Questions and Answers

Tell me how to grow a date from a stone? My daughter wanted a date palm, went around all the flower shops, we don't have this anywhere. Have read what you can ...
Tell me a couple of recipes on how to make cranberry jam for the winter? We are going to visit our friends, we were specially invited to pick these berries - ...
Tell us what a candy tree is, a photo and a description of this plant. It's not the first time I've heard about him, but never before ...
I bought a bush called ardisia, what should be the care at home for it? The store said that the plant even bears fruit, but ...
I am very interested in indoor persimmon, growing this culture at home. Recently, I got carried away with exotic plants. This is how grapefruit appeared in my collection ...
Tell us when the bees are treated with Bipin in autumn, the dosage of the working solution. Recently I noticed a couple of strange insects, they had very small wings and ...
Tell me what frost resistance the Rizamat grapes have, a description of the variety, a photo of berries. A friend recommended it to me, knowing my preference for table types. Says that berries ...
Tell us what mukdeniya looks like, planting and care, photos of species, if any. I ordered perennial seeds in the spring, and received a bag with ...
I would like to know if aichrizon is not very capricious, taking care of this plant at home. I bought it when I was very young from an amateur flower girl I knew. ...
Tell us about growing cucumbers on a windowsill in winter. Is it possible to get a crop at home, and when is it better to sow seeds? I want my grandchildren natural ...
What is the adult yew berry, description and photo? I ordered seedlings, now I'm thinking where it is better to plant them. How high ...
Tell me, is it possible to freeze pumpkin for the winter at home? The child loves her very much, and in porridge, and in pies, and just ...
Have you dreamed of growing roses in pots for a long time, is home care very different from garden crops? I bought several varieties, I plan to take ...
I need advice on this issue: thrips, photos and fighting them. First, I noticed something was wrong with the pelargoniums. When I touch them with my hand ...
Tell us what forest berries grow most often in the forest, name and photo is desirable.Gathered with friends on a family trip, at the same time and mushrooms ...
What are the medicinal properties and contraindications of a birch leaf? A doctor I know, who also believes in folk medicine, advised me to drink an infusion from ...
Tell us how walnuts grow in Belarus, what types of cultivation are more common? Moved to this country recently due to marriage, now ...
Tell us about strawberry physalis, cultivation and care, the photo of the fruits is especially interesting. I bought seeds from my grandmother at the market, but forgot to ask how they were ...
Tell us, what is the difference between the Exibishen onion, growing through seedlings of this variety is necessary and how is it done correctly? We live in the suburbs, we plant seedlings of tomatoes, peppers ...
What is the styloid bryozoan, planting and caring for it are very difficult? I plan to sow this crop into a young garden, so far there is nothing but ...
Tell me what the Transfiguration grape variety tastes like, photos and descriptions of this type are very interesting. I want to plant early varieties of universal use, so that with ...
What features does a male anthurium flower have in growing, how to care for it? I bought a bush at a discount in a store on sale. The seller said ...
Tell us about the health benefits of pine nuts. I went to visit a friend in Siberia, and he gave my children a gift - ...
In what cases is parsley broth used, the benefits and harms of this drink? I only know that parsley has shown itself well in cosmetology. I have ...
What should be the home care for yucca? For my birthday, my sister brought me a tree whole, beautiful and tall. If a ...
Interested in fighting moles at their summer cottage. We do not have them yet, but the neighboring "tenants" impudently visit my garden. ...
Could you tell me what the mushrooms look like, photo and description? Gathered to relatives, they invited us to the forest, they say there are a lot of butter and ...
Help with advice: how to make a polycarbonate gazebo with your own hands, photo examples, preferably. My wife has been asking for a long time to equip her with a corner for summer holidays, with ...
Tell me about rosemary, is it even possible to grow this crop in the open field in the Moscow region? I like to add spice to meat dishes, but here ...
Please tell me how red cabbage pickled for the winter is prepared, recipes for this dish. On New Year's holidays, we went to visit distant relatives and ...
Please tell us about asters, planting and outdoor care for these flowers. You can sow them immediately on the flower bed, otherwise ...
Please tell us what varieties of hydrangea paniculata have, with a photo is desirable. I came across a very beautiful bush with colorful hats by accident, but I don't know ...
I want to sow mustard in the fall, when to dig it up? I used to sow in the spring and by the summer the site had already been processed and dug up. What ...
In what cases are pine buds used to treat, useful properties and contraindications of this raw material? We came to visit my grandmother, so on departure she ...
What does Turgenevka cherry taste like, variety description, photos, reviews. I would especially like to know what the gardeners who grow the variety think about her. I live ...
Tell me how to make black chokeberry wine, a simple recipe for lazy people like me. We bought a house, there is an old garden in which ...
Please tell us what kind of grape Beauty is, a description of the variety, a photo. My husband bought a two-year-old sapling and started well. I would like to clarify - this is a canteen ...
How to make homemade mousetraps from a plastic bottle? We took a vacation with my wife and went to the country house. Upon arrival, an unpleasant surprise awaited us: for ...
I would like to know in more detail what the Anyuta grape is, a description of the variety, photos, reviews. I want to order seedlings of a good table variety so that his wasps ...
I would very much like to see what bulbous garden flowers can be planted, photos and names. My husband made me several new flower beds, but small ones. ...
How is tincture made from walnut partitions? I started having problems with the thyroid gland, but decided to first be treated with folk remedies. Here, I read about ...
Tell me what rabbits eat at home? Parents gave a female, already found her a groom and plan to closely engage in breeding. These are my first ...
Tell me what woodlice heals, useful properties and contraindications of this herb. I have a lot of it in my garden, especially in the backyard of the trash can ...
Tell us about the properties of Leuzea tincture, instructions for the use of this drug. I often get colds, almost all year round. I heard that the tincture increases ...
Tell me how to grow decorative peppers in a pot, care, photos of indoor fruits, if possible. Our family is very fond of all sorts of spices, but there is no way ...
Can you tell me where the woolly scum would grow better, planting and caring for this plant? I bought a delenka at the market from my grandmother, but forgot ...
What is tabernemontana, is it very difficult to take care of it at home? I got a young bush on sale, it still continues to bloom. Maybe ...
Tell me if the fungicide accumulates in Quadris fruits, instructions for the use of this drug. In my greenhouse, an ovary has already formed on early tomatoes, ...
What kind of care does a date palm need at home? The plant was presented to me at work, brought it home and now I'm thinking where to put it. To her ...
It would be interesting to know more about how tomatoes affect us, the benefits and harms of these vegetables for the body. Cholesterol increased with age, and ...
Please tell us about horseradish root, useful properties and contraindications of this plant. Previously, parents always had whole thickets in the garden, but mom ...
Tell me why chickens don't rush in the fall? We have a lot of hens, they are good hens and breed chickens themselves. And there were always eggs too ...
Tell me what cattail and reed are, the differences (photo). Recently, a "scientific dispute" arose with his son, he was told at school to make a piece of reed. ...
Tell us what the bear is, a photo and a description of the larva. Some kind of attack started up in the garden, it looks like it, but I'm not sure. ...
Tell us what the Furshetny grape is, a description of the variety (photo). We want to grow summer species for ourselves, and, if possible, for sale. Choosing in ...
Please remind me how Georgian sauerkraut with beets is made? Once upon a time it was cooked by my grandmother, we all loved this dish very much. Here ...
I am very interested in the Long-awaited grapes, a description of the variety, a photo of berries, if possible. We want to plant early varieties, and a friend recommended this one. Says he ...
Tell me how to make an incubator from the refrigerator with your own hands? The ducks stayed from last year, laid eggs, but it seems they are not going to sit down. We decided to withdraw ...
Recently we have a pet - a purebred cat, and with it, problems. The animal has been lethargic lately. He has frequent ...
I would like to know how high the white turf reaches, planting and caring for this shrub. I ordered seedlings in the nursery, I want to wait for the plants ...
Tell us what shiitake mushrooms are, the benefits and harms of this product. I heard that they help with diabetes (I have had this for 5 years ...
Help with advice on how to make a drinking bowl for rabbits? I put down the little bowls, so they turn them over. And they themselves are wet and dirty, and in a cage ...
I would very much like to see what varieties the tree hydrangea has, varieties with a photo. So far I have only one white bush, but in plans ...
I plan to work closely with poultry and would like to breed the Orpington breed. Please tell us what the Orpington chickens are, photos and descriptions of their species, ...
Tell us how to plant walnuts from walnuts? A neighbor grows a variety with very large fruits. Moreover, they have a thin shell, they beat well, ...
Please advise me, park roses, photos with names, if possible. I want to land them on the site, in front of the house and in the yard. I really like ...
Advise how to pluck a goose quickly at home? There were about a dozen birds left, and the young were already brought out, so the old geese and my wife decided ...
Tell me, what does honey with cinnamon help from, the benefits and harms of such a combination of products? My grandchildren often get colds. I heard that ...
Tell us a little about what diseases knotweed herb is used for, its medicinal properties and contraindications. I have a whole clearing of these bushes in front of my house, I'm mowing ...
Please tell us in detail about such a plant as ezhemalina, planting and care in the suburbs. Will it grow in the middle lane and how ...
I would like to know more about such a plant as dimorphoteka, planting and care, photo for example. A neighbor shared her flower seedlings, and there ...
Advise how to improve the suburban area with your own hands (photo)? Previously, they visited the dacha only for the season to plant a vegetable garden and harvest. AND ...
Tell me how to make grape wine at home? We bought a summer cottage with a garden and a small vineyard. The garden had to be uprooted, since almost everything ...
It would be interesting to know how long Vanka's flower blooms is wet, is it difficult to care for him at home? I bought a young bush on sale, ...
I would like to know how kaleria is grown (photo), caring for the plant at home. This flower came to me for the first time as a gift from ...
Please advise which palms you can plant, varieties, photos and names of plants. We had a large terrace attached along the entire house. In past ...
Interested in how to use Roundup against weeds, instructions for using this drug. For several years now, I have been unsuccessfully fighting wheatgrass, which has climbed to ...
Tell me, what properties does elecampane root have, what helps? Recently, he began to feel bad, constantly hurts in the stomach. Applied ...
Could you tell me how the onion peel is used in folk medicine, the useful properties of these cleanings? My mom used to make tinctures a lot, and we ...
Tell me how to make beds from plastic panels with your own hands? I decided to improve the garden so that it would be more convenient to look after it. Namely, prepare a separate ...
Please remind me how to cook apple jam with amber slices? My grandmother also made such jam, and we all simply adored it. Before ...
I would like to know in more detail what tunbergia is, planting and care, a photo of the plant, if possible. I was looking for a liana, and the seller in the store advised ...
Tell me if garden camellia will grow in our climate. Does the planting and caring for this flower have any peculiarities? And still very much worried ...
Please advise which variety of cabbage is better for pickling? Last year only the products were translated. Almost all the blanks had to be thrown away. The cabbage turned out to be ...
I would like to know in more detail about such a concept as plant vegetation, what it is and what factors depend on. Is it included in the vegetative ...
Tell me what can be made from rose petals? I recently had an anniversary, and since these are my favorite flowers, all the guests brought roses. ...
Tell me how to make brine for lard in a jar? We live in a village, since last year we have started a large subsidiary farm. A pig was recently slaughtered, ...
I am very interested in cherry plum for the Moscow region, the best varieties of culture that winter and bear fruit here without any problems. She used to live with her parents in the south and ...
Tell us what herb hibiscus is, planting and care, photos, if possible. I bought seeds for the first time, soon to plant seedlings in the garden, and ...
It would be interesting to know what maple syrup is made of, the benefits and harms of such a product, if the latter, of course, is available. A distant relative living in ...
Tell me how to make plum wine at home? I don't really like these drinks, but I liked the plum one. I tried it for the first time ...
Tell me, what is the name of the lawn grass that destroys weeds? Last year they decided to lay out the lawn in front of the house. Bought a mixture of herbs, but the result is not ...
Please tell us what are the medicinal properties of chestnut tincture and contraindications? With age, varicose veins appeared, and a friend advised me to make such a tincture. Says that ...
I remember that my grandmother always had walnut shells in her pantry, the healing properties of which she praised on every occasion. Grandma cooked from ...
When I was buying seeds for planting, I came across a black carrot. What is it and will the roots really be black? Sowed seeds for fun, ...
Tell me what kind of New Year's gift you can make with your own hands? The son wanted to congratulate his beloved teacher. We decided to make some kind of craft with him, ...
Can you tell me how to use shredded branches? We have a young garden, after pruning there is a lot of waste. Earlier, when there were still old ...
Help with advice on how to make a birdhouse from a bottle? The child needs to take the craft to school, our dad is on a business trip, and I don’t have complex designs ...
Tell me what is the name of the New Year's flower with red leaves? I have a birthday just for Christmas and I want to order myself from my husband ...
Tell me how to make a wreath of cones and acorns? My daughter decided that we must definitely hang one on the front door for the New Year holidays ...


