Wild garlic dishes will complement your spring diet

wild garlic dishes For the fight against spring vitamin deficiency, greens are most suitable, which appear earlier than other vegetables. One of the most popular herbs in many countries is wild garlic. It is also called wild or bear onion, and it resembles garlic in taste and aroma. This plant is very useful, various dishes from wild garlic replenish the lack of vitamins and give food a spicy flavor.

Eating wild garlic

early wild garlic Ramson is found almost throughout Europe, in Siberia and the Far East. It grows in the forest or meadow, and it is also easy to buy it in the market, as many grow this plant in the garden. Since early spring, simple and delicious dishes of wild garlic are prepared, the recipes of which have been known since antiquity.

This plant is useful as it contains many vitamins, minerals, phytoncides and amino acids. In addition to replenishing the lack of trace elements, it has an antimicrobial effect, strengthens the immune system, stimulates metabolism and digestion.

Due to the large amount of essential oils and ascorbic acid, wild garlic is not recommended for use in any pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.

soup with wild garlicLeaves, stems and bulbs are suitable for food. Many dishes are prepared from wild garlic. Most often it is consumed fresh, adding to salads, sauces and cheeses. In this case, you must observe the measure, it is advisable to eat no more than 5-10 leaves. It is also added to the first, second courses, pies and sauces, make seasonings. Wild garlic is also harvested for the winter. To do this, it is pickled, salted, fermented or frozen. The easiest way is to sprinkle the washed leaves with salt and leave them under pressure.

Do not dry the leaves of wild garlic, while not only useful properties are lost, but the unique taste and aroma of the plant.

Simple dishes from wild garlic

vitamin salad There are many recipes with photos of dishes with fresh wild garlic. The easiest way to make a sauce. To do this, grind almonds, parsley and wild garlic with olive oil in a blender. This is a great addition to your main course. A delicious breakfast dish is sandwiches with cheese, eggs and herbs, cooked in the oven or microwave. But most often different salads are prepared from the plant.

It is better to eat dishes made from raw wild garlic in the afternoon, when you do not need to leave the house, as they leave behind a garlic smell from the mouth.

Spring salad

spring bacon with wild garlicA healthy and tasty salad is prepared with cucumbers and boiled eggs. You can fill it with sour cream or mayonnaise. It turns out to be moderately spicy, so no additional seasonings are required.cooking wild garlic

Optionally add parsley or dill:

  1. Grind the herbs.
  2. Cut the cucumbers into rings.
  3. Cut or rub the boiled eggs.
  4. Mix with salt and mayonnaise.

Delicious salad

wild garlic, radish and cucumber saladA softer taste of a salad with cherry tomatoes, radishes, cucumbers and eggs.stages of preparation

If you cut the ingredients coarsely, it looks beautiful and becomes a festive table decoration:

  1. Cut the cucumbers into rings.
  2. Radish into several parts.
  3. Halved tomatoes.
  4. Grind the herbs.
  5. Mix all.


Hearty salad

hearty salad with meatThey also prepare hearty salads with chicken or beef, eggs, cucumber and tomatoes.cooking salad with wild garlic and meat

It is better to season such a dish with vegetable oil or soy sauce:

  1. Chop fresh or pickled cucumber.
  2. Grind the tomato.
  3. Cut the meat into strips.
  4. Cut the leaves and stems of wild garlic.
  5. Mix everything, add salt and dressing.

Second courses

The first and second courses of wild garlic are delicious. It is advisable to add the plant to the soup 5-10 minutes before cooking, then there will be more vitamins, and the dish will acquire a piquant taste and pleasant aroma. Wild garlic is also suitable for making pies, pancakes, casseroles. It goes well with potatoes, meat, eggs, cheese. Any national cuisine has such dishes.

Baked potatoes

potatoes with wild garlic

The easiest way is to cook baked potatoes with the herbs of this plant. A summer young vegetable is good for this:

  1. Potatoes are not peeled, only washed well. Cut into slices, put on a greased baking sheet, season with salt. Add ham, brisket or sausage if desired. Bake in the oven.bake potatoes
  2. 10 minutes until ready, remove the baking sheet and sprinkle with herbs.
  3. Put in the oven. Serve the finished dish with any sauce.


pancakes with wild garlic

Potato pancakes are easy to prepare. Ramson will give them an unusual taste and aroma, make them more tasty:

  1. Grate potatoes.three potatoes
  2. Cut the leaves and stems of wild garlic.cut wild garlic
  3. Mix everything, add raw egg and flour. You should get a dough like a pancake.mix the ingredients
  4. Spread out with a spoon in a preheated pan with butter, fry until golden brown.fry pancakes

Rice and Chicken Pie

wild garlic dishes jellied pieThis tasty and satisfying dish is available not only to experienced housewives, but also to those who have not tried baking.

After all, doing it is simple:

  1. Beat 3 eggs, 150 ml sour cream, a glass of flour, salt and baking powder.preparing the dough
  2. Add boiled chicken breast and chopped wild garlic to the dough.add wild garlic and chicken
  3. Add half a cup of boiled rice.add rice
  4. Put in a mold, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake over medium heat until tender.

You can cook many tasty and healthy dishes with wild garlic. It is suitable for fresh consumption, for pies, soups, pancakes. The leaves, stems and tubers of this plant replenish the lack of vitamins and give the dishes an unusual spicy flavor.

Avocado and wild garlic salad - video recipe

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