How to prevent anthurium diseases
The indoor flowers that people from distant countries serve are beautiful, but they are slaves who were placed in a cramped pot and a different climate. Can a plant thrive in conditions alien to it? Only imitation of the native climate allows you to get a healthy, beautiful flower. At the slightest deviation from normal conditions of detention, anthurium diseases arise. At the first changes in the type of bush, it is necessary to analyze the conditions of detention.
Diseases of anthurium at home
A healthy flower captivates with its beauty. The condition of the plant can suddenly change. Any diseases arise for reasons:
- non-compliance with the requirements of agricultural technology;
- infectious diseases;
- insect pests brought in from the outside.
There are people who basically do not keep animals and flowers in their living quarters. They believe that the zoo and indoor maintenance are violence against wildlife. A bouquet of fresh flowers is unacceptable for them, one cannot rejoice at the ruined life, even if it is plants.
Read also the article: myrtle flower home care photo!
Non-infectious plant diseases are associated with the appearance of spots on the leaves, their discoloration, or growth retardation. Sometimes brown spots or mildew on the neck of the plant become visible. What to do if spots appear on the anthurium? A lot can be learned by the nature of the deformation:
- If dark dots appear on the leaves of anthurium, gradually expanding, it is cold. The same spots can appear from sunburn when the summer sun comes into direct contact with leaves.
- The reason for the appearance of stains can be irrigation with unsteady water or water of increased hardness. If scale forms on the teapot over time, this is a sign of stiffness. Such water must be defended for a long time before watering or passed through a softener filter. Another way, mainly for rural areas with hard water from wells, is incomplete freezing of water in a tank. In this case, the ice will have a lower salt content than the remaining water.
- Other physiological reasons for the appearance of dark spots and drying of the plate from the edge can be drafts and low temperatures in winter. Abundant watering is also accompanied by a signal of dark dots on the leaves. What to do if spots appear on the anthurium? Remove provoking reasons and patiently wait for the results.
- Yellow or pale leaves of plants or spots of this color indicate that there is not enough light for the anthurium. In addition, this can be a signal that the roots are sick and do not provide food for the plant.
- The general pallor of the leaves signals a lack of nutrition. The same is indicated by the absence or weak growth of the plant, the absence of flowering. If the plant has been transplanted recently, then it needs feeding. Sometimes it is better to transplant the plant. At the same time, prepare the desired composition of the substrate or buy ready-made soil. Disinfection of the soil and planting pot is necessary.
- If the irrigation regime is violated and the roots of the anthurium have rotted, then this will affect the yellowing and drying of the leaves, the brown neck of the anthurium, possibly mold.The plant needs urgent resuscitation. In this case, all affected parts must be removed and the wounds must be sprinkled with an antiseptic, crushed charcoal, cinnamon powder or wood ash.
Diseases of the leaves of anthurium in the photo show characteristic damage, but often the help of specialists is required to accurately determine the disease. Drafts are detrimental to the plant. This is especially dangerous in winter. Insufficient humidity in the surrounding air is the answer to the question of why the leaves of the anthurium dry. On the other hand, leaves can die off naturally due to aging. If the leaves are curled into a tube, remove the anthurium deep into the room, the light is too bright, he closed his eyes.
Infectious diseases of anthurium include problems caused by the introduction of spores and microbes into the body of a flower. The difference between these diseases is that they can destroy the entire home green world if not dealt with. Spores are transmitted and multiplied quickly in cramped conditions.
The root causes of disease depend on the grower. The brought shoot, taken from a diseased plant, may already harbor viruses, for which there are no effective remedies yet. They affect the vascular system. And the infection can be transmitted through a dirty tool or insects. The acquired plant must be quarantined for two weeks, isolated from other plants. And only then move into the general composition.
A purchased or independently compiled earthen mixture should be heat treated, spilled with hot strong potassium permanganate, you need to add crushed charcoal, a long-acting drug from rot "Glyocladin". It will protect the roots from late blight, fusarium and similar diseases. Competent care of anthurium - barrier diseases.
Diseases that are transmitted to anthurium from the external environment can be:
- septoriasis;
- anthracosis;
- fusarium wilting;
- rust.
The causative agent of septoria, Septoria fungus spreads in a humid and warm atmosphere. The characteristic brown spots with a yellow rim on the leaves signal anthurium disease. The leaf dries up; when watering, the spores move to other parts of the plant. The plant will die if it is not treated in time with copper-containing fungicides.
Anthracosis is a very common disease called powdery mildew. The disease is caused by the fungus Colletorichum. The spread of this disease will lead to quick drying of the leaves, stems and root system. Anthracosis begins on the leaf blades, the appearance of brown spots with black dots in the center. This is controversy. They scatter and germinate when moistened, and for the atrium this event is vital.
Atrium care for septoria disease consists in reducing watering and spraying with the addition of copper fungicides. The soil is treated with Abiga-Peak. If the plant cannot be cured, it should be destroyed by burning. The ceramic pot needs to be well calcined. Dishes that cannot be burned must be destroyed.
If the plant is infected with rust, then orange loose pads on the leaves will be visible. Such a plant should be wiped with a fungicide solution, but not sprayed so as not to infect healthy leaves. It is better to burn diseased infected leaves.
Fusarium wilting is a formidable disease of anthurium at home. It affects all plants, affecting the root system and leaves. The signs are the sudden wilting of the entire bush. The first signs may be unnatural bending of the peduncles, strong and rapid yellowing of the foliage. Copper preparations, soil treatment with glyocladin are suitable for the fight. The best way would be to wash the plant from all particles of soil, soak it in a weak solution of foundationol for a little, cut off the affected parts and plant in a new dish. Old soil and plant debris must be destroyed.
Anthurium insect pests
Insects common on home flowers include:
- aphid;
- thrips;
- shield;
- spider mite;
- root nematodes.
They all suck the juice from the plant, depriving it of nutrition.At the same time, signs of the presence of pests can be found during hygiene procedures that are regularly carried out with good care.
I have a problem with anthurium leaves - they have yellow spots along the edges with brown blotches. What is it and how to get rid of this problem. The flower itself is good, constantly blooming. I am attaching a photo.
The causative agent of septoria, Septoria fungus spreads in a humid and warm atmosphere. The characteristic brown spots with a yellow rim on the leaves signal anthurium disease. The leaf dries up; when watering, the spores move to other parts of the plant. The plant will die if it is not treated in time with copper-containing fungicides.
Anthracosis is a very common disease called powdery mildew. The disease is caused by the fungus Colletorichum. The spread of this disease will lead to quick drying of the leaves, stems and root system. Anthracosis begins on the leaf blades, the appearance of brown spots with black dots in the center. This is controversy. They scatter and germinate when moistened, and for the atrium this event is vital.
Sick leaves are wiped with a fungicide solution. Atrium care for septoria disease consists in reducing watering and spraying with the addition of copper fungicides. The soil is treated with Abiga-Peak. If the plant cannot be cured, it should be destroyed by burning. The ceramic pot needs to be well calcined. Dishes that cannot be burned must be destroyed.
I have a flower for six months. I am not a very good "gardener", but the flower was presented. All the leaves seem to be turned inside out, and the flowers have wilted and also become limp. The red petal is curling up ... help bring the flower back to life. It's a pity, after all. Alive
The cause of anthurium disease may be a scabbard or improper care. Overfilling or underfilling can be corrected by following the recommendations given in the article. Examine the bottom of the leaf blades and stems carefully. If you find small growths that look like the shell of a turtle, it's a scale insect. We'll have to thoroughly wipe the whole plant with vodka and treat it with an anti-scale drug.
good afternoon, spots began to appear on the leaves of Yucca and the leaves themselves began to turn yellow. What could have caused this? Watered twice a week, the soil is moist. I thought I had poured it and now I water it once a week. The temperature in the room is 23 degrees. How to save a plant?
The plant urgently needs a transplant with a complete revision of the root and leaf system. Possibly rotten roots or false scale colonization. When the roots decay, they must be well cleaned and the diseased removed. Sprinkle over the place of slices. dry. When a false scale is found. you need to fight parasites.
Anthurium was purchased a week ago. We were glad that there were many young, flower shoots that had not yet developed. But after a few days they noticed that they were almost all sick and their tops were drying out. One even turned around, but quickly dried up. At the moment, out of a dozen shoots, four have darkened and dry tops. Tell me the reasons and method of saving a flower
Most likely your flower has been in the transport soil for a long time. Now the effect of all the preparations introduced in the nursery for abundant flowering have ended. The plant urgently needs a new soil, time for acclimatization and gentle care. When transplanting, remove damaged peduncles so that the plant can retain the rest of its strength. At the same time, see the condition of the roots. In a new pot, pour the iodine solution on the flower (1 drop of iodine per liter of water).
Natali, thank you very much for the recommendations! I have read and reviewed a few comments and transplant tips, and I will be doing it in the coming days. But, a new question arose about spraying a flower.Some do not recommend doing this on the plant, but only humidify the air next to it. In others, you can spray only the leaves, and still others the whole plant. In the latter case, it is explained by its origin - the Jungle of South America. What do you recommend? Sincerely, Alexander.
When talking about spraying, we mean the moisture in the air near the plant, not wet foliage. I refuse to spray the anthurium itself and give preference to air humidification, which the plant really likes. Once a week or 2 per liter of water I add 2-3 drops of hydrogen peroxide. I picked up a good spray that works like fog and spray the solution near my plants. You can also put a flowerpot with anthurium in a pallet with expanded clay. Excess water flows into it after irrigation, which then simply evaporates, which moisturizes the air well. The peroxide solution is liked by almost all plants, the color of the leaf plates improves and the indoor greenhouse becomes more beautiful and brighter.
Anthurium is sick .. I just can't understand what exactly needs to be done for the flower to come to life and start growing. For almost two years I have been fighting for his life. I transplanted, but the flower is sick. And it's a pity to throw it out and I don't know how to help him. Tell me!
Are there any similar spots on the foliage of nearby plants? One transplant is not enough. Fungicides may be needed. Take a close look at the trunks and bottom of the sheet plates. If you find small growths similar to the shell of a turtle, you will have to fight with a false scale.
Hello. Yesterday my anthurium flew in, noticed spots on the leaves on the back side. Tell me what it can be and how to help a flower. Thank!
It looks like a fungal disease. Change the soil to it and treat it with a fungicide.
Not. In addition to anthurium, other flowers do not get sick.
There is no trunk as such. Here the leaves themselves, after transplantation, cannot grow for a year already .. a small leaf - and already sick (
In addition to anthurium, there are no more sick flowers. The leaves simply do not have time to grow back - a small leaf and already sick ...
The plant needs to create greenhouse conditions for the growth of leaf mass. First, prepare a small container with a good drainage layer. Take the pot high but narrow. At the bottom, polystyrene or expanded clay. The soil should be light with a little sphagnum. Remove the remnants of the flower, rinse the root system well, remove the damaged parts, soak for 30 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate. then dry. Treat the roots with powdered rootstock or soak in root root solution for 30 minutes. Plant the plant in a pot and cover with a glass cap or a transparent plastic bottle, cutting off the neck beforehand. Open the cap from time to time to prevent condensation from dripping onto the plant.
Thanks for the recommendations!
Help, I don't know what's wrong with my flower, I'm afraid it will die completely.
Such spots can appear as a result of a lack of lighting or drafts. Move the pot to a light-colored windowsill where the window won't open. If this is not the reason, it is necessary to remove the plant from the pot and examine the root system - it is possible that the roots have rotted, and they are no longer able to fully nourish the apical part of the anthurium. If rotten roots are found, they should be removed, the remaining ones should be washed in a solution of potassium permanganate and the flower should be transplanted into new soil.
I can't understand if this is normal or a problem? Young leaves began to grow brown, and very small, the flowering is also small. Tell me.
Young leaves of anthurium contain a large amount of a pigment called anthocyanin.With an excess of it, the leaves acquire a reddish-brown color. In principle, when the leaf grows, the pigment ratio should become lower, and chlorophyll will prevail, which will saturate the leaf with green color. If this does not happen, the anthurium clearly lacks light, as well as nutrients. In addition, shredding of leaves and flowers indicates a lack of nutrition.
It is necessary to transplant the flower into a new nutrient soil for decorative deciduous plants and spray it on the leaf with Epin's solution (3 drops per 1 glass of water). Two weeks after the transplant, begin to intensively feed the anthurium. It is better to use liquid complex fertilizers for decorative flowering plants, alternating leaf and root dressings. In flower shops there is a wide selection of such drugs. As for the lighting, it is necessary to choose a sufficiently bright place for it, but so that direct sunlight does not fall on the flower. It is better not to put on a window sill with an opening window in order to avoid undesirable consequences from drafts.
Kind time of the day. Anthurium should not be planted in the soil for decorative deciduous plants. Its roots need to breathe while receiving moisture. Therefore, you need to take bark, nutritious soil, sphagnum moss (I will not indicate the proportions, there is enough information on this topic on the Internet), and in such a soil anthurium will feel great. If you plant it in the soil for decorative deciduous plants (flowering, palm trees, etc.), the anthurium will be doomed.
Hello, please tell me that with my flower the leaves darken (turn black)? I cut off all the dried leaves three days ago, and today I noticed new ones like that. Stand in a room where the air conditioner is on.
Your anthurium is definitely freezing. It is urgent to change the location of the flower and take it to another room, because he loves warmth and does not tolerate drafts, including the cold air flow from the air conditioner.
And if, during the stay in the cool, the soil in the pot was constantly moist and did not dry out, this could cause rotting. It is possible to change the soil for prevention and shed the plant with Fitosporin.
I transplanted it right away, as you suggested, and treated it with phytosparin. Now I notice that the lower small sheet is beginning to turn yellow. A spot also appears on the sheet. What to do? I don't want to lose the flower. Thank.
It took very little time after transplanting to notice the reaction of the flower to the treatment. Perhaps these leaves have already been affected, and now they "reach". For now, just limit watering and watch.
Also on the back of all the leaves are dark spots like small dots. Thank.
He stood on my balcony (closed) where the heat began to darken there, transferred the same to the cool. And the small dots are dark on the back of what? Is this a disease? Thank.
Such points can be from cold air, and as a result of the process of rotting of the root system. Try to transplant into a fresh substrate, having previously treated the roots with a solution of potassium permanganate. If there are any affected parts, they must be cut to living tissue. After transplanting, treat the plant with a fungicide.
Why does anthurium have small flowers and only one of them, and when I bought them in a store, there were many and large ones ..
Good day! Please help me figure out what is happening with my flower (I'm sorry for him, but I don't know how I can help.
Her photo sheet
Anthurium is affected by anthractosis. Remove the bush from the pot, check the roots - perhaps the disease has already reached there.All affected parts, including leaves with spots, must be cut off, and the rest must be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. In addition, change the soil and treat anthurium with Fundazol or Fitosporin according to the instructions. At first, it is better to keep the pot in quarantine in a dry room. No need to spray yet, but water as needed.
Another photo of the sheet from the back side
Hello. Tell me. how to help my flower ... It has already been transplanted ...
And here's another leaf from him
It seems that anthurium is sick with septoria, a fungal infectious disease. If, during the previous transplant, the flower was not treated with fungicides, you will have to pull it out again and soak it in Fundazol solution for 40 minutes. Cut off the diseased leaf and peduncle. After transplanting, spray with copper sulfate. Unfortunately, if new spots appear, the plant will have to be thrown away.
Hello! Why does my anthurium have such brown spots on the leaf? Please tell me!
First, check the leaf plates from below and treat with a pest fungicide. Sunburn can be the cause of this leaf burnout. This happens when the leaves are sprayed and immediately placed on the windowsill under the direct rays of the sun.
Can you please tell me what's wrong with my flower, the stain after transplantation?
If the plant was sick and was transplanted very recently, then this is the result of former problems. For prevention, treat with a fungicide or spray with a hydrogen peroxide solution. For 1 liter of water up to 10 drops.
Hello. Tell me what you got with the flower 3 days ago
Did you receive a plant in this state or did it become like this with you? At first glance, these are burn spots. It is necessary to inspect the lower part of the leaves. For prevention, treat the flower with a fungicide. Overflow is also possible. In this case, you will need to transplant into another soil with a revision of the root system.
When the flower turned out to be, my spots were on a pair of leaves, the soil was very wet for 5 days (I had not watered it yet), there is also a suspicion of overflow.
Transplant despite flowering. Most likely the roots have also suffered. They must be thoroughly rinsed in potassium permanganate, dried. Remove rotten ones. Treat the sections with activated carbon or wood ash. Plant in new soil. Over time, when the flower begins to produce new leaves, remove the diseased foliage.
Hello! Please tell me what's wrong with my flower? I just started growing flowers and I don’t know much. He is very dear to me, but I don't understand what to do? How to treat?
Immediately transplant the plant into disinfected soil with the obligatory treatment of the whole plant with a fungicide. Rinse the roots in potassium permanganate, remove the damaged ones by sprinkling the cut points with activated carbon or wood ash. I see overflow and insect damage.
Here's another photo. Even small white or transparent insects appeared in the ground.
Thank you so much!!! Another question, how to properly disinfect the soil?
The soil can be fried in the oven or spilled thoroughly with boiling water with the addition of potassium permanganate.
Something is happening with my anthurium, please help me figure it out. The photo shows that the stems and leaves are covered with some kind of bloom, or maybe these are the eggs of some kind of pest? I did not see any insects on examination.And the Leaves are in the cracks. Plus they are sticky, as if juice is secreted. Although this was not the case before. I wiped the leaves with a solution and nothing changed.
Please advise
The photo clearly shows a false scale, which sucks juice from the plant. It is the scale insect that secretes sticky juice. In addition, there are aphids. We need urgent treatment against pests. The shield is lubricated with alcohol and carefully removed with tweezers. This is followed by treatment with a fungicide. Check other plants for scale insects. To restore the anthurium, it is best to cut flowers with affected stems and process the leaves. You have a scabbard right on the sheet plate (brown dies).
Hello. Tell me what's wrong with the flower. Looks like I flooded it. Pot with bottom irrigation, drainage is. At first there were stains, it was advised to spray, and now this
It rots. Remove immediately from the pot and trim all affected parts to living tissue, including the aerial part. Sections should be dried and sprinkled with charcoal. Also treat the plant with Fitosporin according to the instructions.
Good day! Tell me what is with the Atrium? A cobweb appeared along the inner edge of the flower, and “buds” appeared on the yellow center. What is it and how to treat a flower?
The cobwebs are not visible in the photo, but they are on every red flower
A spider web appears when plants are damaged by a spider mite. Treat anthurium with Fitoferm. As for the strange pimples on the cob, they could have appeared from excessive soil moisture. It would be better to cut off such peduncles.
Olga, thank you. They are already pulling out ...
Can you please tell me what kind of bump is on my beloved Anthurium?
He is ill?
Leaves are normal, no pests, Thank God, were not found. Attaching photo.
This is the seed pod that ripens.
Thank you for your answer! You calmed me down, otherwise I already thought that he was ill)
I will wait for the offspring)))
Good day! Help, please, my anthurium fell ill. I have already cut off all the leaves, there are two left, and then spots appear on one again. I changed the pot and the soil, and the disease returned. What to do?
Dark spots on the leaves of anthurium can be when the flower is affected by a mealybug. Examine the stems and the inside of the leaves carefully - this is where the pest lives. If you don't find anyone, then the flower is simply cold.
Hello, please tell me what happened to my ward? Photo attached. Thank you in advance!
Calla is in bloom. If the inflorescence has been on the plant for a long time, it just fades
Hello, please help me, I don’t know what to do. More and more brown spots every day.
Most likely, anthurium is affected by a fungal disease, similar to septoria. Treatment with fungicides will be required, you can use Fundazol or any other product available in local stores. Soak the bush (roots) in the solution for 30-40 minutes. Cut off all diseased leaves and plant in fresh substrate. Then spray the remaining foliage with copper sulfate. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to save a flower from this disease.
My anthurium became covered with dark spots on the leaves, cut off the dark spots, but literally after 2-3 days they began to appear again, the bract and bud itself also began to darken (or is this normal? Blooms for about 4 months already).I read various articles and came to the conclusion that I overflowed, since some roots began to rot, and the soil is not suitable. I bought moss, perlite and soil suitable for anthurium. I also bought phytosporin.
I have only one question, how to properly treat with phytosporin? And what about moss? I read somewhere that you can spread it both from above and under the roots, what will be best for him?
Most likely, the anthurium is fading. Since your plant has already begun to rot, free it completely from the old soil. Cut off the damaged roots, and soak the remaining ones in Fitosporin solution. If the drug is in liquid form, 20 drops are needed for 200 ml of water. From a pasty or powder form, you first need to make a concentrate by diluting one part of it in two parts of warm water. Then add 4 drops of the concentrate to a glass of water.
As for moss, if it is not included in the purchased substrate, usually moss is added to the soil mixture, mixing with the rest of the components, but no more than 5% of the total volume. Sphagnum helps to retain moisture and protects the underground roots from drying out, if you put too much of it - the root can rot. In addition, after planting the antirium, the moss is spread in a thin layer on the surface around the bush itself to close its air roots.
Hello. Tell me they took the flower from the village. We want to reanimate it. It's a pity when you see what is dying. What needs to be done ?? Trim? Or spray with something. I would be glad to any advice ...
You have anthurium sick, but despite this, the flower is trying to survive, as evidenced by the young leaves. To help him, first of all, remove the bush from the pot and carefully examine the root system for parasites or rotting areas on the roots. Cut off all affected parts of the plant, including the leaves, sprinkle the cuts with ash or activated carbon. The peduncle must also be removed so that it does not take away from the anthurium the strength it needs to recover.
Soak the remaining bush for 30-40 minutes in Fundazole solution, and plant in fresh soil. It is advisable to take a new pot or treat the old one with potassium permanganate. After planting, spray the live leaves with a solution based on copper sulfate.
Good day. Please tell me how to help the flower - many leaves are in small brown spots, two leaves are twisted. Thank.
Please help, I don't know how to help the plant!
Have you been looking for pests? In any case, it is urgent to get the bush out of the ground and examine the roots - problems can come from there. Cut off all rotten parts, including the affected leaves, and treat with a fungicide after washing in a solution of potassium permanganate. The substrate must also be changed.
... the poor man is dying before our eyes, I don't know what's wrong with him
Hello! I am hope for your help. the flower falls, falls apart, on the leaves there are yellow spots with black dots. I thought I flooded it, water it less often, the flower began to stand better, but it began to fade quickly and the leaves began to wither. I really look forward to your advice, as I am afraid to harm the wrong treatment.
It seems that the flower could not stand the excessive care - it is rotting, the roots from above are completely gone, black completely from rot. In order not to lose the plant, immediately remove it from the pot and remove everything, leaving only living roots (they will be green, not black, not brown). Rinse the rest of the root in a solution of potassium permanganate. To prevent possible further spread of the disease, treat with Fundazole.You can take Glyocladin, it also works well against putrefactive bacteria. Damaged leaves and dry residues on the shoots must also be removed. Plant the treated flower in fresh soil. It is better to take a new pot or thoroughly wash the old one with potassium permanganate and pour over boiling water. In the future, do not fill the bush - he does not like this and tolerates the lack of moisture better than its excess.
Thanks a lot for the detailed answer! Great!
Hello! Help me please. In early December, I bought anthurium with mail delivery. He came in perfect order, but after a couple of days it began to turn yellow and brown dry spots began to appear on the leaves. The forum was advised to transplant. I waited two weeks and transplanted into a mixture of universal and soil for orchids (pine bark, charcoal and sphagnum could). The roots were in excellent condition, even surprised. I cut off all the leaves in spots at that time. But the transplant did not give anything, almost all the leaves are spotted and the inflorescences also begin to brown and disappear. I’m already watering, and in general I’m afraid to touch him. I already thought, maybe he froze on the way. How to help the plant? I hope very much for your help.
Half of the leaves are stained, cut off during transplantation. Maybe I transplanted it incorrectly, maybe it was necessary to deepen it more?
Half of the leaves in the spots were cut off during transplantation. Maybe I also transplant it incorrectly, maybe I need to deepen it more? I also saw that the yellowed leaves are brown at the root.
Half of the leaves in the spots were cut off during transplantation. Maybe I also transplant it incorrectly, maybe I need to deepen it more? I also saw that the yellowed leaves are brown at the root.
Most likely, your flower is sick and one transplant will not help it. Here you will need fungicide treatments. You will have to take it out of the pot again, re-examine the roots and treat with Fundazol or Glyocladin.
As for the soil, the pine bark is a very good thing, but in the composition of the soil mixture for anthurium, its part should not exceed 15%. Judging by the photo, there is much more of it in your pot, and it retains moisture in the pot, "helping" the anthurium to rot further. Use new soil to replant the plant, reducing the amount of bark.
Thank you so much! The crust is larger at the top, much smaller below. I will do everything as you advised!
Hello! I bought anthurium about a month ago, initially some of the leaves were damaged, I did not pay attention. Over the past week, about 5 leaves (including very young ones) turned yellow and fell off. Such dark spots appeared on many leaves. Some have holes, around the same dark spots and a yellow border. And today, on the underside of one sheet, I found VERY small (about a millimeter, if not less) white bugs. There are five in total, probably
This is my second plant, please tell me what is wrong with it and how can it be saved? Thank you in advance
one more photo
Since you have found pests, you need to fight them. Most often, anthurium infects aphids, ticks or thrips. Wash the leaves with soapy water and treat the plant with Actellic. Just in case, it would also not hurt to inspect the roots and transplant the flower into fresh soil. Regulate watering, do not flood the bush, not only pests appear in the constant moist soil, but decay processes also begin.
Thank you very much!) Happy New Year!