We study violet diseases and methods of their treatment

The violet is sick Uzambara violets, so beloved by many flower growers in our country, like other indoor plants, unfortunately, are susceptible to attacks by pests, suffer from improper care and are quite difficult to tolerate diseases of a fungal, bacterial and viral nature.

In order not to lose the plants decorating the windowsill, it is important to recognize the problem as early as possible. Descriptions of diseases of violets, their photographs and treatment that can save Saintpaulia from death, will help you quickly navigate the situation, take care of plants and return health and beauty to the outlets.

Read also the article: Intavir - instructions for use for strawberries!

Why don't violets bloom at home?

Violet urgently needs help

Facing problems with the growth of Saintpaulias, a long absence of flowering or a violation of the development of the rosette, amateur flower growers should look for reasons:

  • improper care of indoor plants;
  • in pests that have settled on violets or in the soil;
  • in diseases of violets, which have a different nature and danger to plants.

Pets of inexperienced beginners most often suffer precisely from illiterately organized care. Especially soon, traces of improper watering, lack of lighting and fertilization of violets become visible on the foliage.

With a lack of light, new generations of foliage look dimmer and smaller compared to old ones. The petioles are lengthened, the edges of the leaf plates are bent upward. The plant quickly bounces back if it is placed on a lighted windowsill, protected from drafts.

Excessive soil moisture leads to the death of the plantOne of the reasons why violets do not bloom at home may be excessive acidity or salinity of the soil, improper selection of the composition of the soil. In this case, not only the formation of peduncles slows down or completely stops, but leaf twisting is observed. Similar symptoms can be seen with an imbalance in the mineral composition, for example, with a lack of nitrogen, or with excessive watering.

Uzambara violets are unusually sensitive not only to the amount of moisture entering the soil, but also to its temperature.

Light spots on the leaf plates seem to remind a florist how to properly water violets. Such a plant reaction signals excessively cold water or a burn caused by sun exposure to the wet leaf surface. That is why experienced flower growers recommend using only warm water, and watering Saintpaulias only in the evening, when the likelihood of burns is minimal.

Violet diseases: leaf and root rot

Decay of stems and leavesThe greatest risk of stalk rotting of violets is when dividing plants, cutting and replanting the apical part of the rosette or separating children. The cause of this problem can be both pests and excess watering after a long period of relative dryness of the soil. Putrefactive bacteria settle on damaged tissues especially quickly, and damage to the roots and stem becomes the most destructive.

The symptoms of this violet disease can be considered:

  • loss of leaf turgor;
  • loss of the natural color of the rosette;
  • wilting of petioles and leaf plates.

With the comprehensive nature of the violet disease, as in the photograph, treatment can only be urgent and cardinal. The damaged tissue is removed, the saintpaulia is rooted with a healthy leaf that can give new rosettes.

Very young rosettes, babies and rooted leaves are susceptible to brown rot. In the latter case, the stem at the base becomes brownish-brown, softens and becomes thinner.On the soil, under the outlet, whitish mycelium threads are found. And if you do not take urgent measures, the violet disease spreads to neighboring plants.

As a preventive measure, rooted plants are treated with a contact fungicide, do not deepen, and then the area under the stem is irrigated with phytosporin or a chemical similar in effect.

Decay of rootsWithering and dull color of the leaves is also observed with the development of root rot. When plants are removed from the ground, softened brownish roots are found, affected by spores of a harmful fungus, which quickly multiply and spread in a humid environment. At the same time, the low acidity of the soil contributes to the development of an infection so dangerous for Saintpaulias.

One of the effective measures to combat this violet disease can be considered to reduce the frequency of watering. While plants rarely get moisture, portions should be plentiful. For the prevention and treatment of violet disease, as in the photo, root treatment is used phytosporin... You can reduce the risk of spread by using a soil that does not retain moisture too well.

Gray rot also leads to liquefaction and weakening of the green parts of the plant, while a gray fluffy bloom is clearly visible on the affected surface. All leaves with signs of violet disease, as well as dead leaf blades and cuttings are removed, preventing them from falling to the ground. To reduce the risk of infection during the cool season, it is imperative:

  • avoid excessive humidity;
  • refuse to spray outlets;
  • water the violets correctly, avoiding stagnant moisture and condensation.

Of the chemicals for the treatment of outlets and their protection, quick and foundation are chosen.

Powdery mildew on Saintpaulias

Powdery mildewOne of the most common diseases caused by harmful fungi also affects uzambara violets. Outwardly, the manifestation of this disease of violets resembles flour scattered on leaf plates and corollas of flowers, and infection of Saintpaulias occurs with the help of fungal spores in the soil.

The most susceptible to the disease are violets, weakened after transplantation, recently faded specimens, young and, conversely, old, plants.

As a preventive measure, sockets are protected from temperature fluctuations, violets are watered correctly and top dressing is used. If the infection does occur, the Saintpaulia needs fungicide treatment.

Fusarium as a disease of violets

Fusarium violetsThe most dangerous disease for violets affects first the roots of the plant, which rot and soften, and then the infection spreads through the vessels to the stem, petioles and leaf plates of the lower leaves. With a disease at this stage, most of the old foliage in the lower level withers, the stems and edges become watery, and then completely die off.

The rapid death of the plant is facilitated by its weakening after flowering, the lack of fertilizer for the violets, as well as the temperature below 16 ° C.

The fight against fusarium is to urgently remove the diseased plant from the windowsill, which contains other violets. It is best to destroy the affected specimen along with the soil, and subject the pot to disinfection with copper sulfate or an available fungicide. As a preventive measure, they establish an irrigation regime, and also in this case it is correct to water the violets with a phytosporin solution. This procedure is carried out monthly.

Late blight of Saintpaulias rosettes

Late blight of violetsLate blight on Saintpaulia plants appears in the form of brown, drying spots on the leaves. As the disease progresses on violets, such spots spread, the affected tissue undergoes necrosis, and the rosette withers. It is impossible to restore the elasticity of the foliage even after watering.

You can save the plant by selecting healthy leaves for rooting.If the apical part of the rosette is intact, it can be cut off and rooting can be attempted by pretreating with an antifungal agent and removing any tissue affected by the disease. A healthy cut should have a light green tint. For rooting, you can take healthy leaves.

The rest of the outlet is destroyed, all violets adjacent to the diseased specimen are subjected to preventive treatment.

Bronze and leaf spot viruses

Diseases of a viral nature change the appearance of leaf plates, tissue supply and plant development. These diseases can be the reason why violets do not bloom at home, and then completely stop developing.

Bronze virus, for example, results in ugly discolored leaves. Such plants sometimes turn out to be unviable and are destroyed. And the pests found in apartments can spread the disease of violets. In this case, these are thrips.

Pests on plants of uzambar violets

Pests affecting Saintpaulia can cause serious harm to indoor crops, since both green parts of plants and roots fall into their sphere of interest. In addition, they spread the most famous violet diseases.

The plant is affected by cyclamen mitesMites at home become the most dangerous pests of indoor plants. On violets, cyclamen mites are especially common and harmful, the infection with which in the initial stages is practically invisible. Only when new leaves appear, it becomes obvious that the rosette is inhabited by microscopic insects, leading to the cessation of the growth of Saintpaulia, the refusal of the violet to bloom at home, and the crushing and curling of the leaves in the center of the rosette.

The fight against the pest is carried out using phytoverm or other insecticides, after isolating the diseased plant.

Leaf nematode damageNo less insidious enemy of violets is nematode... From the soil, the worms penetrate the root system of plants and the vessels that feed the outlet. They suck up juices, poison the plant with toxins and disrupt tissue supply. As a result, the violet looks weakened, refuses to bloom, grows poorly. On the green part of the plant, nematode damage looks like a thickening of the stem, crushing and changing the shape of the foliage, and the mass formation of children.

Nematoda on plant rootsAt the same time, nodes and vesicular thickenings are clearly visible on the roots, where worm cysts develop.

It is reasonable to part with such a violet, but if you want to propagate a rare variety, in no case should you take leaves from the lower tiers, where nematodes may already live. The affected plant is destroyed along with the soil. The pallet, pot and pots are thoroughly disinfected.

Mealybug damage
Aphids are found most easily by sticky secretions on the foliage and by the insects themselves on the back of the leaves and on the petioles at their base. You can wash off the pest with soapy water, trying not to overmoisten the soil, as well as with Antitlin, phytoverm or tobacco dust.

Thrips that move easily from plant to plant are the most dangerous for the home-kept Saintpaulias. In addition, a pest that feeds on plant juices quickly multiplies and is able to transfer pathogens of all kinds of violet diseases to the sockets. You can destroy thrips with Aktara or another solution of a similar drug. During processing, the earthen lump is also necessarily affected, and, in addition, the peduncles are cut off in order to deprive the pest of food - Saintpaulia pollen.

Mealybug damageThe presence of mealybugs produces white flakes on the leaves, stems and petioles where they join the stem. In the soil coma of the affected plant, whitish lumps are noticeable. These are places of accumulation of worms that feed on plant juices. The infected violet withers quickly, the leaves become dull, yellowish.

If urgent measures are not taken, not only a sick violet may die, but also neighboring sockets may suffer. Treatment is carried out by watering violets with Mospilan or Regent, the wilted parts must be removed and destroyed.

Sciarids on violetsSciarids are well known to all indoor growers. Small black flies above the pots are also dangerous because they feed on Saintpaulia juices, and in the form of larvae can cause serious damage to the underground parts of plants.

The fight against the pest of saintpaulias consists in spilling the soil with a systemic insecticide, as well as establishing plant care. In this case, more than ever, proper watering of violets is important, since excess moisture in the soil contributes to the reproduction and activation of harmful insects.

Read also the article: streptocarpus care and cultivation from seeds!

Protective preventive measures against diseases of violets and their pests

You can reduce the risk of infection of uzambara violets with dangerous diseases of this culture and protect pets from attack by pests by adhering to simple safety rules and establishing prevention.

In purchased plants, peduncles are removed to reduce the risk of thrips infestationAs experienced florists testify, the greatest danger to the collection is presented by new rosettes purchased in a greenhouse or store. Such plants are never placed next to existing violets until 3-4 weeks have passed. Such a quarantine is necessary to observe the violet and its acclimatization.

If the plant has become flowering, it is better to remove the peduncles. This will reduce the risk of infection with thrips. Before planting, be sure to disinfect not only the soil, but also the pots. From the first day, plants are provided with acceptable lighting, nutrition and watering conditions. We must not forget about the use and fertilization for violets, especially necessary after flowering, when the plant is depleted.

On this topic:violet how to care to bloom?

Video about diseases of violets

  1. Helena

    Tell me, please, what kind of disease is violet?

    • Natali

      Why did you decide that your violet is sick? This is a variety with such an unusual leaf color. if you place the plant in a shaded area, the leaves will darken.

      • Helena

        The fact is that other nearby violets also began to acquire this color. Maybe this slightly open window acts on them like that?

        • Natali

          In this case, it is a false spot. Violets do not like drafts. Usually flowers are placed on windows that do not open.

          • Helena

            Many THANKS for the tip !!!

  2. tamara

    Hello. Tell me how you can root a violet leaf in moss

    • Natali

      The moss should be wet, and make a transparent cap over the plant. Pre-cut the leaf with root root or other similar preparation.

  3. Ulyana

    Hello! Please help me the leaves on the young plants are covered with brown streaks after it seems to me that I put matches in the ground and watered them with soapy water to get rid of midges. I read this method on the Internet. The mature plants were not surprised. Is there any way to fix this?

    • Olga

      Young violets still have a fragile root system, and therefore they are more sensitive to any changes in the soil or disturbances in maintenance. In addition, not all drugs, including folk remedies, are suitable for young plants. If adult flowers firmly endured the use of matches, then small bushes with delicate roots could not withstand such an accumulation of sulfur in the soil. As a result, it was the young leaves that were the first to signal an excess of the trace element, losing their green color.
      The spots on the leaves of violets could also appear as a result of sunburn, if the pot was exposed to direct sunlight during and after the irrigation procedures. In addition, the increased moisture content of the substrate contributes to damage to the measles system. Weakened roots are no longer able to provide adequate nutrition to the top of the plant and, as a result, the leaves begin to become covered with spots.
      To return the violet to its previous appearance, you can shed the soil with a solution of pink potassium permanganate. To do this, carefully pour the liquid into the pot, avoiding getting into the outlet, and then letting it drain completely from the pot. Be sure to drain the remaining solution from the pan. Better yet, completely replace the substrate by transplanting the plant into a new sterile soil. The pot with a violet must be placed on a windowsill with diffused lighting, away from the glass and the window that opens. From drafts, spots also appear on the leaves.
      As for the midges, too frequent watering and stagnant water contribute to their appearance.In moist soil, midges multiply quickly, especially if the room is also high humidity. Pests can also be introduced through contaminated soil.
      Midges feed on the remains of vegetation, therefore, “dead” leaves and inflorescences on violets should be promptly removed. For the same reason, it is better to refrain from using traditional methods of fertilizing flowers, such as banana infusion, eggshells, tea or coffee brewing. The most effective methods of fighting midges are replacing the soil with a sterile one, as well as treating with insecticides (Aktara, Vermiculite, Grom-2).

  4. Anna

    The leaves are drying up

    • Natali

      The leaves of your violets do not dry out, but the leaf stalks rot. adjust watering. Perhaps moisture got on the petioles and the process of decay began.

  5. Ksenia

    Hello. Please tell me what the problem is? The color of the leaves has changed, before they were saturated and the violet seemed larger.

  6. Olga

    Perhaps your violet is affected by root rot. It is necessary to remove the plant, examine the root system and transplant it into new sterile soil. If the affected area is small, treat the root zone with phytosporin. For extensive lesions, chemicals such as foundationazol can be used. In the future, avoid excessive watering and moisture stagnation.

  7. Helena

    Hello. Transplanted an already blooming violet. A few days later, light spots appeared on the flowers. Stands on the southeast window, shaded with a curtain. Tell me, please, what can it be?

    • Olga

      Perhaps, when transplanting, droplets of water got on the flowers. On the southeast window, even darkened, there is enough light to turn a wet, damp spot on the petals into a burn. The nature of the spots is very similar to the burnt fragments.

  8. Svetlana

    Good afternoon, please tell me what's wrong with her (((((

    • Olga

      White spots on the leaves of violets of various shapes often appear as a result of exposure to a draft, which the flower is very afraid of. If your violet is in a secluded place, then the spots may indicate the presence of chlorosis. It occurs due to poor nutrition, or rather, depletion of the soil. Remember how long ago you transplanted the plant? If a long time has passed since the last transplant, it is necessary to completely replace the substrate and transplant the violet. If the soil is new enough, just try to feed the flower with a complex fertilizer, which contains magnesium, iron, potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus.
      To prevent the manifestation of chlorosis during transplantation of violets, wood ash should be added to the soil mixture.

  9. Akgul

    Hotela sprosit moyi fialki zabolivayut no mogu kak pomoc

    • Olga

      Examine your violet carefully for pests, in particular ticks. Damage to the leaves is very similar to gnawed holes. If insects are found, treat the plant with acaricide three times at intervals of 7 days. If you don't find anyone, perhaps the flower got caught in a draft and these are its consequences.

  10. Svetlana

    My violet has been blooming for about a month, and the flowers are always with dry tips. Please tell me what to do. All my violets have been standing on the glassed-in north balcony for years. The rest of the violets are healthy. This violet is young, it blooms for the first time, only there are two rosettes in the pot.

    • Olga

      Premature drying of flowers in violets can be caused primarily by too dry indoor air. In addition, this often happens if a stream of fresh air (draft) gets on the plant during airing. Flowers can also dry out as a result of excess nitrogen in the soil or increased acidity of the soil.
      Since your violet is young, she could react more sharply to possible factors that led to drying out. Moreover, the flower can be weakened due to the thickening of the rosette. For two violets, space in one pot, if it is also small in volume, is still not enough.
      You can try to plant the bushes in different flowerpots, tearing off the buds so that the violet gets a little stronger. This procedure is often done in hot summer, when the air temperature (in the room) exceeds 20 degrees Celsius - the most suitable indicators for violets. By autumn, the young flower will gain strength and be able to bloom fully.

  11. Svetlana

    Thank you, I'll try to seat you.

  12. Munira

    Please tell me that with my violet there are spots on the back of the leaf and there are no insects in the middle of the rosette.

    • Olga

      Similar specks on the leaves of violets appear as a result of the action of drafts. In addition, such scorched areas could have formed from sunburn. You did the right thing to remove the affected leaves, because they will no longer recover, and will only spoil the appearance of the violet. Provide diffused lighting for the flower and exclude drafts so that this situation does not happen again.

  13. Munira

    And this is with another violet, what's wrong with her? No insects are visible.

    • Olga

      Some varieties of violets so show their dissatisfaction with the excess of lighting and the high temperature of the content. Try rearranging the flower in partial shade and increasing the humidity by placing a glass of water next to it.
      Violet leaves can also curl upward from overfeeding with nitrogen fertilizers. In this case, you need to shed the soil well so that all the substances come out, drain the water from the pan and abandon feeding for a while, so that the plant will recover.
      Also, has the violet been recently transplanted? If this took place, it is possible that the root system was severely damaged during transplantation, or the substrate does not suit it.

  14. Munira

    What's with this violet? No insects are visible

  15. Munira

    Thank you very much, otherwise I was worried. Transplanted in the spring. But on one of them there was a cobweb, so someone thought to start.

  16. Munira

    I thought there might be ticks

  17. Munira

    Please tell me, do my orchi in one

    from the pots inside on the substrate formed a coating, like white salt? Tell me what to do on it while the seed pods ripen? Thank.

    • Olga

      The orchid suffers from excess moisture, resulting in mold in the pot. So that the flower does not rot at all, immediately remove it from the wet substrate and dry it well, leaving it for 3 hours. If you find damaged roots, they must be cut off, and the remaining ones rinsed in a solution of potassium permanganate. It is advisable to change the soil to fresh, but if this is not possible, you can also use the old substrate, having previously washed it with boiling water with the addition of potassium permanganate and dried it. The pot itself is also thoroughly disinfected.

      • Munira

        I pulled out the orchu pot, the substrate is not wet, but there is mold on the roots. The trunk is black, maybe because of the substrate? Do I need to cut something? Thank.

        • Natali

          The orchid is not young and with obvious problems. Carefully cut off the bottom of the trunk, it will rot. Treat the roots with a manganese solution or fungicide. Let them dry. replace the pot or sterilize the old container. Use a soda solution for sterilization. The soil must be replaced or the old one must be sterilized with boiling water of a manganese solution. Dry. Plant an orchid and do not water for several days. To get the plant moisture, wipe the leaves with a solution of succinic acid or just water.

      • Munira

        One more photo

      • Munira

        a photo

  18. Munira

    Tell me please, I wanted to rejuvenate the violet, cutting off the falik saw that the trunk is white, not green, is this normal or sick?

    • Olga

      Your violet is rotting. To preserve the plant, tear off the lower leaves and try to cut the stem a little at a time. If the affected area, in this case the white core, decreases with each cut, there is a chance to save the cut socket. Get to healthy tissue and root the remaining top of the flower by treating it before this fungicide. If the trunk is completely rotten, to the very top, try to root the leaves. Judging by the photo, they are still healthy.

      • Munira

        There is a little less, do you still need to cut? Thank.

        • Natali

          Treat with fungicide. Dry. Treat with a rooting stimulant. Root.

  19. Olga

    Please tell me what this disease is. The entire collection died from her, I bought a new flower, it began to develop well and bloomed and fell ill

    • Natali

      Check the leaves at the bottom and near the root collar. Most likely you will find a midge there. You need to fight insects. You also need to adjust the watering.

  20. Marie

    Hello, please tell me what to do with the violet, everything was fine, until I discovered that holes appeared on the flowers of the violets, as if they had been made by someone and then completely eaten, then I found midges in the soil, larvae, and worms on the flowers themselves , first one flower fell ill and then moved to other violets. What to do? Thank!

    • Olga

      All damaged violets will have to be transplanted into fresh soil, having previously treated the soil and plants with a solution of potassium permanganate. During transplantation, pay attention to the roots so that there are no larvae and worms left between them, and then shed the flowers with Aktara. If inflorescences are damaged by pests, they will have to be sacrificed to save the violets (cut off).

  21. Marie


  22. Marie


  23. Irina

    Good evening! Please tell me what's wrong with my violets. Thank!

    • Natali

      Judging by the photo, there is a clear excess of moisture. Your plants just rot. Transplantation, root disinfection is required. Analyze the situation and change your care.

  24. Irina


  25. Helena

    Please tell me what's wrong with my violet and how to help her?

    • Natali

      Review the watering regime for the plant. Also check the underside of the leaves. If there is an overflow, then the petioles at the outlet will be brown, and this is rot. The plant will need to be transplanted into a different soil. When transplanting, disinfect the root and remove the rotten roots.

  26. Gul

    Hello, tell me, please, what's wrong with the violet. We went on vacation, watered my daughter-in-law, but in the first week I could not water. We arrived, the lower leaves are curled down and a little soft, the upper ones are more dense. Please help with advice. thank

    • Olga

      This situation could well have occurred due to a violation of the irrigation regime. Young leaves of violets begin to curl, and old ones wither, if after a long break the plant is watered abundantly. Carefully cut off the two lower flaccid leaves that have changed their color, and adjust the watering regime. It would also not hurt to check the flower for rot.

  27. Love

    Please tell me why there are dry spots on the stem of the violet leaf?

    • Olga

      Have you examined your violet for pests? Either this is a defect in the photograph, or a bite mark is also visible in the photo on the leaf plate itself on the left. It is better to separate the flower from the rest of the plants for quarantine.Remove affected leaves. In case of "catching villains", treat the violet with Aktofit according to the instructions.

  28. Anna

    Hello! Please tell me what the infection is on my violets. I sprayed it with poison, but nothing helps. Please tell me what you can pray for.

    • Olga

      It looks like thrips. Usually, watering with Aktara solution and simultaneous spraying with Fitoverm helps from them (and not only). How many times have you processed your violet? Once is not enough, you need to do at least 3 treatments at intervals of a week. In addition, you can additionally remove pests mechanically (I used an old toothbrush, gently sweeping the insects from the leaves, including the back).

      • Anna

        Hello Olga! I have been watering for more than two with an interval of three to four days, but no result. I will try your method. Many thanks?

  29. Hope

    on my violets, thrips damaged flowers. and sat on the ground. and in tuberous flowers, they do not allow a flower to bloom at all. note that Aktara is the most poisonous chemistry. I now use a safe and effective decoction of marigold flowers. thrips cannot stand them. I sow everywhere. where bulbs will grow, they disinfect the soil. decoction, put flowers in a jar up to the top. poured boiling water. lasted a day. a few days later I checked it, clean!

  30. Irina

    New shoots dry, what's the problem

    • Olga

      It looks like your violet has a fungal disease. Try looking at the roots. If they are not very affected, rinse in potassium permanganate and transplant into new soil. Treat with Fitosporin. But I would just pick healthy leaves and root them.

  31. Valentine

    Tell me that with my violet, the middle is condensed and the rosette is as hard as a scaly

    • Olga

      It is difficult to say without a photo what is with your violet. The center of the rosette can become denser due to excess lighting or overfeeding of the flower with fertilizers. And the deformation of the rosette also occurs if the violet is affected by a cyclamen tick - it bites off the young leaves, they begin to spin. Over time, the growth center may even dry out. In addition, the presence of a tick is evidenced by a gray bloom at the bases of the leaves, shortening of the stem, increased pubescence of the leaf plates and their fragility.

      • Victoria

        Tell me what got sick and how to fight. bought, colors from November to April. then there was a burn, they changed their place of residence, now here is something again, I have already lost a lot of leaves

  32. Valentine

    Help save the violets, the middle becomes very thick and very hard

  33. Valentine

    thank you very much, I love violets, I'll try to fight

  34. Helena

    Tell me, please, my violet has not bloomed for a long time. What's with the leaves. Stands on the table near the window

    • Olga

      Often the absence of flowering violets is provoked by the defeat of the plant by nematodes. They live in the soil and suck juices from the roots of the violet, preventing it from fully developing and gradually killing it, as evidenced by the dead area on the leaf plate. Take out the bush and carefully examine the roots - are there any formations on them? If the "diagnosis" is confirmed, the flower will have to be thrown away to avoid contamination of other plants. Although some growers root intact leaves.

  35. Love

    In my opinion, it is necessary to check the roots, these edges of the violet are associated with improper watering, most likely the roots begin to rot.

  36. Irina

    Good day! Help me please! In some violets, such indentations appear on the lower leaves. What could it be? Thank!

    • Olga

      It could be thrips. Treat the violet with Fitoverm or Aktara.

      • Irina

        This is a flat beetle, not a thrips.

  37. Irina

    Insects, it seems, are not visible ..

  38. Irina

    Insects, it seems, are not observed. Maybe they are very small ...

  39. Munira

    Hello, I want to ask, on one sheet of violets I noticed a red dot, when I saw it under a magnifying glass it was a tick, noticing only one, I processed all violets with a phytoverm once. Do I need to repeat the processing again? If the ticks are not visible. Thank,

    • Natali

      Watch the plant. Control processing may be required.

  40. Lily

    Tell me what with the violet and how to treat it. Young leaves have stopped growing and are discolored at the beginning of the leaf.

    • Natali

      The plant is damaged by pests. Insecticide treatment is required. If there are other plants nearby, you need to process them too. Also check the root system. Perhaps the plant is poured and the decay process has begun.

  41. Lily

    Can you tell me what this flower is called

    • Natali

      This is Reo.

  42. Yulia

    I can't understand what's wrong with the violet! The leaves in the rosette become small and do not grow. Naturally and does not bloom. I read a lot, thought a tick, but I did not find any spots, bites or other characteristic signs. Please tell me what could be !?

    • Olga

      Compaction of the rosette and shredding of leaves in violets often occurs if they are too overfed. It can also happen with an excess of lighting. Try changing the substrate to a fresh one, which does not yet have an excessively large supply of nutrients, adjust the feeding and rearrange the flowerpot. If the leaves, in addition, also begin to spin, and the petioles grow short, still look for a cyclamen tick in the bush.

      • Yulia

        Thank you very much for your response. I’ll try to change the substrate, but I don’t feed anything. I just transplant it into new soil once a year. And if it turns out that it is still a tick, is it possible to treat it with a universal drug against all pests, or only a special one should be looked for against ticks?

        • Olga

          Since ticks are not insects by nature, conventional insecticide preparations do not work on them. Ticks are arthropods, for which there are special acaricidal agents. Actofit, Akarin, Fitoverm, Nissoran, Sunmayt, Judo have proven themselves well in the fight against ticks on violets.

  43. Ludmila

    Hello. Can you please tell me what is the disease of violets? Less than 40 of the 200 varieties of the collection remain. Weeping spots appear either on the leaf itself, or at the interface of the leaf with the handle, or spread along the handle. On the front side of the leaf, the spot has a golden brown color, on the back side, it is as if the leaf was pressed, watery. After infection, the socket disintegrates. Bush infection occurs very quickly. Almost all children planted in the ground and rooted leaves, planted either in the ground with roots, or for rooting in sphagnum, have undergone the disease). How to treat what's left? How to handle violet dishes (cups, trays)?

    • Olga

      It seems to me that plants are simultaneously sick with a fungal disease that causes decay, and suffer from pests. Alien white bodies are clearly visible in at least one photo, possibly a worm. In any case, try to save the remaining plants - treat with Fitoverm and change the soil.Remove all affected parts of the bushes, including leaves and roots, leaving only healthy tissue. Wash all dishes in a solution of potassium permanganate. They can also spill transplanted violets.

  44. Ludmila

    To the previous post photo: Such a picture in the light.

  45. florist

    Please tell me what is happening with our flowers and can they still be saved?

    • Olga

      It looks like your violets have picked up a fungal infection, it looks like root rot. Possibly from overfilling or from contaminated soil. You can try to save the remaining healthy plants. Cut off healthy rosettes (tops) from those bushes where the lesion has not yet spread to the whole plant, as well as green leaves without spots. Treat them with Fundazole and root. It is better to refuse spraying, also try not to flood the violets so that the situation does not repeat itself.

  46. florist


  47. florist

    other flowers

  48. florist

    Previous post photo

  49. florist

    this is such a land

  50. florist

    and further


