Biostimulator "Universal ovary": instructions for use of the drug

One of the most popular means for stimulating fruit formation is "Universal ovary", the instructions for use of which recommends using the drug to enhance fruit set. It ensures the formation of ovaries, the growth of fruits and high productivity even in adverse weather conditions, with a shortage of pollinating insects.
Main characteristics

The biostimulant is of natural origin, the preparation "Ovyaz" contains sodium salts of gibberellic acids. Gibberellins are concentrated in leaves, seeds, fruits, and are a kind of "hormones of youth". The substance is a regulator of flowering and fruit ripening.
The product belongs to the 3rd class of hazard, non-toxic to humans, insects and soil microfauna. "Universal ovary" does not affect ground and underground waters, does not accumulate in plant tissues, soil.
The drug is produced in packs of 2 g. Manufacturer - domestic company LLC Orton. It can be stored at a temperature not exceeding + 25 ° C in a hermetically sealed package in a dark ventilated room. The storage location must be out of reach of children. The maximum period without loss of efficiency is 2 years.
The ready-made working solution is stored for no more than 24 hours in a dark room with a temperature of no higher than + 20 ° C in a tightly closed container.
Method of action

Fruiting stimulator "Ovary" acts in this way:
- reduces the number of fallen ovaries, increases yield up to 30%;
- improves commercial qualities - fruit size, sugar content in the pulp;
- reduces the likelihood of fruit spoilage during long-term storage;
- prolongs the flowering process, due to which the number of ovaries increases;
- promotes the growth of green mass of the plant;
- strengthens the immune system;
- increases the adaptive ability of plants to adverse weather conditions;
- reduces the duration of the ripening of the crop.
The fruit formation stimulator stimulates the germination of pollen grains and the growth of pollen tubes, increasing the number of ovaries even under unfavorable climatic conditions. Replenishes gibberellin deficiency in plant cells, activating the formation of fruits in case of impaired fertilization.
"Universal ovary": instructions for use

When preparing the solution and further spraying, the exact dosage must be observed according to the instructions for use for the "Universal ovary". An excess of the active substance in the tissues of the plant disrupts the natural growth processes, can slow down the formation of fruits and the growth of green mass.
Terms of use and precautions

Application rules:
- The basic solution is prepared from 1 packet of powder, which is dissolved in water (from 1 to 1.5 l), mixed, and poured into a spray bottle.
- Spraying is carried out in warm weather in the morning or evening after sunset.
- The shelf life of the finished solution is up to 24 hours.
- The drug is most effective during periods of drought, during sharp temperature fluctuations, spring frosts, and reduces the risks for the forming ovaries.
No special protective equipment is required; after spraying, wash your hands, face and change clothes.
Before working with the powder and ready-made solution, it is important to protect your face with a gauze bandage or respirator, wear gloves on your hands, and cover all exposed areas of the body with clothing.
If the solution gets into the oral cavity or on the mucous membranes of the nose, the eye must be washed with soap and clean running water. When swallowing the solution, it is recommended to drink 2 glasses of water and a sorbent.
Solution preparation

Instructions for use of "Universal ovary":
- The drug "Ovary" for grapes used in a dosage of 1 sachet and 1 liter of water. A single spraying is carried out after flowering, consumption per 100 sq. m. plantings - 1.5 liters of working solution.
- Eggplants, peppers - 1 bag per 1 liter of water, The bushes are processed at the beginning of the bud setting and again at the beginning of flowering, the consumption is 3 liters per 100 sq. m.
- The "ovary" for cucumbers is used in a dosage of 1 packet for 1.4 liters of water. Plantings are sprayed twice - at the beginning of flowering and after 7-8 days. Solution consumption - 3 liters per 100 sq. m. plot.
- Dosage for spraying cabbage - 1 bag for 1.5 liters of water. The first time spraying is carried out when 6–8 leaves appear, the second time when the head is tied. Average consumption - 3 liters per 100 sq. m. plot.
- Instructions for "Ovary" for tomatoes: 2 g of powder is stirred in 1 liter of water, the bushes are sprayed three times (the first – third brush). Consumption - 3 liters of solution per 100 sq. m.
- Potato solution - 1.5 g of powder per 1.5 liters of water. Sprayed at the rate of 3 liters per 100 sq. m twice - at the beginning of flowering and after 7 days.
- Currant, raspberries, fruit trees (plum, pear, apple, cherry) - 1 package for 1 liter of water. Sprayed twice at the beginning of flowering, re-treatment after 7 days. Consumption per 100 sq. m. 4–6 l.
- Strawberries - 2 g of powder per liter. The first time they are sprayed when peduncles appear, then after another 7 days, consumption per 100 sq. m. 4 liters of liquid.
Spraying with the regulator is carried out in open and closed (greenhouses, greenhouses) soil.
Advantages and disadvantages

- quickly absorbed by the plant;
- does not harm insects and people;
- suitable for processing seeds and seedlings;
- increases immunity to fungal diseases;
- shortens the ripening period of fruits by 7 days.
- requires compliance with the dosage, an excess reduces the taste of the fruit;
- spot processing of each bush is necessary;
- actively acts in bright light, therefore, processing is carried out only in sunny weather.
Gibberellin, which is part of the biostimulant, is specific not only for species groups and plants, but also for individual varieties. Some crops do not tolerate this treatment well.
Increasing the yield, improving the taste of fruits, accelerating ripening is the main goal of the gardener. When "Ovary" is used, the plants not only give more full-fledged ovaries, but also become immune to diseases, temperature extremes, and droughts.