The highlight of landscape design is a creeping tenacious
Many gardeners use groundcover to transform their backyard into an oasis of pleasure. The creeping insect is an original living flower carpet, with the help of which the voids between the trees and bushes of the garden are filled. The plant covers the ground tightly, so weeds do not grow on it. The whole season you can enjoy the lush decoration of the paradise.
Brief description and common types
The plant got its name for its unpretentious disposition. It is drought tolerant and grows in rocky places like on fertile soil. It is found in deciduous forests, in sunny glades and even among dense bushes.
To date, more than 40 varieties of the creeping tenacious are known, which grow in different parts of the planet. In its original form, the plant was remembered by people for its bright blue flowers. But, thanks to the work of breeders, new decorative options have appeared. They differ mainly in the following ways:
- plant height;
- leaf shape;
- flowering period;
- color of buds;
- drawings on leaflets.
On the provided photos of the creeping tenacious, you can clearly see these differences.
The most famous variety used by gardeners is Atropurpurea. It has glossy brown wrinkled leaves with a bronze tint. They form flower carpets 8 cm high and are light-loving plants.
View Burgundy Glow (Burgundy Glow) is distinguished by small leaves that come in different colors. Depending on the soil and the light, they shimmer in red, brown or lilac. The tenacious Burgundy Glow grows well under the shade of shrubs or trees.
The original variety of the tenacious is Multicolor. Bright purple leaves, which show red, orange and yellow spots, change color depending on the light. In a shady area of the garden, stains of a yellow or pinkish hue appear on green leaves.
Variety of creeping tenacious - Variegata (Variegata) has grayish-green leaves, framed by a cream border. Truly a work of art!
Dark purple shiny jagged leaves are characteristic of the Black Scallop cultivar. Such a tenacious bloom in blue. If a lot of light falls on it, the leaves darken over time.
Despite the fact that the tenacious grows well in shady places and in the light, it is better to avoid areas under the scorching sun. Ideal - under spreading bushes.
Planting and caring for carpet flowers
To grow a flower carpet on a garden plot, it is important to follow the basic rules for planting a creeping tenacious and caring for it.
The plant propagates by sowing seeds or dividing bushes. But, first, you should prepare the soil and choose a suitable place in the garden. Since Ayuga is an unpretentious plant, it will take root anywhere flower garden... However, in a shaded area, the survivor will be better.
The ideal soil for planting a plant is loam, which is enriched with biohumus. The seeds of the tenacious are sown into the prepared small holes and sprinkled with earth.
Sowing material is best purchased in special stores.Seeds that are harvested on their own lose varietal characteristics.
You can plant a creeping tenacious plant in a vegetative way. To do this, the root of the plant is divided into stolons, in which there are 3 internodes. To obtain planting material, the tenacious is actively watered for about a week. During this time, new roots grow. The plants you like are dug up, and then, divided into parts with a sharp knife or scissors. New seedlings are laid out in the prepared hole at a distance of 30 cm from each other. Falling asleep with earth, the main thing is not to cover the top of the plant. You can plant a creeping tenacious in this way in the spring, while it has not bloomed.
You can plant a flower carpet by dividing the plant into sockets. There should be 3 of them on each handle. Thanks to this, the creeping tenacious will take root faster. This method is applicable during the entire warm period.
The main rule of Ayuga care is to control the growth and density of the carpet. In view of this, it needs to be periodically thinned and watered during a drought. If a flower pillow has been pleasing to the eye in one place for more than 6 years, nitrogenous fertilizers must be applied to the soil. And in early spring, add a little soil.
In winter, the tenacious can not be covered, since it is not afraid of frost.
Zest of landscape design
Experienced gardeners use tenacious to create various compositions. She decorates shaded areas, turning them into a haven for relaxation. Against the background of tall trees and spreading shrubs, the tenacious is like a soft carpet that attracts the eye. And in harmony with other garden flowers, craftsmen create magnificent compositions. In the photo of the creeping tenacious in landscape design, all its charms are clearly visible.
It is a great addition to areas where the lawn grass does not grow or dries out. An original base for an alpine slide and a highlight at the trunks of majestic trees. Those who have ever been in a garden decorated with a creeping tenacious will want to return there again.