The room abutilone fell ill. How to help the plant?
Every living creature, be it a plant or a pet, enters into an invisible connection with the inhabitants. Therefore, some of the flowers are not recommended for keeping in living quarters. Many of the inhabitants of the windowsills have medicinal properties. Room abutilon is designed to bring calm and peace to the home. Contemplating beautiful leaves and large flowers relieves stress. Where indoor maple grows, conflicts arise less often.
Home maple characteristics
They love the plant for its long and abundant flowering. Even in unfavorable conditions, indoor maple blooms, but less. Normal flowering from April to November can turn into year-round if conditions are favorable.
The plant responds perfectly to summer cottage or balcony maintenance during the warm season. At the same time, its stems are strengthened, the leaves become coarse, and it is less colonized by pests. One of the most important conditions for the decorativeness of indoor abutilon is the formation of a bush by strong pruning.
Indoor maple agrotechnics
The plant loves diffused light, like under the crowns of trees, but it tolerates direct sunlight no more than 2 hours a day. It doesn't have to be a scorching midday light.
For planting, you need a fertile light soil. It can be composed of equal parts:
- peat;
- leaf humus;
- turf land;
- sand and vermiculite.
Add crushed coal to the soil. You can take ready-made soil for seedlings of garden crops, but add perlite, sand, vermiculite and charcoal. Drainage is arranged from expanded clay, pebbles or crushed pine bark. The pot should be suitable for the size of the root system.
Summer air temperature up to 25 0, in winter the limit is 15, but it is dangerous to keep at this temperature for a long time, root rot will appear. Air humidity of 60% is quite sufficient, but the plant creates the necessary microclimate around itself on its own, without spraying. Watering indoor abutilon should be systematic. A clod of earth is always kept moist, without stagnant water.
It should be noted that watering is carried out with soft water without residual chlorine, sometimes it is desirable to acidify it in order to keep the soil pH below 7 units. Fertilizers are applied twice a month after abundant watering, only during the growing season. In winter, if the plant has retired, only a lump of earth is monitored, which should be moderately moist.
The plant loves a shower, wiping the leaves with a damp cloth. It does not react in any way to spraying; in summer, due to droplets of water focused on the leaves, it can get burned.
The plant does not like frequent transplants and drafts. The room abutilone is painful to change the place of residence. At the same time, he gratefully takes proper care and pleases with his rapid growth and flowering.
Possible care problems
A beautiful flower attracts the eyes of others. Only an experienced florist can notice the first subtle signs that the plant is uncomfortable. Then the attentive owner will instantly find the cause and try to eliminate it.But every action, even a quick one, will give a result in 2 weeks. Therefore, when caring for a plant, one must be patient. It would be nice to keep a diary of feeding, examinations and treatments.
The obvious signs of distress will be:
- Abutilone leaves turn yellow and fall;
- leaves dry;
- buds are dropped;
- the flower stops growing.
All these troubles can arise for two reasons - the conditions of detention changed and became unacceptable, the plant was inhabited by insect pests.
The most common cause is discoloration of the leaves. Let's consider the reasons in more detail. The leaf is green due to the formation of chlorophyll through photosynthesis. The process involves many complex components. If the leaves of abutilone turn pale and turn yellow, lack of light may be the root cause. It is necessary to move the plant to the light, but accustom to the change gradually, shading the first time. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that direct sunlight can contribute to fading and remove the variegation of leaves.
The same sign of pallor of the leaves will be spider mite, which settling on a delicate leaf from below, multiplies very quickly in a cradle of barely visible cobwebs and sucks the juices from the plant. If left unchecked, abutilone will lose its leaves. The phytoverm insecticide with weekly treatment is the most suitable enzyme preparation under room conditions. Three treatments in a row, then monitoring the condition.
Drying leaf tips signal a lack of moisture, you need to increase watering. Perhaps the air in the room is too dry, then you need to throw a damp cloth over the battery, which will lower the temperature and increase the humidity.
With a draft and a sharp drop in temperature, abutilone inevitably loses its leaves. But the same will happen when a clod of earth dries out or a plant is flooded. Roots should not swim in stagnant water. Therefore, after watering, after an hour, the water is drained from the pan. If, in the light of abutilon, the leaves curl and turn yellow, the plant asks for shading.
A signal of trouble with the root system will be the drooping of the leaves in moist soil, when the temperature of the content did not change. The yellowing of the leaves and leaf fall indicate the time of revision of the roots. However, if in winter the leaves of abutilon turn yellow and fall off, the branches are exposed, it may be dormant time, it depends on the variety. A sleeping bush is not fed or pruned until spring.
There are, as a rule, plants that are weakened or are in intensive care, watered poorly, do not fertilize, or give half the dose of fertilizing. Removing from the pot and revising the roots is done last. The procedure for the plant is painful.
The yellowing of the foliage of abutilone is associated with many factors. One of them is lack of nutrition. A drawing on the leaves will tell you about the element that the plant lacks:
- iron is determined by yellowing between the vessels;
- magnesium will create a frame at the edges;
- zinc will be found in spots on old leaves;
- nitrogen and sulfur will create a yellowing with prominent veins.
An indicator of iron deficiency will be young upper leaves, in which the veins are green, and the yellowness is spreading. If you do not help the plant, the following leaves will come out very pale. It is best to do foliar dressing with Ferrovit.
Magnesium starvation is detected by burnt edges or chlorosis of old lower leaves. Magnesium is redistributed in the plant in favor of young leaves and buds. If you do not feed the plant during the time with soluble magnesium salt, the leaves twist and become curly, the edges dry out. Magnesium sulphate must be present in the feed mixture.
Starvation caused by a lack of nitrogenous feeding and sulfur looks almost the same. General yellowing and shredding of leaves, weak growth of the bush or its absence indicates a lack of nutrition, especially since this houseplant loves natural extracts from organic fertilizers.
To the question: abutilone does not grow, what should I do? - the answer lies in a complete analysis of the situation. If the root system is healthy, a lump of earth is sufficient for the development of the plant and the rest time has not come, then it is necessary to feed the plant.
However, in each specific case, help is required with the advice of an experienced grower, especially if the abutilon drops buds, leaves and stands naked. It is not bad when acquiring a flower to know its variety, then you can read about its biological characteristics in the reference literature.
Video about growing abutilone