I wanted a dacha on the river bank - prepare a wallet

Recently, more and more city dwellers dream of getting out of the daily hustle and bustle and going out into nature. Many people combine a pleasant business with a useful one - they are building a dacha closer to the water.

Dacha in the water protection zone

And without knowing it, summer residents are attracting a real danger to themselves. Because they find themselves in a water protection zone, where their own laws apply. Violation of them leads to penalties and fines.

How to determine the boundaries of the water protection zone

The territory of the land, bordering the coastline of any body of water, already has the right to be called a water protection zone. Its size depends on the size of the specified reservoir:

  • if the distance from the source to the mouth of a stream or river is less than 10 km, then the width of the water protection zone is measured at 50 m;
  • if the river stretches for 50 km or more, then the width of the zone increases to 200 m.

In addition, along the banks of any body of water, there is also a territory intended for free, general use. The so-called coastal strip, which is 20 m wide. The exception is streams less than 10 km. For them, 5 m are allocated for the coastal strip.

Is the desire to become the owner of a summer house in the water protection zone feasible

The legislation does not prohibit the acquisition of land located in the water protection zone in order to carry out gardening activities on them. But you need to familiarize yourself with a number of requirements and reservations spelled out in Art. 65 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation.

Water protection zone

If the summer cottage is located on the coastal strip, then it is not possible to privatize it. You can get acquainted with this provision in more detail in the Land Code of the Russian Federation, art. 27

"Capture the territory" of the beach adjacent to the site

The dream of becoming a beach owner is understandable and tempting. But not feasible! The beach area is located just on the coastal strip, which is a common area. Therefore, you have no legal grounds for limiting the shore to a width of 20 m.

Crimes and Punishments in the Water Protection Zone

Having decided to purchase a plot in the water protection zone, carefully study all points of Art. 65 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation

If you violate the established legislation in relation to the water protection zone, you risk falling under administrative responsibility. In this case, it will be necessary not only to eliminate the damage caused, but also to pay the imposed fine:

  • if you are a citizen, then its size will be from 3.000 to 4.500 rubles;
  • officials are fined from 8,000 to 12,000 rubles;
  • being a legal entity, you will have to pay from 200,000 to 400,000 rubles


