a teaspoon of honey or a slice to the drink lemon - the valuable qualities of berries will not deteriorate from this, and the taste will only improve.
It is advisable to opt for dry fruits, as fresh fruits can cause nausea, especially if there are stomach problems. When the berries are dried, they become absolutely safe for the body.
Goji berry tea: healing recipes
The taste of these exotic fruits is very pleasant, slightly sour, remotely reminiscent of raisins, so drinking tea with goji berries is a pleasure. We offer you to try drink recipes that are not only tasty, but also help improve your health:
- Mix a handful of goji berries with half a lemon, orange zest, a spoonful of honey, a few cloves, a pinch of ginger and cover with two cups of boiling water. Insist half an hour and take it with fatigue, heavy exertion, a sedentary lifestyle, and just as a warming and tonic drink.
- How to drink goji berries with poor eyesight and hypertension? Simply add 15 grams of Himalayan fruit to classic black tea and consume two to three cups daily. This broth is also very useful for high blood sugar.
- To boost immunity and rejuvenate the body, pour a tablespoon of goji berries with a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse overnight. In the morning, you need to drink the resulting infusion, and eat the soaked berries. If you do this regularly, immunity will quickly return to normal, the pressure will stabilize, and fatigue will be relieved by hand.
Goji berry drink: weight loss recipe
Having learned about these healing Himalayan fruits, many are interested in the question: how to take goji berries for weight loss? To properly prepare a flavored drink, you will need Tibetan fruits, honey, cloves, lemon, orange peel and ginger:
- Step 1. Boil a liter of water and throw in finely chopped orange zest, a teaspoon of grated ginger root, a few cloves and squeeze out the lemon juice.
- Step 2. Reheat the future drink and let it brew for about ten minutes, then strain - you will no longer need the used ingredients.
- Step 3. Then throw a tablespoon of Tibetan fruits into the broth and leave for another half hour. Add honey to taste before drinking goji berry tea.
But remember the main thing: these exotic fruits are not a miracle pill or a panacea for all diseases, but just one of the "helpers" in the fight against excess weight. If you only drink tea from Himalayan berries and do nothing else, then there will be no particular effect. Of course, with the proper use of these fruits, the loss of a couple of kilograms per month can be achieved. But for the best result, you must remember to follow a diet and lead an active lifestyle. The recipe for how to take goji berries for weight loss is only an additional remedy that helps in weight loss. If your goal is not weight loss, but medical therapy, goji berries are what you need!