Memo to the culinary specialist and the chef - zira and cumin, how they differ and what do spices have in common

Explain, please, cumin and caraway seeds are different and in general are they different seasonings or not? A friend gave a recipe for how to bake meat, and in it it was necessary to add cumin to the marinade. I walked around all the shops, I didn't find it anywhere. And several sellers even offered me caraway seeds, saying that it was the same thing. I took it, added it according to the amount according to the recipe, but the meat didn't turn out the way I wanted it, it even smells differently. It turns out that these are still different spices?

zira and caraway are different Modern cooking is not complete without various spices, especially oriental cuisine. Some of the popular spices are cumin, cumin, coriander, basil and others. But knowing their name is not all, because many are very similar, for example, cumin and caraway, which makes them difficult to notice at first glance. At the same time, similar in appearance, these seasonings are actually completely separate plants, from the seeds of which they are obtained. Despite the similarities and some common aspects, they even have different tastes and aromas. Therefore, when deciding to replace cumin with cumin or vice versa, this should definitely be taken into account.

What do cumin and cumin have in common

zira and caraway what in common

The spices are united, first of all, by belonging to the same family - they belong to the umbrella. And although the appearance of plants is different, one more, second similarity, they still have. These are small, curved seeds with lighter ribs. They are used to add to various dishes. So the third point in terms of similarity is the scope. Both cumin and caraway are often used not only for first and second courses, but also in cooking, especially in baking. And they also make cosmetic oil with a healing effect, especially from cumin.

In order for the seeds to reveal their aroma to the maximum, they are pre-fried, especially cumin.

Zira and cumin - how are they different

what zira and caraway look likeDespite some similarities, caraway and cumin are still two different spices. You can distinguish them by the following features:

  1. The appearance and belonging of the plants from which the seasonings are obtained. Caraway is a tall biennial plant with narrow branchy stems, reminiscent of a dill bush. Zira is a one-year and more compact culture.
  2. Seed color. In cumin, they are darker, rich brown, and in cumin, they are light brown or green-gray.
  3. The taste and aroma of spices. More delicate, spicy and sweet scent of cumin, reminiscent of aroma dill, with a sharp taste. Zira, on the other hand, has a pronounced nutty smell, but at the same time with bitter notes.

The use of spices is also slightly different. Caraway is added to vegetable, mushroom and meat dishes, dough for bread and baked goods. Zira is put in soups, meat or legumes.

How to tell the difference between cumin, cumin and cumin


