We build a fence made of corrugated board with our own hands: step-by-step instructions from A to Z

fence made of corrugated board The fence is the main structure used to delineate the perimeter of private households and to protect property from intruders. Among the mass of structures and varieties of materials used, a fence made of corrugated board is rightfully considered the simplest and most cost-effective solution. The design of this fence is relatively simple and does not differ in special labor costs. Nevertheless, the cost of services for its construction significantly "hits the pocket" of any homeowner. This publication will tell you how to make a fence from corrugated board with your own hands, eliminating this cost item from the amount allocated by the developer for the improvement of the territory of a private house.

Read also: simple polycarbonate fence in the country!

Advantages and disadvantages of a fence made of profiled sheet

reliable protection of the suburban area

Decking is a profiled steel sheet material with an anti-corrosion surface coating. Depending on the purpose, manufacturers offer several dozen varieties of profiled sheets, differing in thickness, type of protective coating, shape and height of the profile, and dimensions. The main advantages of fences made of this material are:

  • affordable cost;
  • high resistance to corrosion;
  • durability;
  • ease of installation;
  • not exactingness to maintenance (painting, rustproofing).

In addition, the fence made of profiled sheet has a quite presentable appearance. According to reviews, a solid fence made of this material perfectly protects the area from wind and street noise.

The sharp edge of the sheet greatly complicates unauthorized entry into the territory of the household.

optimal height of the fenceThe disadvantage of such fences can be considered: low resistance to wind loads and mechanical damage.

Nevertheless, the abundance of shapes, textures and colors of the profiled sheet presented today in the domestic construction market allows you to create beautiful fences from corrugated board, using a relatively small set of tools and materials for this.

Preparatory work

installation parameters of profiled sheetsIf you decide to engage in self-erection of a reliable fence from a profiled sheet, then you should not immediately run to the nearest building supermarket to purchase materials. Initially, preparatory work should be carried out on the site. The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Make the necessary calculations of the amount of profiled sheet.
  2. Determine the type of fence (solid, sectional).
  3. Consider the supporting structure and the type of installation of the material.
  4. Create a drawing (sketch) of the railing.
  5. Prepare materials, tools, fasteners.

Only after completing these works can you proceed to the direct installation of the fence from the corrugated board. Further in order.

Calculation of the number of profiled sheet

calculation of material for the fenceIn order to correctly calculate how much profiled sheet you need, the first thing to do is to determine the location of the fence. Pegs should be installed in the corners, and between them pull a cord, the length of which will be an indicator of the length of the fence. Next, we determine the height of the fence.

Experts do not recommend making the fence height more than 2 m due to high wind loads.

The dimensions of the profiled sheet for the fence vary depending on the type of material and its purpose, but the average figures are as follows:

  • width 100-130 cm;
  • height 180-200 cm.

The required length of the sheet, which determines the height fence, cut by the manufacturer or trader. Knowing the length of the fence and the standard width of the sheet, it is easy to calculate the required amount of material: the total footage of the perimeter of the future fence is divided by the working width and we get the required amount of material plus two sheets of stock.

Choosing the type of fence

solid fence made of profiled sheetTo date, two types of corrugated fences are practiced: solid and sectional. The first is easier to manufacture and requires fewer materials. The second, by all accounts, is more presentable, but also more expensive. In the first version, all elements of the supporting structure are sewn up.

In the second, the material is placed between the support posts of the fence:sectional fence made of profiled sheet

The type of fence determines its design, material and method of installation of all elements of this structure.

The design and installation methods of the fence

fence construction made of profiled sheetOne of the simplest ways to erect a fence from a profiled sheet is to make a fence with metal posts installed directly into the ground. For the supports, a hollow steel tube of round or square section is used. Round tube diameter from 60 mm. The section of the square profile is 60X60 mm.

For fixing the profiled sheet lags are needed to the supports, which are used as a square steel pipe or a wooden beam. The recommended section of the steel profile is 30x20 mm; wooden beam 70x40 mm.

There are three options for installing the material:

  • using fasteners;
  • through welding;
  • between brick pillars.

For the first option, the X-bracket is used, which is a special fastening element that is attached to the post using self-tapping screws.x-bracket

The main advantages of this method are: low cost of the fastener, high speed of construction of the fence without using a welding machine.

In the second version, three methods of fastening the lag are used: end-to-end, from the side, using a holder.ways of fixing the lag

It is quite difficult to build a sectional fence made of corrugated board with brick pillars on your own. Practical skills in bricklaying, foundation creation, knowledge of the basics of reinforcement are required. When choosing such a fence design, it is recommended to contact professionals, the cost of whose services can be very significant. Such a fence is chosen by homeowners who value good wind resistance and a respectable appearance of the fence.

Material selection

professional sheets for a fenceThe first thing to do before buying a material is to carry out a complete calculation of the fence made of corrugated board.

  1. The length of the posts is calculated according to the following formula: fence height + 1 m for burying into the ground. If the fence is installed on heaving soil, then the pillars are dug in below the depth of soil freezing. In this case, when calculating the height of the supports, the height of the fence + the depth of the pillars are taken into account.
  2. The distance between the supports can vary from 2 to 3 meters. Among specialists, the most commonly practiced distance between the posts is 2.5 m.
  3. To calculate the logs, you need to multiply the total length of the perimeter of the fence by two, and add the required footage to the resulting figure for the manufacture of gates and wickets.

Above was the calculation of the required amount of profiled sheet for the fence. When choosing this material, you need to pay attention to its thickness, wave height, characteristics, anti-corrosion coating, color and texture. For the construction of a fence, a durable and inexpensive corrugated board, the "C" or "MP" series, is most often chosen.types of professional sheets

Profiled sheets "C" are intended for wall cladding. They differ in their low profile height and sheet thickness. The material of the "MP" series is widely used for roofing, construction of light buildings for households.

Create a drawing

fence drawingThe construction of a fence from corrugated board begins with the creation of a sketch (drawing), which should include:

  • location of the fence on the site;
  • plan for placing support elements;
  • landscape features;
  • the size of the fence;
  • bill of materials.

To compensate for the differences in the level of the landscape, a strip foundation is used, with the help of which all irregularities are closed.

Tool selection

Before making a fence from corrugated board, you need to prepare the necessary tools that will be needed to install the pillars and fasten all structural elements.

  • if you plan to use a welding machine, then it is recommended to use a household inverter powered by a 230V household power supply;
  • for cutting and grinding metal profiles, you will need an angle grinder (grinder) with a set of discs;Bulgarian
  • scissors for metal are necessary for cutting a profiled sheet with a small wave;
  • drill - to create recesses for the posts;
  • drill and (or) screwdriver with a set of drills, bits and heads for drilling holes and screwing in self-tapping screws.

In addition, you must have: a tape measure, a marker (chalk), metal hardware and self-tapping screws, a building level (plumb line), necessary fasteners. From building materials you will need crushed stone, sand, cement. For concreting the pillars, you need a shovel and a container for mixing the sand-cement mortar.

Construction of a fence from corrugated board: stages of installation work

Consider the process of erecting a metal fence from a profiled sheet with the installation of supports by concreting. Installation of a fence made of corrugated board begins with the installation of support pillars. For this you need:

  1. Mark the perimeter. Install the pegs in the places where the support posts are installed with a step of 2.5 m.
  2. Using a drill, make holes of the required depth in the ground. The diameter of the drill should be 1.5 times the diameter (section) of the posts.pillar hole drilling
  3. Pour a sand cushion at the bottom of each pit, with a layer of 10-20 cm. This is a necessary measure to prevent subsidence of the support during concreting.
  4. Install the support legs to the required depth, taking into account the height of the ground section.
  5. Fill the gap between the post and the pit with a layer of rubble. The height of the layer is no more than 2/3 of the depth of the hole.
  6. Carry out a rammer, checking the position of the rack with a building level.post installation
  7. Fill the hole with concrete and compact it carefully. The proportions of cement, sand and gravel are as follows: 1: 3: 5.

After the concrete has set its primary strength (no earlier than 7 days), continue the construction of the fence from the corrugated board.

lag mountAt the height of fastening of the lower and upper lags, pull the cord around the perimeter of all racks. Check its level relative to the horizon. After that, in the places where the cord intersects with the supports, install X-brackets. This is done as follows: make holes in the first support with a drill according to the bracket fastening marks and attach this element to the corner post with self-tapping screws for metal. Place the mount on the next post. Check the correct position with a building level. Carry out the fastening process. Install brackets in the same way along the entire length of the fence. Fix the lags from the back of the bracket.

fastening the profiled sheetThe next step is to attach the profiled sheet to the fence frame.

You can fasten the material with roofing screws or rivets. The installation step is through the wave. First, align and attach the first sheet. Each subsequent one goes to the previous one by one wave.

rules for using self-tapping screwsIt is important to know how to properly tighten the roofing screws. When screwing in, be guided by the rubber seal. The figure shows options for correct and incorrect installation.

You can learn more about the rules for attaching a professional sheet from the video:

As a conclusion

In this publication, the process of how to make a fence from corrugated board with your own hands was examined in as much detail as possible. As you can see, everything is extremely simple.The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions, not to neglect calculations and not to save on materials.


