Questions and Answers
Onions in our family are the most popular vegetable. It takes a lot of it for cooking, plus conservation. I really don't like messing with small ones ...
Tell me, in what time frame and how is the pruning of grapes in autumn carried out correctly? We bought a summer cottage in the summer, the plot is not bad, there are many plants, but everything is unkempt. Per ...
Tell me when to plant celery? In our family, no one particularly loves this weed, so it has not grown it before. However, after running around last summer ...
Please tell us in what time frame and how is the pruning of apple trees carried out in the fall? We used to have a good vegetable garden in our country house, and we ...
Tell me how to grow broccoli? We used to plant only white cabbage, but recently our children have grown to love broccoli. The family council was ...
Explain, please, how ferns breed? I brought a bush from a business trip, and then a friend came to visit. Now everything does not lag behind me in any way, ...
Tell me how to propagate aloe at home? About three years ago I bought medicinal aloe from my grandmother at the market. The bush during this time is good ...
Tell me how to cut grapes? Last year, they took a part of the plot for a vineyard at the dacha and planted seedlings. Surprisingly, everyone started and ...
Help me figure out which polycarbonate is best for a greenhouse? My wife has been asking for at least a small room for a long time so that she can grow her seedlings. A couple of years ago ...
Advise on how to store tulip bulbs. In the spring I bought a gorgeous variety with terry inflorescences, the seller immediately said that it needed to be dug up. I live in a private ...
Tell me how to cook fluffy pancakes on kefir? They never work for me. In the pan, they seem to be plump, tall, and when they cool down, ...
Tell me what kind of flowers should be in the house? We are a young family, we recently celebrated a housewarming and made repairs. Now it's up to a little - ...
Tell us how to make a topiary with your own hands? I received such a gift from ribbons for my birthday, and just fired up with the desire to learn how to make such a miracle. ...
Help with advice on how to plant an orchid. My beauty has already become so big that it will soon fall out of the pot. Once upon a time they gave me one young bush. ...
Please tell us how to care for aloe? The neighbor sold the house and when she left, she gave her flower.Geraniums are predominantly in my flower farm. What ...
Tell me how to plant an apple tree in the spring? Our garden has been badly damaged this winter. Many trees are frozen, including my favorite variety. Insofar as ...
As far back as I can remember, our grandmother had a small tear-off calendar on the wall. On each leaflet with the date it was indicated in which ...
Tell me how to water the hyacinth? For the women's holiday, we were all given flowering bushes at work. As they later said, some employees immediately dropped them off ...
Tell me when to plant raspberries in spring? I agreed with a neighbor at the dacha, she will give me a lot of remontant raspberries. In autumn, planting does not work - at ...
Tell me when to transplant indoor violets? Recently, I began to notice that my flowers have stopped growing. Violets look healthy, the leaves are clean, without ...
Tell me how to get rid of midges in flowers? I have a lot of indoor plants, but the trouble happened with those that stand on the kitchen window. ...
Tell me how to transplant a money tree? About two years ago, my mother gave me a young bush, which she had grown from a cuttings. During this time he is good ...
Tell me how often to water tomato seedlings on the windowsill? Sowed the seeds a few weeks apart. The first batch rose well, but most of the seedlings ...
Tell us how asparagus grows. Everyone in our family loves her very much, and I often boil juicy shoots. This has never been grown before ...
How to eat celery? Recently, I started having stomach problems, and my kidneys began to play pranks. Doctors prescribed me daily ...
Tell me how to take care of the Decembrist? Once upon a time I had an old bush, but it could not withstand my care and slowly withered. Some ...
Tell me how to disinfect the soil for seedlings? We sowed tomatoes in soil purchased in a store. On the packaging it was written that he was completely ready for ...
Tell me when to plant tuberous begonia? In the fall, I bought a few bulbs from an old woman in the market. The seller promised that it would be a terry variety with scarlet ...
Tell me when to plant peonies? A neighbor has a very beautiful variety that I have been begging for a long time. And now my pleas have been heard. At the end of summer ...
Tell me when to germinate dahlias? Last year I got a very beautiful variety with large inflorescences. My tubers survived the winter perfectly in the basement. I had to ...
Tell me when to plant a melon for seedlings? Summer warmth in our area comes late, and it does not last long. Often culture is just ...
Tell me how to propagate ficus? A neighbor has long been asking me to exchange flowers, and I myself want to have another plant. Once I tried ...
Tell me how to care for a flower female happiness? Presented a flowering plant for my birthday, at first the leaves were bright, green. And recently I noticed that ...
Tell me how to grow a tangerine from a bone? Once I have already tried to do this, even the sprouts hatched, but the seedling "died safely" after a while. I think ...
Tell me how to plant potatoes? We are beginners and inexperienced summer residents; we purchased a small plot last year. Since our family has grown, we decided to try ...
Tell me how to grow strawberries from seeds? Once upon a time, my grandmother always grew a small, but very tasty and aromatic berry. Unfortunately, a lot has passed ...
Tell me how to transplant hyacinth? After the spring holidays, I still have a pot with a gift flower, all the leaves have already wilted long ago. I want to ...
Tell me how to care for dracaena at home? We have a large palm tree at work, very beautiful. I always wanted myself like this ...
Tell me how to grow a mango? I have already tried to do this several times, but the bone in the pot stubbornly does not want to sprout. A friend said that ...
Help with advice: urgently need to know how to make a bird feeder? The child at school was given the task to bring crafts after the holidays, they will hang them ...
Tell me how to keep fluffy mimosa? I love these yellow balls very much, but they usually quickly fade and crumble. Are there any secrets to ...
Please advise which rice for pilaf is better to take? I myself am neutral about this dish, but my husband simply adores it. He ...
She took the money tree from work - the flower became completely bad, almost all the leaves fell off, but still alive. He stood with me for a month and ...
Tell me how to care for a primrose? In the spring, my husband gave me a beautiful bush with lilac flowers circled with a golden border. Now I am running around with a pot ...
Last year I bought early lilies and planted them in the country in the fall. Everyone settled down and wintered well and now they are already standing with ...
Tell me how to preserve lily bulbs before planting? In late autumn, I accidentally acquired a variety that I have been looking for for a long time, but it was too late to plant, so I let it down ...
Tell me, is it possible to plant lilies in the fall? I have several varieties, all of them were purchased and planted in the spring. But recently I found one rare ...
Tell me when to plant a pumpkin? Last season, they planted it at the end of April and were left without tasty porridge, since spring let us down: in May ...
Tell me when to plant dahlias? Last year I acquired a very beautiful variety, I plant this plant for the first time. The seller immediately warned that the roots for the winter ...
Tell me when the apple tree blooms? We bought a dacha last year, there is a small garden, judging by the height of the trees, still young. The former owners said ...
Tell me when can I plant watermelons? Last year we rushed to planting, and most of the plants died. Now I don't even know what to do: then ...
Tell me how to root a rose from a bouquet? My husband gave me my favorite white roses, for which I have been hunting for two years now and that's it ...
Tell me how to dive pepper? Last year I sowed seeds one at a time in cups, but this season they decided to grow homemade tomato seedlings, ...
Tell me how to cook dumplings correctly? Most often they stick together with me, both fresh homemade and purchased frozen, and the last to ...
Tell me how to properly prepare the vinaigrette? Quite recently I started an independent life, but, unfortunately, I don’t own a craving for cooking and kitchen wisdom. ...
Tell us what flax looks like? Once, walking with a child in the park, we came across a rather tall bush with blue flowers. Passing by ...
Tell me when to plant radishes? Last year they sown in April, but failed to try - almost all the bushes went to ...
Tell me when is the best time to plant nasturtium seedlings? Last year, after transplanting, most of the bushes were very frozen, although keeping them in the house longer ...
Tell me when is the best time to plant strawberries? Last year, I bought a dozen seedlings in July and planted them in the country. The bushes seem to have begun, in ...
Tell me how to care for an azalea? In winter, my husband gave me a flowering bush for my birthday. At first everything was fine, but after the end of flowering ...
Tell me what cotton looks like? I always thought that it was grown only for industrial purposes to get cotton, but last year, while in ...
Tell me how to make jelly? Before, I always bought myself blanks in bags, but now I have become a mother. The kid has already grown up and I want to try ...
Tell me when can I plant potatoes? For the second year now, we have been haunted by failure: we just can't guess the timing. Last year like ...
Tell me how to properly transplant an orchid? My beauty has been living with me for two years and during this time she has grown a lot - the bush is straight ...
Tell me how to care for a ficus tree? They gave Benjamin's ficus for his birthday, I used to have one like this, but apparently I "starved" him and ...
Tell me how to grow a rose from a cutting? A neighbor has a very beautiful climbing rose variety, I have been asking her for a long time to share and keep a place for ...
Tell me when the bird cherry blossoms? We bought a house, and there, on the site, a large tree grows, a neighbor said that it was a bird cherry. Never saw her ...
Tell me when is birch sap harvested? I love this drink since childhood, and last year we bought a summer cottage not far from a birch grove. ...
I am a beginner flower grower and there are not many plants in my collection. All of them are purchased, were donated or purchased last year, from ...
I love to experiment and plant everything from which you can get seeds or seeds. Now the turn has come to a huge pomelo, just got a good one ...
Tell me how to care for violets? A friend gave me a luxurious violet with large double buds for my birthday, it will be a pity to ruin the flower by ...
How do bananas grow? At school, my son was asked to write an essay on tropical fruits. Since bananas are his favorite delicacy, I decided ...
We bought a pistachio seedling in the nursery. The seller said that a small bush would grow out of it, and I always thought it was a tree. Tell me how ...
Tell me how to make a birdhouse out of wood? The son at school was given the task to bring a bird house, and our dad is at work all the time, ...
Tell me how to stew cabbage? Everyone in our family, "from old to small", is very fond of different dishes with cabbage. Here are just a stew ...
Tell me when can I plant eggplants? Previously, they always bought ready-made seedlings, but this year they decided to try to grow their own. Eggplant is a culture, ...
Tell me when to plant asters for seedlings? I bought varietal seeds, but I'm afraid that the bushes will not have time to bloom in all their glory - here ...
Tell me when is it better to plant cucumbers for seedlings? Our summer is very short, we do not always have time to harvest the entire crop before the onset of cold weather, to ...
I love hyacinths very much, but I have never grown them. This year I got my first long-awaited flower - a gift for March 8th ...
Tell me how to care for cyclamen? I bought a flower with large raspberry inflorescences on sale, I want to transplant it into a new pot after flowering. Where ...
Tell me how to store garlic correctly? By the spring, most of the heads were empty, while the rest had sprouted. I had to look for him in the market for the Easter holidays, ...
Tell me how to keep tulips in a vase longer? At my dacha, I have a whole collection of various varieties, I have been collecting it for several years. Simply adore ...
Tell me when to plant cabbage for seedlings? We bought several varieties, and the packaging indicates different sowing times. Is there a significant difference between the timing ...
Tell me when to sow marigolds for seedlings? They always sowed flowers right on the flower bed, but I want to admire the flowering not only at the end of summer and ...
I bought several gladioli bulbs from the market. This is my second attempt to breed them, the first ended in failure: the corms planted last year and ...
Tell me when to plant tomatoes? Last year, our seedlings did not manage to develop well before planting in the ground: the bushes were very small and ...
Sowed pepper seedlings, the seeds sprouted together. Tell me when to dive pepper? Last year, despite the additional lighting, the seedlings were stretched out, and the bushes ...
Everyone in our family loves bell peppers, so we plant them in decent quantities. We always bought ready-made seedlings, but last year ...
Tell me how peanuts grow? Last year, I saw several beds with lush bushes at my acquaintances, but there were no fruits on them ...
Recently, while visiting a friend, I tried homemade mackerel. The fish did not differ at all from the store fish, it seems to me, it was even tastier. In a rush ...
I love roses very much, my husband always gives them to me for every holiday. Unfortunately, the bouquet fades quickly, but I would like it to take longer ...
Tell me how to plant tomatoes for seedlings? Last year we bought a private house and moved there to live. As real "urban", we know about agriculture ...
We ordered a juniper seedling in the nursery, there were no special requirements for the variety, so we took what was available. So we got a bush ...
Tell me how to properly plant daffodils in the spring and when can you do it? There are many bushes growing at the dacha, but last year they did not ...
On March 8, my husband gave me a lovely curly fern, there was a label in the pot with the name "Emina". I don't have such flowers yet ...
Please tell us what the sea buckthorn is. At our dacha there is a free space along the road, we want to plant edible shrubs there. I heard, ...
A juniper grows in our country house. The bushes are already large enough and were green all the time, but this spring, yellow ones appeared on many ...
When buying seeds, I took with me a bag of purple kobei, I really liked its large bells. Please tell us more about the plant and ...
Once, visiting a neighbor, I saw very beautiful double flowers of pink cosme. I love these flowers, my grandmother always planted them, ...
I want to try sowing coriander in the country this year - our whole family loves all kinds of greens that can only be found in the garden, ...