Questions and Answers
Tell me how to choose a boiler for heating a private house? We have a dacha, previously they used it only for summer vacations. But here's a son ...
Tell us about chrysanthemums, planting and care in the fall, pruning is especially interesting. Is it necessary to prune the bush after planting? I bought it from a neighbor for ...
Please advise what late varieties of apples can be planted, a photo with a name, if possible. We have a summer apple tree growing, probably from the early ones, and ...
Recently, I noticed a problem with the eucharis flower - the leaves turn yellow and die, and somehow massively and sharply. Before, sometimes he lost ...
How often and in what doses should Roncoleukin be given, the instructions for use for cats of this drug are complex? Our thoroughbred pet is sick, take it ...
Tell us about canning mushrooms for the winter. That's how many times I've tried, my cans don't last long. The lids swell and tear, ...
Advise how to remove paint from a concrete wall? We bought our daughter a one-room apartment, an old building, still from Soviet times, but solid, well-groomed. And outside ...
It would be very interesting to know in what cases the red viburnum berry is used, the benefits and harms of this plant. I remember my grandmother as a child ...
Will Faverolle chickens lay, at what age and how actively? My wife saw this breed at a local farmer and immediately told me ...
Tell me how to make wine from chokeberry? We walked with our grandson in the forest, and found just a huge bush, all covered with berries. They picked up a whole basket ...
Advise the best varieties of tomatoes for Siberia. It's been a month since we moved here to live with our family, in the spring we are planning to plant some vegetables with my husband ...
When and what is the autumn feeding of grapes in winter? A young vineyard was planted last year. When planting, they were added to the wells ...
Explain, please, cumin and caraway seeds are different and in general are they different seasonings or not? A friend gave a recipe for how to bake meat, and in ...
Cannes flowers are very interesting, care, storage in winter, I would especially like to see the video on their cultivation. This year, for the first time, I acquired a couple of varieties, ...
How is sauerkraut with cranberries made, the recipe for winter preparation can be found in details? I tried to cook it a couple of times and at ...
How is Isabella grape tincture made with vodka? Recently we were visiting distant relatives, and there we were treated to this drink. And ...
How long does it take to transplant raspberries to a new place in the fall? We bought a dacha, there is an old raspberry tree, abandoned and heavily overgrown. In that ...
What is the highlander, useful properties and contraindications of this plant? A friend advised him as an excellent remedy for such a delicate problem as ...
How does a saxifrage winter on a flower bed, planting and care, can you find out a photo of an adult plant? An acquaintance gave me a few divs from her bush, I have them ...
Can you tell me at what temperature to store onions? I just can't find a good place for him. I left it in the pantry (it is not heated here, ...
What kind of grapes Zarya Nesvetaya belongs to, can you see a description of the variety, a photo of berries? When the seedlings were bought, the seller promised that the harvest would be abundant, ...
In what cases can you eat red rowan jam for medicinal purposes, what are the benefits and harms of such a dessert? I only know ...
How much light does the cymbidium orchid require, does home care for it in winter have features? I bought a gorgeous bush in the spring, with ...
When a poultry farm blooms, does planting and care in the open field have any peculiarities? I bought a dozen bulbs from my grandmother in the market, she ...
Advise what ground cover plants can be planted in the country that bloom all summer. I want to make such a continuous carpet under the windows, and ...
This year, I was especially pleased with the harvest of the black mountain ash; I began to collect recipes for the winter of these berries in the summer. Found several types of jam, ...
Will the Fatezh cherry grow in the Moscow region, a description of the photo variety, can you find out its reviews? Most of all, the taste of the fruit and the degree of frost resistance are of interest, ...
Advise what to plant along the fence in the country, photos of plants, if possible. On one side I have an old neighbor's fence, elderly people live there ...
How long does it take to plant tulips in the fall in the ground? I bought rare varieties via the Internet, some super-terry ones, and also like peonies. Here on ...
How to freeze eggplants in the freezer for the winter? The son could not stand them all his childhood, and recently he suddenly fell in love. I tried in ...
Tell me if thuja grows in Siberia, planting and care, photos of suitable varieties especially need to be known and seen. Moved to these cold lands ...
Can you tell me how to make propolis tincture? Once upon a time, her mother did it to me and gave me something to drink when my gastritis worsened. IN ...
For what diseases does fragrant geranium help, can you learn more about the medicinal properties and contraindications of this plant? I really love pelargonium, but such a ...
What is needed to organize the cultivation of nutria at home? A friend has a small farm, and he persuaded me to do it. In the fall gives us an adult ...
Advise on how to freeze bell peppers for the winter. Previously, it was impossible to prepare a lot of vegetables, because there is not enough space in the refrigerator. But in ...
Do not tell me how to make apple tincture on vodka, a recipe for women, so to speak, so that it is not strong. Somehow else in the distant ...
Does Afelander need a period of rest, what should be her care at home? I bought a small bush at the sale, he has ...
Eggshells are very interested in as a source of calcium, and more specifically, how and how much you need to take. My mom was diagnosed with osteoporosis, she has ...
Can you tell me when they cover roses for the winter? This year my dream came true - my husband made me a front garden, even put a small fence. ...
Does the fragrant dracaena bloom at home, should there be some special description and care for it? Gave a small tree for ...
How to shelter grapes for the winter? This year a young vineyard was planted, only a few seedlings did not take root, the rest have already managed to grow a young vine. ...
What kind of lighting do succulents need, can you find out in detail how to care for them at home? The son decided to grow cacti, he has already collected ...
What about the frost resistance of such a hybrid as Timur grapes, can you find out the description of the variety with its pros and cons? When in ...
Does the onion planting for the winter in Belarus have any peculiarities? Moved here this summer after marriage, my husband was offered a good job ...
Does red cabbage really contain calcium, the benefits and harms of this vegetable for osteoporosis? Mom was diagnosed with cracks in several vertebrae, she was very sick ...
I really like to add chili to different dishes or just eat it with a bite, for example, with borscht. And my sister insists that I will play it out and ...
Tell us how the Nobleman's tomato behaves in the open field in cool summer conditions, who planted it in the middle lane? This year ...
What is the time frame for the processing of grapes in autumn with iron sulfate? In the summer, I noticed signs of chlorosis on young bushes and immediately bought this drug. But ...
Do I need to cover Lily of the Valley grapes in the middle lane, can you find out the description of the variety in detail? We bought rooted layering, in the spring they planted it in the yard under ...
Does the columnea need pruning, what should be the care at home for it? My bush is already two years old, nothing with it ...
What kind of lighting is needed for a rheo flower, does home care for it generally have any peculiarities? A neighbor transplanted her old bush and ...
Advise climbing plants for the garden, photos and names of crops that can be planted near the fence. Our plot and the neighboring plot are separated by a high fence, it ...
What kind of lighting does the areca need, home care, can you see a photo of an adult plant? I would like to know what height it reaches the maximum. ...
What are the diseases of pigeons and their symptoms? The son decided to start breeding, bought a thoroughbred couple, made a small dovecote for now. If possible, next ...
Does cedar oil really help with varicose veins, useful properties, the use of this remedy for the treatment of other diseases are very interesting. Once I bought it, ...
What does it take to start growing truffles at home? I want to try at first in small quantities, so to speak, for personal purposes, I love it very much ...
What species does the Mantet apple tree belong to when the harvest ripens, and in general from what year does it begin to bear fruit? I planted a two-year-old sapling in the spring, he ...
What kind of rose belongs to Leonardo da Vinci, the encyclopedia of roses writes that it is a floribunda, and in other sources I found that it is ...
In what place, in the sun or in the shade, does the loosestrife grow better, planting and care, can you see a photo of its flowering? In the spring I sowed seeds ...
Tell us about how walnut partitions are used, their medicinal properties and how to prepare products based on them. I have an enlarged thyroid gland ...
How to make viburnum jam for the winter, so that you get not only a delicious dessert, but also a medicine? Can I grind it with sugar, ...
Help save my darling - all the roots of the orchid have rotted, what should I do so that it does not die and is it possible? I have ...
What are the rules for pruning black currants in the fall, the scheme for pruning old bushes is especially interesting. We moved with our family to the village in the grandmother's house. Village ...
It is interesting to know how Linda geese differ from other breeds, a description of the breed, a photo of birds. We have very few young animals this year.Although ...
What kind of lighting does oxalis need, home care, can you see a photo of a flowering plant? I bought a young bush, just a crumb, just a couple of leaves. ...
What is the deadline for pruning trees and shrubs in the fall? We have an old garden at the dacha, which is always out of reach. ...
How to make apple cider at home? This year, the garden was not particularly pleased, there are few apples, and almost all of them ...
How to ferment cabbage for the winter? Last year I did, and even a lot, but it turned out to be tasteless, soft, just like sour ...
When Rumba grapes ripen, can you see a description of the variety, photos of bunches? My husband brought cuttings from friends, but I still didn't understand that ...
How to grow cucumbers at home in winter and is it possible to do it in an apartment? I don't have room flowers, so there is room and free ...
Is the Laura grape variety resistant to diseases, I would like to see a photo and description of its harvest? I have a few seedlings growing, but ...
What conifers for the garden (photos and names) can be planted at their summer cottage? In the spring we are finishing the construction of the house, and we will move there from ...
In what month and how to plant grapes in autumn with seedlings? I ordered expensive table varieties in the online store, I want to breed a small but elite vineyard. It's a shame ...
In what cases and when is the drug Dnok used, the treatment of plants, instructions, reviews about this tool are of particular interest. This year a young man fell ill ...
What and in what time frame is the treatment of roses carried out in the fall before sheltering for the winter? After last year's wintering, many of my bushes got very sick, but ...
How to make a miracle shovel with your own hands, drawings of simple models would help me a lot. My wife ordered this mechanism for me, heard from a neighbor that ...
What species does the Pierre de Ronsard rose belong to? It would be interesting to see a photo and description of this variety. I bought a young seedling in the spring, tags ...
What is the difference between onion and batun from ordinary onions, are they the same cultivation and care for them, or do they have their own characteristics? I decided to plant onions with seeds, ...
I decided to go on a diet, I turned to a nutritionist, he sketched me an approximate menu for a week. Among the dishes there is barley, what kind of cereal is it? ...
Light, coolness and an obligatory rest period are all about how to care for a chrysanthemum in a pot
How to care for a potted chrysanthemum in the house? I bought a dwarf variety, a very beautiful bush with small, but full, flowers, right ...
What a honey Spas tomato tastes like, reviews, photos of fruits it would be interesting to see. A friend gave me some seeds, says that from her tomatoes ...
I want to try to grow grapes from cuttings, planting and caring for young seedlings is therefore very interesting. I have one very tasty variety, ...
How is honey tested for naturalness at home? We recently had a fair, bought a jar of linden and buckwheat ...
Will the ficus Kinki grow in partial shade? Care at home for him is of particular interest. My colleagues gave me a bush for my anniversary, first ...
How tall the Yamal tomato grows is, the characteristics and description of the variety are very interesting. A friend gave the seeds, but he will also grow this variety first ...
What kind of lighting does lantana need, does home care for it in winter differ? My husband gave a pot for his birthday, in which ...
What activities do roses need in autumn, preparation for winter, when pruning is carried out, in what month? We live in the central strip, as I understand it, ...
When a night beauty flower blooms, it would be interesting to see and learn a photo, planting and caring for it. A friend gave me seeds, I ...
What is vegetable physalis, growing and care, can you show a photo of the fruit? It differs from berry physalis and how? The latter grows in ...
Are you very interested in how to grow mushrooms at home? What is needed for this, besides the mycelium? I already ordered it for the fall, now ...
Growing tomatoes according to the method of I.M. Maslov will make it possible to break yield records
What is the cultivation of tomatoes according to the method of I.M. Maslov? I have heard a lot about the fact that in this way you can significantly increase the yield ...
I want to make my child pumpkin juice for the winter, can you tell me the recipe at home? I myself do not really like pumpkin, only porridge from ...
Help scare away uninvited guests and advise how to deal with wood lice in the apartment. Yesterday I noticed a whole group in the bathroom, I was frightened by surprise. Just ...
How to wet apples for the winter in a bucket? The husband ordered such an exotic dish, he says, his grandmother cooked delicious apples, arranged with currant leaves. IN ...
What does the hair Venus like, does home care for this flower differ from growing other indoor plants? I bought a young bush for ...
Useful viburnum - preparation for the winter and methods of preparing delicious and vitamin desserts
Viburnum, harvesting for the winter and methods of preparing berries are very interested. We went to visit distant relatives, they live near a small forest. Let's go ...
For what diseases is peppermint used, what are the beneficial properties and contraindications of this plant? Is she really capable of relieving cramps like me ...
Tell me how many years after planting the grapes Mascot bear fruit, a description of the variety, a photo of berries I would like to see and learn. We bought rooted cuttings, in the spring ...
It is interesting to know for what diseases motherwort herb is used, the benefits and harms of this plant in general. I have increased excitability and anxiety, everything ...
Tell me how to make pear jam for the winter, a simple recipe is needed to get it quickly and tasty. I'm not particularly strong in conservation, ...