Questions and Answers
Tell me, what kind of care does a walnut need? Three years ago, I planted seedlings of large-fruited walnut, the engraftment was successful. I would not want to ruin the trees ...
I have long dreamed of getting terry varieties in my collection of Gloxinia. Only seeds were found in the flower shop. Tell me how to grow gloxinia from seeds ...
This year I ventured to plant gladioli at the dacha, although I prefer perennial flowers that winter in a flower bed. All bulbs have taken root successfully, despite ...
For the second year now, something incomprehensible is happening in my garden - the cherry blossoms, but there are no berries. Tell me what could be the reason ...
I was presented with an adult brugmansia in a tub. I don’t know what to do with her, because I’ve seen such a miracle for the first time, and then ...
My husband brought two seedlings of Kurivao Gold juniper to the dacha. We have not yet had conifers, so I am afraid to ruin them with the wrong approach. ...
Tell me when to plant lettuce outdoors? I found several bags of seeds. Can they be sown next to tomatoes now? Salad ...
When is the onion planting carried out before winter? Previously, I always planted it in the spring, and in very large quantities. I want to try to plant half of the material in the fall, ...
On my last visit to the summer cottage, I noticed that the leaves of my beets had become a strange color - on some beds they faded, ...
This year, for the first time, I planted green beans in the country. Due to the prevailing circumstances, I had not been at the site for a long time, and when I arrived, I found ...
Tell me when you can transplant daffodils after flowering? At my dacha, a whole forest has already formed from 5 bushes. I want to rejuvenate the daffodils a little, ...
For my birthday they gave me an indoor tangerine. Since I don't grow flowers at home at all, the question arose of what to do with it next. Still ...
I bought several bushes of a very beautiful daylily Childrance Festival, but I just can't decide on a planting site. I have two flower beds, one ...
I have a kosmeya growing near my house with simple flowers. I did not plant it on purpose, the bushes came to us from the previous owners after the purchase ...
I have been hunting for ampelous strawberries for a long time, but in our area I managed to get only one packet of seeds. Tell me how and when you can sow seeds ...
Boxwoods grow for 4-5 years within the city. Now there is a good young growth, and strange spots appeared on the old leaves - brown, then ...
My husband always brings me rare flowers from business trips, this time it was a bag of brugmansia seeds. Tell me if it is possible to grow brugmansia from ...
My beautiful bougainvillea lives in the house in winter, and in the summer I take her out into the garden under the trees. Recently I noticed that every bush ...
Long dreamed of New Guinea balsam. I went around all our flower shops, but found only seeds. I don't really like messing with seedlings, but doing ...
Last year I planted badan in the garden. Now it is a beautiful bush with large leaves, but there is one problem. I've been to ...
Tell me what is the reason and what to do - my seedlings of perennial lupine are dying. I plant it for the first time, but the seedlings turned out to be somehow weak, ...
I love basil very much and finally decided to plant it. But I had no time to tinker with seedlings, and there was no place to put it, so I had to ...
Tell me, what is petunia Avalanche Yellow Star? This year I bought such a variety for the first time, the seller in the store assured that the plant ...
Visiting a friend, I saw a very unusual begonia. At first I did not even understand what kind of flower it was, because her leaves are like ...
In my small rose garden, I grow exclusively roses with an unusual color. Until recently, the main attraction of the flower garden was the black rose. Now my turn ...
Last year she laid a small rose garden in front of the house. All the bushes have successfully taken root, in the spring I fed them, and now they are already blooming gorgeous. ...
We bought a summer cottage three years ago. Since they did not plan to take care of the garden, they immediately set up a garden on a territory free of buildings, while ...
During the vacation I took Gloxinia home from work. In the office, the flower was healthy, with normal even leaves, and at home in two weeks ...
Last year, a neighbor gave me some small gladioli bulbs. I already took care of them - and watered and fertilized, but flowers ...
For my birthday they gave me a blooming vriezia. Now the inflorescence is almost dry and only spoils the appearance. Tell me what to do next with ...
I bought astilba Burgundy Red, I want to plant it in the country next to the bushes that bloom with pink panicles. Tell me if Burgundy Red is needed special ...
I found several varieties of badan in a flower shop - I want to plant them in a flower bed in such a way that the plants replace each other as ...
They gave me a young aucuba, no more than two years old. Recently, I began to notice that the bush somehow wilted and did not grow. I think, ...
My beautiful Astilbe is already seven years old, the bush has grown during this time just huge. I have never touched it yet, but recently ...
The neighbor decided to throw out her adenium, she says that it disappears anyway. I just could not allow this, and took the flower for myself, because ...
I have an apple tree, about which I say "hard to carry, but it's a pity to throw it away." The tree is quite good, spreading, gives good shade in summer. But ...
I was always sure that mint grows in our garden. Once a neighbor came to visit, I treated her to tea with fragrant herbs. ...
Tell me how to feed roses in spring for lush bloom? I replenished my rose garden with two new varieties, the seller assured that the bushes should bloom continuously. But ...
I got a dacha from my grandmother, and with it - rose hips. I wanted to dig it up in order to expand the rose garden, but a neighbor advised me to use ...
Last year, she planted a very beautiful variety of roses: it has maroon petals, almost black. This is my first rose, before they were not ...
I have a rose in my dacha, I bought it as a floribunda. And then a friend came to visit and claims that the flower belongs to ...
Due to the lack of free time and desire for indoor flowers, I practically do not. But recently I was presented with an amazing indoor rose. Compact bush ...
My husband gave me a birthday present and built a small gazebo. I want to plant climbing roses near her. Tell me how to plant curly ...
This year I decided to try to grow beets through seedlings. Spring comes late here, and we want to get fresh vegetables as soon as possible. ...
Please help me save my garden - the leaves of the tomatoes are spinning, and the potatoes with cucumbers turned yellow. The neighbor says that this phenomenon comes from ...
Several years ago he planted figs in the garden, and this year he has already set the fruits. Now my wife and I have a controversial ...
I myself do not really like basil, but my husband simply adores it. Therefore, I had to buy a bag of seeds and select a garden bed among the parsley for ...
Good day! Bought 7 years ago two Antonov apple trees, three years old (as we were told). They have never bloomed yet! IN ...
I have been growing Astilba (photo) for a long time, several species grow in my dacha, but I still could not find one variety. AND ...
I planted actinidia at the dacha five years ago, but it has never bore fruit. Blooms profusely, develops normally, does not get sick. I read that ...
Last year, we bought a summer cottage, which has a young garden: apple trees, cherries and several trees we did not recognize. Since the harvest we are still ...
We have a large suburban area, where there was enough space for a young garden. Many fruit trees were planted last year, as well as ...
Last year, visiting a friend, I saw a beautiful white astilba. In general, I really love perennials, especially flowering ones, so I decided for myself ...
My children are very fond of peanuts and so they persuaded me to plant it. Unfortunately, I have no experience in growing. I only heard that the bushes are necessary ...
Actinidia Kolomikta is growing in my summer cottage. In recent years, I noticed that there are fewer berries on the bush, and the vine itself ...
Visiting a friend, I saw a blooming adenium.I really liked him so much that I ordered the seeds and soon a young one was showing off on my windowsill ...
Tell me how to prepare and apply fertilizer from grass with water in a barrel? I heard that such feeding is very useful for garden crops. Liquid ...
I have long wanted to try to sow a part of the garden with green manure. A neighbor recommends this method to improve the structure and composition of the soil, he himself has been for several years ...
We have a small summer cottage where we grow some vegetables for our own consumption. Last season, the potato crop was not very rich, ...
Can you please tell me how to properly apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers for flowers? My plants do not want to bloom at all, and if they lay inflorescences, then their ...
Several years ago we bought a summer cottage and set up a small vegetable garden on it. There is a lot of trouble with him, because our soil is clayey. Having ...
I have sandy soil on the site. How to prepare her for growing vegetables and horticultural crops? Sandy soil is one of the poorest ...
Hello! Can you please tell me what to do next with my orchid? Two months ago she moved to another place and after that she started ...
I got the seeds of Salvia from my grandmother. She loves her very much and plants in large quantities, so she decided to share with me. Tell me how ...
We were not very lucky with the soil at the summer cottage - the earth there is heavy, clayey. It takes effort to get the harvest. I want to try ...
I decided to plant a black radish this year. The grandchildren have already grown a little, I will treat them with folk remedies. Tell me how to grow black radish and ...
In the fall, I rooted several boxwood cuttings borrowed from a neighbor - I really liked her hedge, I wanted one for myself. AND ...
I plan to install an irrigation system at my summer cottage to grow vegetables. Our climate is very hot, and without water it is practically possible to collect a good harvest ...
My lemon is already three years old, but it doesn't want to grow at all. Young shoots have not appeared over the past year, but with ...
This year, my dream of my own rose garden almost came true - we purchased a summer cottage where I had already booked a place for ...
Two years ago, my husband gave me a beautiful orchid with large orange flowers. At first, it bloomed rather willingly, but over the last year ...
My beauties lilies are already two years old. After planting, I did not touch them, and during this time the plants have formed many children. Now I will ...
In my summer cottage, along the garden, I have blueberries. Last year, I noticed that the leaves on the bushes began to turn red. A friend advised me to feed ...
A young garden was laid in the summer cottage, which already began to bear fruit last year. But one tree surprised me very much - I bought it ...
Three years ago we bought a summer cottage on which a large apricot tree grew. But during all this time we have not seen the harvest - ...
Several years ago I planted a juniper and a spruce in my summer cottage, but I just can't understand why they grow poorly with me. I water ...
I often use an infusion of banana skins as dressing for indoor flowers. A neighbor at the dacha advised to water the seedlings for them. Tell me how to use banana ...
We always plant large quantities of potatoes on the site, but there is not always enough organic matter to fertilize all plantings. After some calculations, I made ...
I have long wanted to try Baikal EM-1 in my garden. A friend uses it in his greenhouse, and every year he boasts of the harvest. Advise how to do it right ...
I noticed for a long time that after watering with an egg shell infusion, indoor plants develop more actively and bloom better. I want to try to feed some in this way ...
We have a small summer cottage area, we mainly grow greens and strawberries on it. However, it is very difficult to get a good harvest of berries, because ...
Tomatoes are the most favorite vegetable in our family, so I always plant a lot of them. However, it was not possible to get a big harvest last year. I heard ...
I have been using the technology of growing vegetables in narrow beds for the second year already. I did not notice a particular increase in the yield, although the method is very convenient, especially for ...
I prefer to fertilize my small vegetable garden only by natural means, since I am not a supporter of "chemistry". I have already decided on the feeding of most vegetables, but ...
Tell me how to plant camellia seeds correctly? What needs to be done for this? Thank. The beauty camellia is a bright representative of the Tea family and is able to make up ...
Several years ago, I planted a couple of hydrangea and rhododendron bushes. They have taken root well, but they grow poorly, and the flowering is very poor. Girlfriend ...
Garlic in our family is consumed in large quantities, so I always plant a lot of it. However, last year the harvest was meager - ...
This year I sowed early cabbage for seedlings. For some reason, purchased seedlings do not take root well. Seedlings sprouted together, all strong and healthy. ...
I have been using ash for planting potatoes for a long time, and recently a neighbor advised me to use it for flowers. Tell me how to use ash to fertilize indoor plants? ...
I love flowers in pots very much, but due to my forgetfulness I constantly miss the next feeding. A friend advised me to use granular preparations. Tell me what are the complex ...
Tell us, in what time frame and how is the planting of peonies in the fall correct? Once upon a time I had one variety, very fragrant and the most ...
Tell me how to use bird droppings to fertilize vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes)? Can I add it to the hole when planting plants? Timely application ...
Good day! My question is: why do the leaves of my geranium turn yellow? Attaching photo. Thank. Sincerely, Elena. Geranium or Pelargonium - ...
Good day. Please help me in my trouble. I live in Norilsk. I planted indoor cucumbers this year, they sprouted well, began to grow, but ...
I have a small apple orchard, every year part of the harvest falls to the ground. I want to try to feed berry crops with these fruits. Tell me how ...
Tell me, what is the use of fertilizers for garden flowers in spring and summer? How often do you need to feed the plants and what drugs can you use? ...
I usually buy tomato seedlings at the market, but this year I decided to grow it myself. Unfortunately, the "window-sill" method does not suit me, because no ...
This year I decided to try myself as a gardener and grow tomatoes. I seem to have figured out the sowing of seeds - the seedlings have sprung up and ...
I always grow tomato seedlings myself in a nutritious substrate. I have heard a lot about the use of mineral wool for these purposes. I would like to try, but a little ...
Last year my zinnia seedlings were almost completely ill. What exactly, I do not know, but the leaves at the seedlings gradually turned yellow, and at ...