The use in folk medicine of the healing properties of the golden mustache
The plant is a golden mustache, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which are diverse, native to South America. Its beneficial qualities did not become known immediately, it took time. Initially, this flower was used only for decorative purposes. It appeared in Russia only at the end of the 19th century. He is often referred to as a “home doctor”. Medicines prepared on its basis help with a number of diseases.
Representatives of official medicine agree that fans of traditional methods of treating diseases attribute medicinal properties and contraindications to the golden mustache, which are far from reality.
Before using this plant, you should consult with a specialist. In particular, it is not recommended to place high hopes on this flower in the treatment of oncological and very serious chronic diseases.
Golden mustache: application in traditional medicine
The range of use of fragrant callis as a folk remedy is very wide. The benefits of the golden mustache, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which are questioned in some scientific circles, is explained by its chemical composition. It concentrates a large amount of biologically active substances. The plant sap is saturated with two flavonoids - quercetin and kaempferol.
The golden mustache plant: what heals?
According to adherents of traditional medicine, the substance contained in this flower, called beta-sitosterol, copes well with the treatment of the following diseases:
- atherosclerosis;
- metabolic problems;
- diseases of the stomach and intestines;
- diabetes;
- malfunctions of the endocrine system;
- diseases of the hematopoietic organs;
- obesity;
- pain in joints, as well as in the spine, and much more.
The presence of flavonoids - a group of polyphenols of plant origin, determines the expectorant, antimicrobial effect of this perennial. Due to the presence of these substances, the hemostatic and vasodilating effect of fragrant callis is also explained.
Golden mustache flower: medicinal properties
Due to the presence of tannins and tannin in its composition, this flower is known for its beneficial effect on inflammations that appear on any mucous membranes. These substances have an astringent pharmacological action.
Before using the golden mustache for medicinal purposes, it is recommended to keep it in a cold place (refrigerator) for up to 14 days. Tinctures, oils, decoctions and ointments are usually prepared from it. Not only the sap of the plant has healing properties, but also its leaves and shoots.
Treatment with a golden mustache is also possible due to the content of the following substances in its juice:
- Iron.
- Potassium.
- Copper.
- Vitamin C
- Nickel.
- B vitamins.
- Manganese and provitamin A.
The pectins contained in fragrant callis help to activate the process of binding toxins in the body and their further elimination. They are harmless adsorbents that help eliminate heavy metals and radionuclides. It is they who are involved in the normalization of the intestinal microflora.
For the purposes of traditional medicine, only those leaves are suitable that have a purple tint and are distinguished by the presence of at least 10 small joints. The plant accumulates most of the medicinal properties in itself by the autumn period.
Golden mustache: joint treatment
This flower is best known for its positive effects on sore joints. Pain resulting from arthritis and arthrosis can be alleviated by using a very simple remedy - a compress based on a golden mustache. Its preparation takes little time. This will require:
- Cut the leaves off the bottom of the trunk.
- Grind them thoroughly until smooth.
- Wrap the prepared gruel in cheesecloth folded in two layers.
- Apply a compress to a place that gives off pain.
It is recommended to hold the compress in this area until the painful sensations pass. Most often, this takes no more than 2 hours.
In order to treat joints, you can use not only a compress, but also take the juice of the plant inside. It is highly not recommended to keep the prepared juice for a long time, it is better to drink it right away. For this it is recommended to dilute 5 drops of concentrated juice with warm water.
Before taking any infusion of medicinal plants, you should consult your doctor. This is especially true for tinctures prepared with alcohol. This is due to the fact that the body can react negatively to such a remedy and side effects may occur!
Golden mustache in gynecology
When treating inflammatory processes of the female genital area, fragrant callis is often recommended. Unlike the drugs recommended by official medicine, remedies based on this plant do an excellent job with harmful microbes, but at the same time they delicately affect the natural beneficial microflora.
Despite the beneficial properties of many plants that are used to treat female diseases, in some cases, their use in extremely acute diseases is ineffective. In these cases, a stronger effect is required, which only antibiotics can have. Self-medication can have very sad consequences!
In the treatment of diseases associated with female genital organs, the infusion of the golden mustache is most often recommended. This will require:
- Grind young leaves.
- Pour a glass of boiling water over them.
- Infuse the leaves until they cool completely.
- Strain and 1 tbsp. l. no more than 4 times a day.
- Every day you need to prepare a fresh infusion.
- The course of treatment is no more than a week.
Golden mustache benefit and harm
Many people know that this flower has a lot of useful properties. But do not forget that the golden mustache, like any medicinal plant, has some contraindications. Its use is harmful in the following cases:
- kidney disease;
- pregnancy;
- prostate adenoma;
- individual intolerance to the components.
It is necessary to abandon this plant for children and those who have not yet reached the age of majority. During the course of treatment, you should completely limit the use of alcohol and smoking cigarettes. It is not recommended to starve during this period, as well as consume vegetables and fruit juices in large volume. It is worth excluding animal fats, confectionery and dairy products from your diet. Fast food, sodas and canned food are also discouraged.
If you develop headaches, allergic reactions or any other side effects after taking Golden Mustache products, you should stop taking them immediately and consult a herbalist or doctor.