"Exotic guest" in your apartment - exquisite room jacaranda
Sophisticated mini-trees have excellent decorative properties. It is to this type of plants that indoor jacaranda belongs. Sadly, however, at home, a representative of the Bignoniev family blooms very rarely. Nevertheless, the original foliage of the culture, resembling a fern or mimosa, fits perfectly into the interior of an apartment or a country house.
General characteristics of the violet tree
The violet jacaranda tree grows:
- in mountainous areas;
- on the plains;
- in the rainforest.
It is in such conditions that some varieties reach 15-20 m. In total, there are about 50 species in the genus. At home, only mimosol is grown, the best varieties of which are Magdalena and Delta.
The unique decorative effect of the crown is possible due to the unique structure:
- petioles 40-50 cm long;
- double-pinnate structure of branches;
- paired opposing leaves ranging in size from 5 to 28 mm.
Jacaranda received two more original names. For its resemblance to fern leaves, the culture is called a fern tree, and for the color of flowers - a violet tree.
Due to the openwork foliage, the plant looks unusually elegant in any interior. When grown in a house, it stretches up to 2 or more meters. In nature, the flowering of culture is observed in winter or spring.
Each shoot of the tree is crowned with inflorescences of bright colors:
- lilac blue;
- purple;
- purple.
In appearance, the flowers resemble gradually expanding thunderphones. In length, funny bells reach 5 cm. At the base of the peduncle, their diameter is 3 cm. The petals are divided into 4-5 lobes. Taken together, a luxurious paniculate inflorescence is obtained. Yet, as noted earlier, the jacaranda violet tree blooms very rarely at home. If it is possible to create a suitable microclimate for the flowerpot (lighting, temperature and dormancy), then a miracle may happen.
Raising an adorable "guest from the tropics"
The plant is unpretentious in planting and care, only for it it is required to create conditions close to the natural environment. The tropical climate is characterized by high humidity and warmth. For this reason, the apartment in the summer should be more than + 25 ... + 27˚С, and in winter: + 17 ... + 18˚С. In November-December, indoor jacaranda enters a state of rest. Therefore, sudden changes in temperature are contraindicated for her. Proper development during this period is achieved through optimal lighting.
An exotic culture is adapted to unexpected drops in temperature (up to + 13˚C), but only for a short time. In this case, the mimosolous variety can shed foliage.
Special attention is paid to lighting. Experts recommend that every day the fern tree receives up to 3-4 hours of bright sunlight, especially in winter.The rest of the day is advised to shade the openwork crown of the flowerpot. The ideal local for placing a flower is windows facing east or southeast.
The crown develops as symmetrically as possible if the pot is regularly rotated around its axis. This will allow the shoots to receive the same amount of sunlight.
Indoor jacaranda needs a humid climate
In summer, watering is carried out every 2-3 days so that the land is constantly wet, but not swampy. In winter, the number of procedures is reduced to 2-3 per month. During the rest period, the soil is gently and moderately moistened. As soon as the top layer dries up to a depth of 2 cm, the soil is sprayed from a spray bottle. This airborne irrigation mimics tropical rain. For the event, only warm and well-settled water is used.
It is also recommended to mulch the periosteal circle with:
- chopped sphagnum;
- coconut substrate;
- ate bark.
Such a natural cover allows moisture to remain in the ground for a long time, thereby creating a proper microclimate for the plant. In addition, the room maintains air humidity within 65-70%, and in winter - at least 30%. To obtain such indicators, a violet tree is regularly sprayed. The procedure is performed daily in the evening. Water at room temperature is drawn into the spray bottle, which has settled for a day.
Additional tricks for creating a tropical microclimate are pallets with wet pebbles. In other cases, conventional water containers / tanks are widely used.
The importance of pruning and fertilizing
When spring comes, young and too elongated shoots are pinched. Dried or deformed leaves are also removed. This pruning technique stimulates the growth of lateral branches. As a result, the fern tree acquires a spherical crown. To obtain a specimen in the Japanese style, bonsai is removed annually up to 10 cm of the main trunk. The lateral branches are formed with soft wire, which fixes the crown for 3 months.
Like all other houseplants, Jacaranda mimosoliferous needs regular feeding.:
- mineral complexes;
- potash fertilizers;
- rotted organicmixed with peat under the roots.
Watering and feeding are always combined. During wintering, as well as when shedding leaves, the culture does not need nutrients, therefore, the introduction of drugs is not carried out.
The rate of use of the above formulations is selected in accordance with the instructions. During active vegetative growth, fertilizing is applied every 2-4 weeks. The tropical plant reacts especially well to organic fertilizers. Regardless of the care and maintenance conditions, indoor jacaranda can shed its foliage in February or early March.
The subtleties of planting and transplanting
When the root system actively seeks to "leave" the pot, the flowerpot is transplanted into a container with a larger diameter (with a difference of 3 cm). For adults, an event is scheduled every 3-4 years. A prerequisite is the presence of a hole in the bottom of the pot and a good drainage layer (broken brick in the lower part, and sand in the upper part).
The soil composition is prepared from 4 main components (in a ratio of 2: 1: 1: 1):
- sod land;
- humus;
- peat (slightly acidic);
- sand (coarse grains) or perlite.
A pot for a tropical plant is selected from clay or ceramics. Unlike plastic, natural materials are able to retain moisture and "breathe".
In some cases, deciduous soil (4 parts) is added to obtain the most loose, airy substrate. The transplant process is carried out very carefully. When the rhizome is deepened, the growth point is not buried. Otherwise, the growth and development of the violet tree will stop.
Propagation by seeds or cuttings
The seed jacaranda is grown effortlessly.Seedling material is germinated before sowing. The seeds are wrapped in damp gauze, which is periodically sprayed, for only 2-3 days. After that, the seeds are planted in the soil mixture to a depth of 1 cm. The earth is watered abundantly with water, and the container is covered with foil / glass. The container is sent to a room with a temperature of + 22 ... + 24˚С.
The mini-greenhouse is ventilated and humidified daily. When shoots appear (on day 21), the shelter is removed. In the phase of 2-3 true leaves, the seedlings dive into separate pots.
Reproduction of room jacaranda by cuttings is carried out in the following sequence:
- cuttings (up to 10 cm long) are prepared in May-July;
- are processed with a growth stimulant;
- are planted in a moist soil mixture under a film;
- after 14 days, the seedlings are transferred to new pots.
In floriculture, the method of rooting cuttings in water with the addition of crushed coal is also widely used. Before this, the stems are sprayed with root. As soon as the roots grow up to 1.5 cm, the shoots are planted in the soil.
If the foliage of the fern tree begins to turn yellow, it means that the tropical culture lacks iron.
Most often, indoor jacaranda suffers from decay of the root system. This is caused by poor drainage or excess moisture. Then the damaged roots are removed, the flower is transplanted into another container in compliance with all planting rules and an irrigation system is established. Carefully observing their "ward", many have even achieved the flowering of an exotic tree.