How to start a violet tree at home - jacaranda, growing from seeds at home

I have long dreamed of getting myself a plant like jacaranda; I want to grow from seeds at home in the spring. I found the planting material on the Internet and already ordered it, it remains only to clarify the details. How well do the seeds germinate and do they need to be soaked before planting? And what soil is best used for seedlings and grown seedlings?

jacaranda growing from seeds at home For the violet-blue color of the inflorescences, it is called a rosewood or violet tree, and for the shape of the leaves - fern. It is an evergreen jacaranda tree, growing from seeds at home is one of the most affordable methods of propagation. If only for the reason that in our climate these tropical crops grow in the open field in few places. Getting cuttings will be a real problem, and getting seeds that are more transportable in our time is much easier.

Jacaranda belongs to the bignonium family and grows in natural conditions mainly in warm Brazil. It looks majestic and at the same time gorgeous, especially when it blooms. Lush panicles of blue, purple or white flowers densely cover the branches. The leaves of this tree are no less beautiful. These are whole branches with deeply dissected segments, on which small plates are densely located, like frond ferns.

Jacaranda - growing from seeds at home

jacaranda bonsai

By its nature, jacaranda is a rather large crop, because its height reaches 20 m.However, due to its thermophilic and adaptable nature, it is often grown as a houseplant. Of course, in this case, the height of such trees does not exceed 3 m, moreover, it is easy to restrain it by pruning. Rosewood is also attractive because it lends itself well to shaping. It makes amazingly beautiful bonsai.

As a room culture, mimosolous or fern-leaved jacaranda most often act.

How to sow seeds

jacaranda seedsThe seeds of the violet tree are large enough and germinate well. It will not be difficult to grow seedlings:

  1. Wrap the seeds in a damp cloth and let them swell for one day. This will speed up germination.
  2. Fill small cups or a tray with a mixture of peat and sand, and spray liberally.
  3. Spread the seeds over the surface of the soil, and then sprinkle them with a layer of soil mixture about 1 cm thick.
  4. Cover the container with foil and leave in a warm place with a temperature of at least 22 ° C heat. Lighting at this stage does not play a role yet.
  5. Do not forget to air the greenhouse and spray the soil from time to time.

The first shoots will appear in 2-3 weeks. Remove the film after germination. The seedlings now need good lighting, so move the crops to the south window. There they will grow evenly, and will not stretch out, although supplementary lighting will not hurt on cloudy days. On days when the sun is too bright outside, shade the seedlings so that they do not get burned.

How to care for violet seedlings

jacaranda seedling seedlingCaring for young jacaranda is based on the general principles of growing any seedlings:

  • watering;
  • top dressing;
  • dive.

Moisten the soil in time, and when the plants form a pair of true leaves, transplant them into separate (or deeper) cups. Now you can diversify the substrate and make it more nutritious.To do this, mix one part at a time. humus, sand and peat soil, and add two parts of turf soil. This soil is also suitable for adult jacaranda with further transplants.

How to sow jacaranda seeds correctly


