Green soap is a reliable armor for plants
How sad it is to watch the wilting foliage of the once lush plants that fill the planet. However, there is a unique remedy - green soap that can protect them from irreparable harm. Experienced gardeners know how effective this insecticide is. Despite the chemical composition, the product is considered an environmentally friendly product. It does not exude harmful aromas. Getting on the skin does not cause burns or other unpleasant sensations. What is interesting for green soap for gardeners? When and how is it effective use? Let's try to understand the essence of the matter and create a reliable armor.
The product fits ideally on leaf plates and green shoots, forming a sticky film. As a result, spores of harmful fungi and various insects do not take root on the crop.
Green soap: a set of "ingredients"
The drug consists of natural ingredients, animal and vegetable in nature. It is not really soap, although it is very similar to it.
An insecticide consists of ingredients:
- water;
- sunflower or soybean oil;
- fats derived from lamb and livestock;
- potassium salts.
The resulting product has a liquid consistency. For spraying plants often use spray guns.
It is advisable to use the drug a week before harvesting ripe fruits.
Ambulance for plants
Experienced gardeners understand what green soap is for in garden, therefore they actively use it as a protective agent. The secret of natural action the substance consists in the formation of a film on the surface of the leaves. Thanks to this parasites are trapped. Those that remained on the surface stop eating, multiplying and moving. They also become sticky. a substance that prevents them from laying eggs and even breathing.
Consider detailed instructions for using green soap. It will help protect gardens from various ailments and pests.
The tool is effectively used to prevent the occurrence of such diseases:
- late blight;
- scab or rust;
- cytosporosis;
- powdery mildew;
- fungal spot.
Often, green soap is mixed with active ingredients:
- ash;
- tobacco;
- garlic;
- herbal decoctions.
To do this, take about 100 g of the drug. Then his diluted in 10 liters of tinctures from various herbs. The received remedy abundantly sprayed garden crops. The result is a protective environment against all kinds of diseases. This is what green plant soap is if use correctly.
The diluted preparation is absolutely harmless to soil microorganisms, earthworms, birds, inhabitants of reservoirs and bees.
Wide range of applications
An effective remedy is obtained by combining 50 g of soap and 1 liter of boiling water. When the emulsion has cooled, pure water is added to it with constant stirring.
The solution is used for processing:
- fruit trees;
- berry bushes (currants, raspberries, blackberry);
- garden crops (cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes).
The procedure is carried out on cloudy days or after sunset.
The composition of green soap allows its use in the fight against harmful insects:
- aphids;
- various caterpillars;
- spider mite;
- soil fly;
- miniature false shield.
Some gardeners combine fungicidal soaps with ash and tobacco waste. On 10 liters of water put 25 g of the drug plus the active substance.The solution is insisted for 24 hours. Used for spraying garden crops from annoying insect pests. To do this, it is important to follow the instructions for green soap from pests of a particular species.
A substance prepared from the following components will help get rid of bedbugs:
- potash soap (4 hours);
- turpentine (1 tsp);
- kerosene (2 hours);
- water (12 parts).
To combat aphids, soap (about 400 g) is diluted with 10 liters of water. It is easy to destroy the shield with a liquid consisting of 300 g of the substance diluted in 1 bucket of water.
You can use green soap from spider mites if you combine it with stronger insecticides:
- "Decis";
- "Karbofos";
- Intavir.
For 10 l of water add from 40 to 100 g of the substance. Toxic the product will not only quickly neutralize the pest, but also increase its stickiness by the surface of the sheet plate. It is also important to know how to use green soap correctly so as not to harm the plants. Categorically it is forbidden to add immunomodulators to the drug, all kinds of feeding for roots. Otherwise, the culture can weaken and even get sick.
As you know, when acid and alkali interact, dangerous compounds are formed. They can adversely affect the growth and development of a culture. Green soap has a slightly alkaline reaction.
Grapes are the "sun"
This was the name of the favorite culture in an old children's song. Today, more and more summer residents are engaged in the cultivation of grapes. They apply a lot of efforts to protect the fragile bush from the attacks of annoying insects and all kinds diseases. It turns out that green soap and grapes are great for each other. The use of an insecticide has a positive effect on the integrity of the vine and the yield culture. Ripe juiced berries will surely delight gardeners if they spray the bushes in time.
This is best done on a warm, windless and dry day. Soapy a solution from pests is prepared in the usual way: 250 is enough for 1 bucket of water ml of substance. During the season, the vine is sprayed 2 or 3 times. The procedure begins with root part of the plant, trying to direct the stream to the places of concentration pests. After 12 days, spraying is repeated.
The treatment of grapes from fungal diseases is carried out evenly throughout the plant.
Spectacular armor for the indoor garden
Fans of green spaces, who do not have a summer cottage, successfully grow gardens in their homes. Unfortunately, ornamental plants also suffer from ailments and pests. Using green houseplant soap can also help with this problem.
Processing is carried out all year round, since the substance is a natural and pure product. The solution is prepared in the usual way: dilute 250 ml of liquid in 10 liters of water. Then it is applied to the side and bottom of the room culture.
The drug is convenient to use in home greenhouses, where the flowerpots are almost close to each other.
Royal flower - orchid
The blossoming buds of a delicate flower leave no one indifferent. Therefore, the plant has taken its rightful place in home green oases. The flower is bred as a central element of the decor of the room, which is decorated living plants. Unfortunately, orchids are susceptible to various diseases and attacks by insect pests.
One of them is a mealybug. It infects the leaf plates of the plant, causing irreparable harm to it. To protect the orchid from pests, prepare a green soapy solution. To enhance the effect, it is mixed with additional substances.
The maximum dose of the product is 100 ml per 1 bucket of water. Processing is carried out at least 3 times with an interval of 7 days.
If the parasites have seriously damaged the flower, the procedure is repeated. The unique green orchid soap has a beneficial effect on the plant, increasing its flowering period.
Of course, it is important to use any drug with caution, adhering to hygienic standards.The procedure is performed with gloves, away from children. In case of contact with eyes, immediately rinse with running water. The diluted substance is preferably used on the same day. Residual soap should not be poured under the roots of trees, shrubs or garden crops. Caring for the environment is commendable.