Questions and Answers
In our country house, on the north side, there is an old stone fence. It's a pity to disassemble it, the building is solid, but such a fence is not particularly beautiful ...
We want to fence off our summer cottage from the road with a living fence, but we don't know where to start. Tell me how to make a hedge with your own hands? ...
Please tell us about the chubushnik Shneesturm. Last year we planted two bushes in the country, but they have not bloomed yet. When should the mock-orange bloom? ...
I have long dreamed of planting a jasmine in the country, and here a neighbor was just planting her old bush and sold me the dealership. Please tell us more ...
This year our garden has been replenished with several plants, among them - a new hybrid of blackberries for us. I would like to know more about him. ...
In the fall, we planted two bushes of large-fruited blackberries. These are our first plants, so I would like to learn more about the features of cultivation. Tell me what kind of care ...
A neighbor gave a cone of dope, I want to plant it under the window in the spring. Please tell us in a few words about Datura flowers and planting features and ...
I found Amal melon, which was not in demand last season, in my stocks of seeds - there was simply not enough space for it on the site. Tell me, please, ...
Tell me what to do if spots appear on the cactus? I have a small collection, and in several plants I noticed soft dark spots on the stem, ...
A friend shared a few iris bulbs. In my country house, only ordinary irises grow (those with rhizomes), so there was a little problem ...
When buying seeds, I came across a packet of morning glory sweet potato with beautiful purple leaves. Tell me how to plant a sweet potato Ipomoea and take care of the flower. Is it possible ...
We want to settle a new inhabitant in our garden this year, we have ordered several varieties of irgi from the nursery. Tell me how to plant irga in spring and ...
A couple of years ago, they planted a yoshta in the country. The seedling was purchased in the nursery, where they promised us a harvest in a year, but we were so ...
Our dacha is located on the banks of the river, and I have long dreamed of planting willow there. I have it connected with childhood memories, when ...
Preparing for the spring, I bought almost half of our small shop with seeds. Choosing flowers for the flower bed, I could not resist the beautiful bushes of Iberis, ...
I have a large bush of a golden mustache, once obtained by a cut from a generous neighbor. She also advised to always keep such ...
In our city park there is a whole alley of lush bushes that stand for a long time, covered with yellow flowers. Recently I found out that it is a goldenrod ...
A Christmas tree got from my grandmother, today the bush has already reached a decent size and does not fit in a pot. In my opinion, due to the tightness, he became ...
In the fall, they planted a cherry plum with the unusual name July Rose in the country. The seller assured that the variety is large-fruited and sweet. I would like to know more ...
Last year, tempted by the name, we planted several pineapple actinidia seedlings and now we look forward to the first harvest. The fruits were seen only in the photo, ...
We ordered actinidia from a friend who grows seedlings for sale. This culture is new for us, before there were no such in the country, but ...
Tell me how to form adenium? I got several seedlings of this flower, I want to grow a squat plump bush. I saw this once visiting a friend and ...
My children are very fond of avocados, and I always try to pamper them with a delicious salad from this exotic fruit on holidays. But the last one ...
We have a small garden, a couple of years ago we planted several apricot seedlings there. However, our trees grow very poorly, although we take care of ...
I heard a lot about organic beds, and my friends are just delighted - for several years now they have been planting exclusively on them and ...
A perennial delphinium is growing in my dacha, I once took it from a neighbor in deeds. This year I noticed that the garden has become very rare, ...
Tell me how the dendrobium orchid reproduces? I was presented with a very beautiful variety with raspberry inflorescences, so my sister has been asking for a “piece” for the second year already. ...
Last summer we were visiting friends and we were treated to a very sweet blackberry. It is noteworthy that it was only the beginning of July in the yard, but here ...
Together with the summer cottage, we got raspberries and blackberries from the old owners. And if the raspberry caught is even nothing, sweet and large, ...
A neighbor promised me to give me a jasmine seedling when she would plant her bushes in the spring. I have long dreamed of getting this fragrant plant and now I look forward to ...
I plan to fence myself off from the neighboring site in the spring, but I don't want to put up a fence. At a family council, it was decided to plant plants to get the most natural ...
A friend treated her to the Blue Spindle with delicious honeysuckle, which grows in her garden. The large berries turned out to be surprisingly tasty, and I immediately ...
Please tell me how to deal with potato rhizoctonia disease. From year to year, black growths appear on root crops, we just don't know what to do, ...
Please tell us about the potato Luck. Friends advised it as an early and high-yielding variety. I would like to know whether these qualities persist under conditions ...
Many times, walking in the city park, I passed lush bushes with many white flowers and only recently learned that it was Albiflora spirea. ...
I often heard from my grandmother that apple leaf tea is very useful. She herself drank it and for us, grandchildren, brewed it ...
Last year I was presented with a dendrobium nobile, and in winter it pleased me with delicate white flowers. There were so many of them that the branches ...
In summer, beautiful and rather tall bushes with yellow panicles bloomed at neighbors in the country, I learned that this is a hybrid goldenrod. To me they ...
In the fall, I accidentally got a few cuttings of Colchis boxwood. I rooted them and now my plants are doing quite well, they have started up young branches ...
We have always grown a lot of greenery at the dacha, and this year they decided to double the planting so that there was still more to sell. Tell me how to feed ...
Please tell us about Janice Brown's daylily. How does it bloom and are there any special requirements for caring for the flower? I have ...
Back in the fall, I bought the seeds of a cosme called Sensation. I am a very lazy flower grower, so I prefer those plants for which the care is minimal, and this one ...
We are planning to renew the vineyard in the country in the spring, which we inherited from our grandmother last year, since most of the bushes there are already very old. Tell me how ...
Tell me, is it possible to plant potatoes in June? It so happens that we cannot come to the summer cottage earlier, but leave the garden to overgrow ...
We bought a summer cottage in the fall, there is a decent vegetable garden on it. We decided to try our hand and plant it with potatoes, but like indigenous urban ...
We plan to set up a small apple orchard in the country in the spring. I was very interested in the Welsey variety, they say that it winters well and rarely gets sick. Give me please, ...
I was presented with a very beautiful blooming Kalanchoe. Probably, I liked the flower, because in six months it has grown a lot and turned into a gorgeous ...
I have long wanted to plant Ixia in the country, and then a neighbor in the fall gave me a dozen bulbs from her garden with multi-colored inflorescences. Tell me, please, ...
Was visiting a friend, and she just bloomed a very unusual violet Snow Dahlia with lush white inflorescences. Tell me, please, ...
An acquaintance in the fall shared the seeds of a dahlia called Funny Guys. Previously, I only had tuberous varieties, and in this way I still have dahlias ...
For a long time I have been planning to grow blueberries in the country, a couple of times I even bought seedlings, but they did not worry about our winter. A friend recently advised me to buy ...
I bought the seeds of a beautiful dark red aster on sale, I really liked its rounded inflorescences.On the package it was written that this is a pompon aster. ...
Can you tell me if peanuts can be used while breastfeeding? I used to crunch fried nuts a lot, but now I have to be careful when choosing my diet. ...
I decided this year to try to grow peanuts, they say that it gives a good harvest in our conditions. Tell me how to plant peanuts in an open ...
All my relatives know that I am not a big fan of flower bouquets, and therefore they try to pamper me with live plants in pots for the holidays. ...
In the summer at the dacha, I collected and dried vervain. Grandma says that after tea with this herb she sleeps well, but I often have ...
I love the smell of blooming acacia and always try to find at least half an hour to walk in the park, where we have a lot of them. This ...
We bought a plot on which several lush Japanese quince trees grow. I heard that its fruits are used in traditional medicine. Tell me what are the ...
Recently, I began to notice that the soil on top of my flowers turned white. This did not affect the general condition of the plants, ...
Last week I bought a room rose. At first, the bush was beautiful, continued to bloom, but yesterday I noticed dry leaves, and several buds were planted, ...
Tell me how to properly care for a rose purchased in a pot? They gave me a dwarf rose for my birthday, but I don't really do flowers. I'm afraid ...
I love weigela very much and have long dreamed of buying a tricolor variety of this colorful shrub. Please tell us more about Weigel Carnival. Does she have ...
I took the balsam cuttings from my mother, everyone began and a year later, white roses were blooming on my window. But lately ...
I heard a lot about the medicinal properties of thick-leaved bergenia, and so I decided to plant these beautiful and useful bushes in my garden (the neighbor just ...
Last year, new plants were planted in our city park. This autumn, walking along the alley, I noticed the lush red bushes. ...
Once, while visiting friends, I saw an amazing flower that looked like an orchid. I myself really love orchids and grow them with enthusiasm, but ...
Last year they gave me a gorgeous balsam blooming with pink inflorescences for my birthday. There were a lot of buds, and for a long time I admired the terry ...
Heard a lot about a beautiful houseplant called aucuba. Last year I was even lucky to see a huge bush with rich green leaves at a party ...
This year we have a long-awaited structure at our dacha - an alpine slide. Since it was made late, almost before the very frosts, "settling" ...
Heard a lot about silk acacia. Please tell us what it is. Is it a garden crop or should it be grown in a pot, in ...
Tell me why gardenia leaves turn black and fall? The bush was beautiful, it bloomed profusely, but in connection with the repairs it was necessary to rearrange the ...
Tell me why does gardenia have pale leaves? All summer, the bush was beautiful, with a juicy green cap, and now there is some kind of trouble: the leaves have become ...
A friend shared the seeds of tailed amaranth, I want to sow them in the spring in the country. Tell me what this flower is and are there any features ...
I got a few bulbs of allium nectaroscordum from a flower shop (as it was written on the tag). Tell me, what is this plant? Do ...
In the summer I was visiting a friend and saw beautiful alissum bushes in her. I could not resist and asked for seeds, they were just ripe. Tell me ...
A couple of years ago, I planted a beautiful terry aquilegia in the country. During this time, the bushes have grown a lot, I'm afraid it might affect ...
Tell me, are there any peculiarities of planting and caring for anemone bland? In the fall, a neighbor planted her plants and shared her deals with me. I ...
Last year, a neighbor shared with me the cuttings of heuchera. I dreamed of such a plant for a long time, but the trouble is that the cuttings did not take root, but ...
Tell me, are there any peculiarities of growing alpine carnations? A friend shared the seeds in the fall, but I forgot to ask where it is better to sow them. Will it ...
I have a long-awaited acquisition - I finally found gypsophila seeds in a flower shop and immediately bought myself two varieties. Please tell us how to grow ...
In the fall, I dug up two dahlia bushes and simply lowered them into the basement. Recently I noticed that the tubers became soft, probably this method is not very ...
Please tell us how to take care of polyantum jasmine at home? They presented a flowering bush for my birthday, I don't want it to disappear because of ...
This year they wanted to lay the fruits for storage and for this they kept them on the tree to the last. As a result, frost struck at night ...
Hello. Please tell me the name of the flower in the photo (the one that is larger). Long large leaves of decent size, painted in a rich green color, collected ...
My old adenium is already so big it won't fit on a window. I want to cut it thoroughly in the spring, but it is a pity to throw it away. Tell us how ...
We are planning a "large-scale operation" to raise broilers for sale next year. The question arose about buying a drinking bowl, since there will be a lot of birds, but ...
In the fall, for the sake of interest, I planted an avocado seed (thus I have already managed to get a room lemon). The experiment was a success - the bone sprouted, and little by little it grows leaves. ...
Tell me why apricot does not bloom at the age of 3 years? After planting, the seedling has taken root successfully, develops well, has grown many young branches. In the spring I dropped in ...
Tell me where it is better to plant the city-loving allium and how to properly care for it? I bought several bulbs, I want to settle them in the country in the spring. It is necessary ...
This summer I saw very delicate white ixia flowers in my neighbor's flowerbed and just fell in love with them. Tell us what Ixia is ...
A neighbor shared with me the seeds of a very beautiful shrub that looks like a white blooming ball. Tell me where it is better to plant evergreen Iberis and how for ...
Tell me what is the Delaway Snowtop Incarvillea flower? This year I bought several roots at the sale, the seller assured that the plants are very beautiful ...
I planted a yoshta in a summer cottage. For several years now, the bush has been developing well, many new branches have appeared, but so far it has not been possible to taste the berries ...
Tell me how to distinguish goji from barberry? I brought the berries home in full confidence that it was a Tibetan barberry, but then vague doubts seized ...
This summer my poor apple trees were badly affected by aphids. What I just didn’t try to save them - I managed to overcome the pest only ...
Tell me, what is the Japanese Darts Red spirea? Can it be planted in the shade and should the plant be pruned? I saw a gorgeous bush ...
Tell me what to do with the Kalanchoe, which has faded? I heard that the bush should be completely cut off, but I'm sorry. But also bloom next year ...
This summer, a new "tenant" appeared on the neighboring plot - a beautiful tree with red leaves. The neighbor says that this is such a special apple variety. ...
Tell me what kind of plant? Why do the leaves turn black and yellow? Large bright leaves of pure green color with as if painted with clear veins, on ...
In the spring, they planted a lot of cabbage in the garden and did not lose - all the seedlings took root well, and the heads of cabbage ripened large and dense. And for us ...