This diverse hybrid host will forever win your love
Hybrid hosts are gradually replacing the solid green species of this beautiful flower in the flower beds. Large or compact bushes with a wide variety of colors of the deciduous plate have many garden forms. Among them there are very miniature varieties no more than 10 cm in height, or real giants that grow more than 1 m in height. The leaves of varietal host can be variegated, combine two or even three colors, as well as monochromatic, for example, white or blue.
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Growing features
Hybrid hosts generally do not require special environments. The only thing to consider is the color of the leaves.
Cultivars with light leaves (cream or golden) grow best in well-lit areas, while other varieties can easily tolerate partial shade.
The composition of the soil also makes some correction in the development of plants. In general, all host species are more fond of nutritious soil: there they form a lush bush with large juicy leaves. But even in poor sandy soil, these flowers can also survive, however, the bushes in this case will grow more slowly and more modestly.
But in variegated hybrid hosts on poor land, the color of the leaves becomes more pronounced and interesting.
Otherwise, caring for hybrids is pretty simple. With regular abundant watering and double seasonal feeding, they can grow in one place for up to 5 years.
Popular varieties
Today hybrid host there are more than 4000 species and breeders do not stop there, inventing more and more original crops.
Hosts can be considered as some of the most beautiful hybrids:
- Blue Angel... The diameter of the cascading bush reaches 1.8 m at a height of 90 cm. Large leaves are bluish-green and slightly wrinkled. The flowers are white.
- Lady Guinevere... A medium-sized, spreading bush up to 60 cm high and about 75 cm wide. The leaves are creamy, with a green border. Inflorescences in the form of lilac bells.
- Stiletto... A miniature bush no more than 20 cm high with long narrow green leaves and a lighter border, slightly wavy along the edge. Blossoms with purple bells.
- Hankey Panky... The bush is up to 40 cm high. A feature of the variety is its ability to change the color of the leaves: at first they are dark green in the middle with a wide yellow border around the edge. By autumn, the middle of the leaf brightens significantly, but the border turns dark green.
- White Feather... Another chameleon host: young leaves are white, as they grow, green stripes appear on them, gradually filling the entire leaf. Bush height up to 55 cm, white inflorescences.