With love for smaller "brothers" - do-it-yourself dog pen

aviary for a dog in the country Pets have always delighted people, therefore they try to take care of their pets with love. Making a pen for dogs with your own hands is a truly noble cause. After all, an animal cannot independently create comfortable conditions for itself to live carefree next to people. Each dog owner needs to correctly equip its habitat on the territory of a country house and in an apartment.

An aviary is a special area where the animal takes food, sleeps and actively moves. It is practically in it 24 hours a day.

General characteristics of the structure and positive aspects

Zconvenience and reliability

Often a high-quality dog ​​enclosure is a cozy place that has a special fence around the entire perimeter and a reliable roof. Its area directly depends on the breed of the pet. For small individuals, 6 m² is enough, for medium ones - about 10 m², large breeds feel comfortable in a paddock over 10 m². In addition, the structure must have at least one blank wall that protects the dog from bad weather.

The open part of the aviary is usually made of the following materials:

  • metal pipes;
  • mesh-netting;
  • forged items;
  • welded mesh;
  • iron rods;
  • wood.

covered corral with a boothA comfortable dog pen should have three main areas:

  • a kennel for sleeping or a bed;
  • a feeding place, where there is a container with water and a bowl for food;
  • active pastime zone.

Practice shows that if a dog is deprived of such a habitat, it can become embittered and even pounce on its owner.

aviary for a shepherdOf course, the pet will not say “thank you” to the owner, but he always feels freedom, because he does not constantly sit on a leash. When a dog sheds, the coat is in one place, and does not fly around the yard. In addition, a loyal friend knows his place, which affects his behavior. Therefore, the dog pen can be compared to a safe haven in this hectic world.

The main principles of creating an aviary at a summer cottage

large corral planSince dogs come in different sizes, their habitat in the courtyard of a country house should be appropriate for their size. It would never occur to anyone to build an enclosure for a dachshund, with an area of ​​over 10 m², which is suitable for a St. Bernard. Therefore, it is important to know the basic principles of how to make a pen for a dog in the best way and enjoy with it.

First of all, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • brick;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • wooden boards;
  • wood varnish;
  • welded mesh;
  • roof covering (slate, metal tile);
  • mineral wool;
  • metal pipes;
  • nails;
  • self-tapping screws.

The basic principles of the construction of the enclosure help summer residents to build a pen for dogs with their own hands of any size. The main thing is to make the right calculation.

reliable protection from rain and snowThe construction of the enclosure begins with the marking of the site and the construction of the foundation. A shallow trench is dug along the entire perimeter and filled with sand and stones. Metal pipes with a height of at least 2.5 m are installed in the corners. laying the foundation for the corralNext, a cement mortar is prepared and poured into a trench. A day later, they begin to install the floor.

To make the dog feel comfortable in the pen, it is desirable to make the floor at a slight slope.

When the screed is dry, the surface is covered with insulation, and boards are nailed on top. This approach to business will protect the dog from unforeseen diseases.The next stage is a blank wall, which is laid out of bricks. Then a fence is welded to the posts and a metal frame and door are installed.floor and roof

Next, they proceed to the construction of the roof, which is first laid out with the help of boards. From above they are covered with roofing material, and only then - slate or metal tiles. Thanks to this technology, the pet will be protected from heavy rains and heavy snowfalls. The dog enclosure shown in the photo is a typical example of a comfortable enclosure on the territory of a summer cottage. What if the owner prefers to keep a faithful friend in the house or apartment? Fortunately, this is not a problem.

A piece of dog's "paradise" in the apartment

aviary for a dog in an apartmentTo care for pets with love, wise owners understand their need to frolic. Therefore, many people prefer to install a pen for dogs in the apartment and give them their own space.

playpen for puppiesAn open-air cage in the form of an arena is suitable for a female who has puppies. So she can freely walk around the apartment, which cannot be said about the kids. Pens are:

  • metal;metal aviary
  • wooden;wooden puppy pen
  • plastic;plastic aviary
  • from chipboard;chipboard corral
  • made of cardboard.aviary made of cardboard

To build aviary in the apartment can be from a regular grid. To do this, you need to take the following set of items:

  • mesh (preferably a chain-link);
  • metal rods;
  • flexible wire;
  • pliers;
  • hinges for the door.

pets are restingGetting down to business, choose a suitable shape, for example, a rectangle. Then a frame is made from the rods, which is covered with a mesh from three sides. The parts are connected using pieces of wire. The free part of the "wall" is connected with a wicket. The floor is covered with oilcloth if the pen is made for a mother with puppies. Such a piece of "paradise" will provide a peaceful coexistence of pets and people.

To make it convenient for the owners to clean the enclosure where the puppies live, it is advisable to put thick diapers on the oilcloth.

Paddock for a large dog - video


