Harvesting black bean seeds

black beans Black beans are rich in vegetable protein and micronutrients that aid digestion. Black beans, like other legumes, are widely used in American and Mexican cuisine. In China, the "Shokoladnitsa" bean variety is used in making sweet pies. Beans were widely used in the preparation of Russian cuisine, but with the advent of beans they were undeservedly forgotten. Today beans are grown commercially in England and America. You can find black bean seeds at gardening stores.

Harvesting black bean seeds

Black beans, like all legumes, are harvested for seeds in mid-July - early August, depending on the bean variety. By this time, the aboveground part of the plants is completely dry. The dead wood is mowed and the pods are left in the sun for several days. The pods are then harvested and the seeds are removed from them. Each pod contains three seeds with a diameter of five to seven millimeters. Then the seeds are laid out in the sun and dried for three days.

Black beans are planted in late May - early June, two seeds are placed in the holes. The soil is disinfected with a hot, slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate.

After the first shoots appear, the soil must be well loosened to ensure air circulation. Then the sprouts of black beans are treated with insecticidal preparations so that the small leaves are not hit by the leafworm. When the bean bushes reach a size of 1.5 to 2 m, depending on the variety, you can harvest.

Harvesting and using black beans in cooking

Up to 200 black beans can be harvested from one bush, depending on the cultivar. The legumes will be ready for harvest when the stem of the pod is completely dry, in late July or early August.

For eating, the beans must either be soaked in cold water or boiled. This will neutralize the dangerous poison found in raw black beans. Black beans are also stewed with tomato sauce.

Beans increase gas production to avoid indigestion, black bean dishes are added dill... Due to the high amount of carbohydrates found in black beans, beans are very high in calories. They charge with energy and strength for the whole day. If you boil black beans and add them to a salad, you get a tasty and healthy dish.


