Elixir of energy and masculine strength - walnuts with honey

honey and nuts Among the many gifts of nature, known and used by people since the time of gathering, of course, there were all kinds of nuts and bee honey. Walnuts with honey are still valued today for their excellent taste, the ability to quickly saturate, as well as for the tremendous benefits that these natural products give to the human body.

Traditional medicine a combination of honey and walnuts has long been used:

  • to strengthen the body;
  • to combat inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system;
  • as an effective remedy for male impotence;
  • with the problems of the female sphere.

Modern physicians and biochemists have confirmed that most of the intuitive guesses of doctors are fully confirmed. And the reason for the benefits of walnuts with honey lies in the richest composition of this natural gift of nature.

Composition of honey with walnuts

To understand what honey and walnuts are useful for, a listing of their bioactive components will help. It is generally accepted that bee honey is an excellent source of energy, which the body receives due to the abundance of carbohydrates. Fructose, sucrose, glucose and other types of sugars that determine the taste and calorie content of honey account for up to 82 out of every hundred grams of the product.

natural honey

In addition, honey contains B vitamins, ascorbic acid and some vitamins E and K. The list of trace elements includes potassium and zinc, magnesium and phosphorus, iron, calcium and sodium.

Mixing with walnuts, honey reveals all its beneficial properties, additionally enriched with valuable oils, abundant minerals and proteins contained in the cores.

Walnuts, unlike honey, contain almost all known vitamins, they are rich not only in carbohydrates, but also in proteins and fats. And in the list of trace elements, in addition to zinc, iron, magnesium, potassium and other compounds, there are minerals such as fluorine, selenium, manganese and cobalt. Walnut kernels are a storehouse of more than two dozen amino acids and fatty acids, which play the role of essential antioxidants.

peel nutsHoney helps the nutritive substances to be absorbed, and they, in turn, supplement and multiply the healing properties of the beekeeping product. However, with a lot of benefits, the harm from honey with walnuts can be very serious if you do not take into account:

  • the highest calorie content of the finished mixture;
  • available medical contraindications, including pancreatitis. Peptic ulcer and gastritis in the acute stage, as well as other diseases of internal organs;
  • the possibility of allergic reactions.

Before using a sweet medicine or healthy treat, you need to get a specialist's recommendation, and then remember about the reasonableness of portions.

What are walnuts with honey good for?

honey-drenched nutsAfter cooking, honey with walnuts does not undergo thermal effects, therefore it retains absolutely all the beneficial properties of the ingredients and is actively used:

  • with colds;
  • with inflammatory processes involving the respiratory system;
  • with an imbalance of the intestinal microflora;
  • after long-term serious illness, when a person needs emergency rehabilitation;
  • during intense physical and mental stress as a prophylaxis against overwork, exhaustion;
  • with the danger of the onset of depressive conditions, frequent insomnia, headaches.

The health benefits of walnuts with honey for men are well known. Easy to prepare, delicious and incredibly powerful, it helps to deal with signs of stress, fatigue, recharge after a busy day, and restore self-confidence as a man.

nuts with honey for immunityThe anti-inflammatory properties of honey are used to combat prostatitis. A rich set of trace elements, including zinc, phosphorus, copper, manganese, magnesium and the most valuable amino acids, entering the body:

  • have a beneficial effect on the blood supply to the genitals;
  • improve hormonal levels;
  • stimulate the genitourinary system;
  • maintain a positive emotional attitude.

The result is an improvement in general well-being and an increased potency with regular intake of honey and walnuts.

Similarly, honey with walnuts affects the reproductive system of the female body and its condition in general. The reason lies in the unique combination of vitamins and minerals:

  • actively improving the work of the cardiac and vascular systems;
  • supporting hormonal balance;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • stimulating tissue regeneration.

Therefore, for women, a walnut with honey is necessary when it comes to planning pregnancy, restoring the field of childbirth, predisposition to anemia and in other equally important situations.

How to prepare and how to take walnuts with honey?

chopped nuts with honey

The mixture of honey and walnuts is not only tasty, healthy, but also very easy to prepare. It is only important to have high-quality fresh honey and thoroughly peeled, light, without signs of mold or spoilage of the kernel of the nuts.

To improve the digestion of walnuts, their kernels are pre-crushed. The pieces can be different. The honey, which is poured into the raw materials, is in no way heated, otherwise the tasty medicine will not only lose some of its beneficial properties, but can also harm the body. The finished product is covered with a lid and allowed to brew. After a day, honey with walnuts can be used as a delicacy or as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent.
This is the easiest way to prepare the mixture. It can be even more beneficial if, together with the nut kernels, add chopped dried apricots, prunes and thoroughly washed lemon zest. Such a delicacy is indispensable in case of a tendency to constipation, a desire to gently and safely cleanse the body, as well as in winter, when the lack of vitamins is acutely felt.
How to use walnuts with honey? The daily rate depends on the age and state of health of the person. In order not to harm the body, it is better not to overuse high-calorie and very active product. If you have chronic diseases or allergies, it is best to consult your doctor beforehand.

Green walnut with honey: tincture and recipe for Italian liqueur

green nuts with lemon and honeyFor medicinal purposes, you can use not only mature walnut kernels, but also green fruits rich in organic acids and tannins. On their basis, alcohol tincture with bee honey or honey syrup is most often made.

However, the healthy honey and green walnut can be easily transformed into the exquisite Italian liqueur Nocino, traditionally prepared in the northern provinces of the country for centuries.

For 700 ml of vodka you will need:

  • 20 selected green walnuts, cut into wedges;
  • 400-600 grams of fresh liquid honey;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 orange;
  • 15 coffee beans;
  • a teaspoon of cinnamon powder or 1 stick of this spice;
  • one natural vanilla pod.

preparation of Italian liqueur NocinoAll ingredients are mixed in a wide-mouth glass container, closed and left to infuse. To make the extraction more active, the liquid is shaken daily. After 60 days, when the tincture has acquired a thick brown-black color with a greenish tint, the liqueur can be consumed.

ready to drink Nocino liqueurIt is interesting that the drink according to the old recipe fully protects the beneficial properties of honey and walnuts, enriching them with vitamins, essential oils and citrus acids, as well as the bright antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect of cinnamon.

Video about the benefits of walnuts with honey for men and women


