Floral carpet for summer cottages - elegant types of Iberis
Of course, every owner of a country house wants to create a quiet haven of pleasure and comfort on his site. For this purpose, as well as possible, all kinds of Iberis are suitable. The plant is capable of completely transforming the summer cottage area in a short time, covering empty lawns with a flower carpet. Against the background of lush greenery, buds of such colors appear:
- snow-white;
- pink;
- scarlet;
- lilac;
- purple;
- purple;
- dairy;
- crimson.
How can you resist the pristine beauty of this lovely plant? Many summer residents have long become his fans. Amazing perennial coreopsis at your summer cottage!
The plant is widely used in folk and official medicine. It is found in some drugs for the treatment of arthritis, rheumatism, eating disorders, and lung diseases.
Popular types of Iberis for stylish garden decoration
Iberis belongs to the herbaceous plants of the cabbage or cruciferous family. In addition to the official name, flowers are known as:
- candytuft;
- stennik;
- variegated;
- peppers.
Each of these names reflects the external features of the plant and its properties. Translated into Russian, Iberis means "Spanish", which reminds of its origin. In Western countries, the flower is called "candytuft" in honor of the Greek city of Heraklion or Candia.
In its natural environment, the plant is found in Asia Minor, southern Europe and the Crimea. It can be seen on the slopes of the Caucasus mountains, in the valleys of the Don River and in Ukraine. To date, there are about 40 known species of Iberis. In addition, they are all classified as annuals or perennial plants... Some of them are thermophilic, while others are cold-resistant. There are both herbaceous varieties and semi-shrub specimens.
Iberis is wonderfully suited for edging lawns, flower beds, alpine slides and masonry.
General description of the plant
Depending on the type of iberis, they have a different character of the shoots. Some of them spread on the ground, while others resemble erect bushes. Delicate stems are abundantly covered with simple dark green foliage. Under certain lighting conditions, a bluish tint can be seen on the leaf plates, reminiscent of a scattering of silver dust. During the flowering period, which is at least about 8 weeks, the plant is covered with many centimeter inflorescences in the shape of an umbrella. It is so beautiful that the site turns into a lush valley of exquisite colors. Over time, Iberis bears fruit in the form of bivalve pods. Each of them is filled with seeds that remain viable for a maximum of 4 years.
Iberis bitter
The plant grows only up to 30 cm in height. Its stems have a creeping character and are covered with many dark green foliage. During flowering, Iberis bitter is covered with inflorescences reminiscent of spring hyacinth... They consist of a group of snow-white crown buds. The plant is used to decorate country flower beds and city flower beds.In cut form, the pepper pot can last more than 8 days, so its flowers are often decorated with living quarters or offices. There are several varieties of this annual Iberis:
- "Eisberg" - the plant resembles a decorative candlestick. Grows up to 40 cm in height. Leaves are large in size with a jagged frame. White buds.
- Empress. The height of the bushes is about 30 cm. The leaf plates are lanceolate. The edges are serrated.
Since young shoots of the plant are often attacked by cabbage aphids, they should be treated with insecticides.
Iberis umbrella
Looking at the plant from the side, its origin immediately becomes clear. Its close relatives - cabbage or turnip, often catch the eye of gardeners. But the umbeliscus is not a vegetable, but a flower. Its height is from 15 to 40 cm. During flowering, he wears an exquisite shawl made of bright inflorescences of such shades:
- lilac;
- carmine;
- pink;
- white;
- purple;
- lilac.
On the territory of summer cottages, it is grown as an annual crop.
Iberis collage
Iberis collage is distinguished by a spreading shape of bushes that grow rapidly in a flower bed. Its fragrant buds form umbellate inflorescences, in which there are up to 30 pieces. Flowering begins in early summer and lasts about 2 months. They are used for ridges, prefabricated flower beds and for decorating borders. The flower goes well with mulberry plantations, tulips, alyssums and phlox. It has been used for landscape design for more than three centuries.
Iberis Blackberry meringue
In addition, gardeners grow several types of such ground cover plants. The umbrella Iberis shown in the photo Blackberry meringue is distinguished by low bushes (maximum height about 30 cm). At the appointed time, the plant is covered with many inflorescences, reminiscent of a glamorous rain umbrella. Each of them has a diameter of about 5 cm. The peculiarity of the variety is the color of the buds of the shade of blackberry jam. I just want to taste it!
Iberis Pomegranate Ice
Shown in the photo is the umbrella Iberis Pomegranate Ice, has an original contrast of colors. Snow-white tones are harmoniously combined with dark garnet shades of buds, which exude a pleasant aroma. The plant belongs to strong honey plants, therefore insects constantly fly around it. Under their monotonous buzz, many summer residents relax, enjoying the environment.
Iberis pearl placer also belongs to this type of creeping plant. It is distinguished by its extraordinary resistance to weather conditions. Not afraid of the first frosts and summer drought. It blooms with snow-white buds, filling the territory with a pleasant heady aroma.
Iberis cubic zirkonia
Umbrella Iberis cubic zirconia gives its fans large pink inflorescences. You can admire them for 9 weeks, starting from the third decade of June. Truly an amazing gift from nature.
Iberis of Giblartar
The plant belongs to evergreen ornamental plantings and grows up to 25 cm in height. North Africa and Spain are considered the birthplace of Iberis of Giblartar. It blooms in many pinkish buds, completely covering the green carpet. Lush bloom lasts for several months, exuding a heady scent throughout flower garden.
To make the Iberis feel comfortable, it is advisable to plant it in open, sunny areas with drained soil.
The most widespread variety of Giblartar Iberis is Chameleon. The plant got its name because of the color of the buds, which often change their tone. Initially, delicate lilac petals at the end of their cycle acquire a milky white color. It is for this ability that the flower is widely used to decorate flower beds and lawns.
Iberis Empress
A chic annual plant that grows up to 35 cm in height will appeal to fans of flower carpets. Iberis empress has branched pubescent shoots, collected in small bushes.In summer, snow-white bunch-like bouquets appear on them. Gardeners plant the plant on free areas of lawns, near curbs and on the sunny side of rocky flower beds. It is impossible to look away from the plant during flowering. Such an Iberis (stennik) looks gorgeous against the background of stunted perennials. In addition, it retains freshness for a long time in the cut for interior decoration.
It is advisable to grow the plant in open areas and water it moderately. To achieve re-flowering, you should prune faded buds.
Iberis pink dream
Fans of greenery and flowers quite often use a charming addition to summer cottages - Iberis Pink Dream. Regardless of the weather, whether it's sunny or cloudy, its dense bouquets adorn lawns or front gardens in summer cottages. So that flowering does not stop, the plant is planted several times.
First in April, then in early summer and September. Thus, a pink carpet, 35 cm high, consisting of many fragrant buds, will always be at our feet.
Iberis perennial
Quite often, an unpretentious ornamental plant can be seen on lawns in city parks. This is a perennial Iberis, which is often called an evergreen plant, because it has foliage all year round. It is a bush up to half a meter high, decorated with many elongated leathery leaves. At the peak of its flowering, the plant is covered with buds of a silvery or milky white color. They are collected in inflorescences of an umbrella nature, where there are up to 40 of them. It was during this period that white Iberis resembles a cloud descending on lush garden greenery. Is there anything similar to this sight? Of course not.
An adult perennial bush is not recommended to be transplanted to a new place, as it may die. The reason is its unique root system.
The snow carpet shown in the photo is characterized by an abundance of miniature buds. The plant grows only up to 20 cm. During lush flowering, it seems as if the greens are covered with snow, which does not melt under the bright rays of the sun. This perennial crop is used to decorate empty spaces in garden plots as well as lawn grass.