Garden strawberry Malvina: feature, planting and care of plants

garden strawberry Malvina Garden strawberry Malvina is one of the most popular varieties. The plant is distinguished by its unpretentiousness, abundant fruiting. Malvina is also loved because of the high taste of the fruit.

Garden strawberry Malvina: description of the variety and its benefits

late ripening variety

The Malvina strawberry variety is the work of German breeders. It was brought out by Peter Stoppel in 2010. But in a fairly short time, they learned about this berry in many countries of the world. And this is not surprising, because Malvina is not only tasty, but also easy to care for.

On hot days, strawberries ripen very quickly.

Feature of the variety:

  1. The berries ripen quite late. It all depends on the region. The period of fruit formation can be from early June to Julia.
  2. If the weather is cloudy and cool outside, the ripening of the fruits can take 2-3 weeks.
  3. The berries are heart-shaped. The peel of ripe fruits has a rich color with a cherry tint.
  4. The pulp is dense, light. The berries have a rich taste with a slight acidity. Excellent transport tolerance.
  5. The first berries weigh about 35 g. If you take proper care of strawberries, you can get up to 800 g of fruits from one bush.

Adult bushes are quite spreading, strong. Malvina's stem is erect. The leaves are bright and large. Strawberries grow up to 50 cm tall.

Planting strawberries

planting strawberries MalvinaYou need to plant Malvina only on a flat area that is well protected from drafts. You should not choose an area that is in the shade or partial shade.

As for the soil, it is better to use fertile and light soil. The soil should not retain water, as this can negatively affect the development of plants.

Boarding time

This procedure is best done in the second part of August. You can also plant Malvina in September, but only in the first days. If you ignore this rule and plant the seedlings later, then they may not start.

Soil preparation

soil preparationThe garden must be carefully dug up. Then level the plot with a rake. For fast rooting, it is recommended to water the soil with water and fertilize if desired. The best option is organic (humus, chicken droppings).

The choice of planting material

Antennae for planting should be healthy and strong. Only those shoots that have a well-formed outlet and 2-3 full leaves should be separated.

You should also pay attention to the condition of the root system.

It is recommended to choose only that planting material, the roots of which are not dry, and the lobe is lush.

Landing scheme

strawberry planting schemeThere are several planting methods, but it is best to place strawberries in rows. There should be a distance of 0.5 to 0.7 m between future bushes, and about 0.8 m between rows.

Pour clean water into the formed pits. Once it is completely absorbed, you can place the seedling by lightly pressing the root. Then sprinkle well with a herd and compact. Re-pour water on top. Irrigation of only planted strawberries should be carried out twice a day, until they take root.

Strawberry care Malvina

For the berries to be juicy and have a rich aroma, you need to follow certain rules for caring for the bushes.

Watering plants

watering strawberriesStrawberries need abundant irrigation. To water should be taken daily, especially on hot days. Also, do not forget to irrigate the soil during the growing season and ripening of fruits.So the berries will be juicy and tasty.

If the strawberries do not have enough moisture, then the fruits will significantly decrease in size and may even begin to taste bitter.


fertilizationMalvina develops well if it is fertilized. Top dressing is carried out in three stages. During the growth of the leaves, mixtures based on nitrogen... During the flowering period, the bushes are fertilized with phosphorus preparations, and after picking the berries, they are fed with nitrogen-potassium agents.

Possible problems

rotting strawberriesDespite the fact that Malvina has good immunity, it can be affected by powdery mildew or verticillary wilting. Less often, brown spotting can be observed on the leaves.

If the air temperature is low for a long time and it is cloudy enough, then the bushes can begin to be affected by gray rot. Defining this problem is not difficult. The berries become soft, signs of rotting appear on top. You can protect the fruit from damage by sprinkling the aisles with dry sawdust. Copper oxychloride is used as a preventive method. In 10 liters of liquid dissolve 1 tbsp. l funds. The resulting mixture is irrigated into the soil.

If you follow all the recommendations, then it will be very easy to get a high-quality and bountiful harvest. It is enough to observe the conditions of planting, watering and fertilizing. Only then will Malvina delight your whole family with delicious, aromatic berries.

Strawberry Malvina late ripening - video


