Questions and Answers

Tell me how to improve the taste of tomatoes? This year, the harvest was not particularly pleasing, except for its abundance. But the vegetables themselves were not ...
Tell me why the cucumbers are empty inside when salted? Yesterday I opened the bottle to make a salad, so I had to throw out half. One skin, nothing to cut. U ...
Tell me why the bell pepper is bitter? We never grow bitter, no one uses it "on an industrial scale", but if you need it on ...
Tell me how to cover strawberries for the winter? In the spring, we planted several beds, deciding to focus on growing berries for sale. We live in the central strip, ...
Can you tell me how to preserve lightly salted cucumbers? I love them very much, but just like that, they have not yet "stood". I tried adding more salt, but ...
Tell me how to pickle beets for the winter without sterilization? We have a dacha with a small vegetable garden in which we grow some vegetables, so to speak, ...
Tell me, in what dish can you make grape wine? We bought a dacha, together with the arch in the courtyard we got a good old bush, which made us happy ...
Tell me how to cook vegetables while dieting? Recently I noticed that extra pounds appeared. This is noticeable on the figure, and the sensations have changed. ...
Tell me how to properly close the filled pies. Last year I graduated from high school and went to college in another city. I live in a hostel ...
Please teach me how to make kvass from crackers. In early childhood, when we came to my grandmother for the summer, we simply drank on her wonderful drink. Passed ...
Advise the young housewife what filling can be used to make pies? I love baking very much, my mother often made my favorite pies with cherries. It was good ...
Tell me what to make from raspberries, except for jam? This year there is just a huge harvest of berries, most of them were sold, but there will still be ...
Tell me how to make plum seasoning for the winter? Recently I went to a friend's house, and she was engaged in conservation and gave me an amazing sauce to try. I ...
Tell me how to neutralize vinegar in preparations for the winter? Last year, almost no one ate my cucumbers - they were too sour. Must ...
Suggest what you can make from the stalks of garlic. A friend gave me a very unusual and spicy salad with fried arrows and meat. They gave the dish ...
Tell us how to make nougat at home? My grandchildren just love this dessert, and he always waits for them in a vase when they come ...
Tell me how to prepare horseradish for the winter without vinegar? I love canning very much, and every year I have a whole ...
Tell me when to whitewash fruit trees in autumn? We have a young garden, bearing fruit for only a couple of years. In spring, we always pay special attention not only to preventive ...
Tell me how to feed plants with yeast? I heard that they promote vigorous growth and are especially effective for flower crops. I have just “worth ...
Tell me when to plant garlic in the fall? I decided to save time for spring work, since I haven't been at the dacha often lately. Allocated a site ...
Tell me how to cut strawberries? In the spring she allocated a plot in the garden and planted with seedlings. I even managed to try the first crop, most of the bushes were with ovaries. ...
Tell me when to plant roses in open ground? I dreamed of a rose garden for a long time, and finally, my dream came true. My husband finishes arranging the front garden, which I ...
Tell me when is the best time to transplant roses? In the spring I bought a new variety with an interesting spotted color. The card indicated that the buds are large, but on ...
Tell a summer resident - a beginner what green manure is for a garden. This year we purchased a plot, we are completing the building and we plan to move there in the winter ...
Tell me what varieties of corn for popcorn are? I myself do not really love him, but my grandchildren have grown up a little and this is their favorite ...
Tell me, is it possible to grow Bletilla orchids in the open field? She grows in a friend's garden, but in a pot, which is brought in for the winter ...
I am very interested in Chernomor gooseberries, winter hardiness and resistance of the variety to diseases. I bought several seedlings, coveting the original dark fruits. The seller promised a high yield ...
Tell me, what are the features of the catasetum orchid? I ordered it from the catalog, but only large flowers were visible in the photo. Actually, it is they who ...
Tell me how to propagate Forster's plectrantus. A friend bought herself a bush with very beautiful variegated leaves. Since I love these plants, I immediately started asking ...
Please tell us how to care for the stangopea orchid at home and about the features of the flower, if any. I bought a young bush, no more than 5 ...
Please tell us how to care for Dracaena deremska. I bought a bush at a sale, it was rotten.I cleaned it, treated it with a fungicide, changed the land. Everything seems to be ...
Tell me, does the cellogin's orchid need a dormant period? I bought a flowering plant, now the flower stalks have dried up and I cut them off. What now ...
Is it possible to grow a strawberry tree in our climate? I was staying with relatives in Ireland and there I tasted these unusual fruits for the first time. Peculiar taste, ...
Tell us, what are the features of Kaoda's phalaenopsis? I got a very young bush that barely managed to form a small rosette. It would be interesting to know how he ...
It would be interesting to know the medicinal properties of willow loosestrife. I remember how as a child my mother always gave weed when we had a stool disorder ...
Tell me, does the lycast orchid need a dormant period? The flower was presented to me at work by an employee, of course, I could not leave such beauty in ...
Please tell us how the Anguloya orchid blooms. My brother brought a bulb from a business trip, knowing my passion for these beauties. To the delight of everyone, she took root and ...
Tell me what is kiwano, fruit or vegetable? Various exotic fruits began to be delivered to the local supermarket. If before there were only citrus fruits and bananas, ...
It would be interesting to know how to grow guava at home. I have been fond of indoor plants for a long time, and there have always been a lot of them. But especially ...
Please tell us how to grow Heuchera in the garden? A friend bought a very beautiful variety with purple leaves, and I begged her for a cutting. Where ...
Tell me, what are the differences between the bones and the princes? I bought seedlings at the market, the seller said it was a drupe. I was a little confused by the mismatch of the name. Beginnings ...
Please teach a novice grower how to grow Shabo carnations in the garden. In the spring, by pure chance, I managed to buy a small deal. I stuck it in the corner ...
Tell me how the reproduction of beloperone occurs. I saw this flowering bush visiting friends and just fell in love with it. I asked to share, but the hostess ...
Tell us how to take care of beloperone at home? Someone put (threw) a flower on the landing, where it almost dried up. ...
I would like to know if Astrid's vriezia has any special requirements. A cute bush was given to me by a friend, they were already beginning to form on it ...
Please tell us how to grow Gaillardia from seeds. For several years now I have been visiting my friend and always admire these wonderful flowers. ...
Tell me, is it possible to keep titimaloid pedilanthus in the house? I bought a flower recently, and the other day a friend from afar was visiting. Seeing my ...
Please tell us how to grow and propagate lily of the valley loosestrife? Last month I went to visit a friend in the south, she's an amateur gardener. ...
Please tell us about the peculiarities of growing cinnabar clivia. When buying this flower, the seller immediately warned me that she was a little capricious. But admiration for amazing inflorescences ...
Tell us how to grow the papiopedilum lady's slipper at home? The flower was given to me by my husband, he loves to surprise and seek out various curiosities. The bush was young, not ...
Please tell us what are the features of red chokeberry? I already have one bush growing in my garden, but an black one. And then a neighbor gave a young one ...
If possible, tell us in detail how to grow Indian cannabis from seeds. I got them purely by accident, although I have been dreaming about this flower for a long time. Seeds ...
Please tell us how to grow Kalina Buldenezh? I remember how, back in childhood, a huge bush with white balls grew in our house. With ...
Can you please tell me what varieties of yoshta are for the Moscow region? She moved to these parts recently after marriage, and used to live in the south with her parents. U ...
Please tell us in detail about the Kalanchoe Degremona, home care and plant maintenance requirements. Once upon a time this flower is always ...
Please tell us what the winter-hardy cactus echinocereus is. I bought a young plant in a store for a sale. I really love succulents and occasionally try ...
Is it true that it is possible to grow prickly pear cactus in the open field? I have one bush, however, in a pot, and he lives ...
In the spring, a new pet appeared in our young garden - Irga Canadian. The frost resistance of the plant has not yet been tested, it will winter for the first time, so it is very ...
Can you advise whether Incarvillea is grown in Siberia? She got out as a deputy and moved from her native southern penates to her husband. Accustomed to the local climate, I started ...
Tell me, will Brunswick figs grow in the middle lane? We tried to grow this crop several times, but the seedlings froze out. In the cattery we ...
Hello, I would like to clarify this question. I really like the annual Iberis. Planting and caring for him will be the same as for perennial ...
Tell me, what is the difference between Super Nova and Raven zamioculcas? I have dreamed of this plant for a long time, even once took a cutting from a friend, but he ...
Please tell us what Zamioculcas loves. Does home care have any peculiarities? A friend gave me a flower, knowing that ...
Tell us what Momordika Kokhihinskaya is like, how this miracle is.My husband was on a long-distance business trip and brought us some gifts, various local fruits ...
Tell me, is it possible to grow Momordica at home? I ordered seeds on the Internet, but then I read that she needed warmth, but we live ...
Tell me, is there any difference between the cultivation of serpentine melon from the usual, ours, melon. Seeds caught my eye, at first I thought it was decorative ...
Help with advice: leaves are falling off the money tree, what should I do to save the flower? We left with the child to my grandmother in another city for a month, ...
Explain how hydrangea propagates. We bought a dacha and as a bonus I, an avid florist, received a gorgeous bush with just huge raspberry inflorescences. ...
Please tell us what the varietal features of Toro blueberries. I bought seedlings in the market, these are my first bushes of this culture. I only know that she loves ...
Please tell us what Gloxinia Little Red Riding Hood is, a description of the variety and features of caring for it. I bought a small bush at the market from my grandmother ...
Tell me how many almonds can you eat per day? After another visit to the cardiologist, the doctor gave me the task of losing weight. Stocks at ...
Tell me what arugula is and how is it eaten? My husband is very fond of different greens, so I always plant a lot of it in the country. Parsley dill ...
Tell me, is it possible to keep Dieffenbachia spotted at home? They gave me a big and simply gorgeous adult bush for my birthday. I put it in the bedroom, on ...
Tell me, what is the home care for Camille Dieffenbachia? A flower was recently given to me by my colleagues for an anniversary, and it immediately won ...
Tell me when the gladiolus Priscilla blooms? The last two years, I have been carried away by these beauties and have already collected a decent collection. Priscilla is my last acquisition, and ...
Tell us if the cultivation of garden hibiscus has any special requirements. In the spring I bought a fairly mature seedling, even a whole tree with many branches. I thought that ...
Tell us how to take care of Weigela Rosea. Yesterday I ordered seedlings in the online store, we don't have this kind, but I've been about ...
Tell us if the cultivation of Japanese Astilba is somehow different from its other species, in particular, Chinese. I grew two varieties of the latter, ...
Tell me what is Chinese astilba? In the spring a neighbor gave me a few deloons, and they all successfully settled down in the country. Most even start ...
Tell me how difficult it is to grow sickle asparagus? A friend gave me a young bush, knowing my hobby for interesting plants. And indeed, its fluffy twigs immediately ...
Tell us, how is onion peel useful for the body? A friend advised me to drink the infusion to stabilize the pressure. After retirement, it began to rise frequently, ...
Tell me how onion peels are used for indoor flowers? Recently, I began to notice that my geraniums are somehow depressed. The leaves begin to dry up ...
Tell me how often to water succulents? My work consists of business trips and sometimes I don't go home for weeks. At the same time, I just adore indoor ...
Tell me why fuchsia does not bloom? It has been growing for me for the second year already and has turned from a small cutting into a lush beautiful bush. Here ...
Tell me when to harvest thyme for drying for the winter? In recent years, she began to get involved in traditional medicine, which was facilitated by the exacerbation of some diseases. Thyme I ...
Tell me where is it better to plant Coreopsis Golden Ball and how long does it bloom? A neighbor shared this flower when she was planting her bushes. That's just ...
Tell me, how does the columnar constellation apple winters? We have a small plot, but this does not stop us from wanting to have our own garden. The first trees were ...
Tell us what is a rapunzel bell? I love the color blue very much, and I already have a whole collection of different cultures of this ...
We built a summer gazebo for a pleasant evening tea. It is open, only the roof, and I plan to "grow" the walls from climbing plants. On the one hand already ...
Tell us when Prince Cecile blooms and how whimsical he is in growing? I ordered a seedling in a local nursery, choosing from the catalog. I liked it very much ...
Please tell us what are the useful properties and contraindications of dogwood seeds? This year I was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, I drink pills, but I try to use ...
Tell me how to grow a cedar from seeds? My daughter brought a few cones from the camp and decided to try planting them. I heard that the seeds are very long and bad ...
Please tell us how to cook chestnuts in the microwave. I tried this delicacy only a few times, and even then far from home. Earlier to find at ...
Tell me how difficult and how to grow cannes flowers in a garden in Siberia? I love them very much before, when we lived in the south, ...
Tell me how capricious Meyer's asparagus is? This amazing flower was given to me by a friend for my birthday. He lives with me for about a month, until ...
Tell us what this miracle is - a bearded carnation? The seeds were given by a friend, she said, you can sow directly into the ground and the bush will bloom beautifully. ...
Can you tell me if chestnuts can be eaten raw? While on vacation abroad, I tried this delicacy there for the first time, but fried. I liked it so much ...
Tell us how the yoshta pruning is done correctly. We bought a house, there is an old garden with trees on the plot. Shrubs also grow there: raspberries, gooseberries, currants ...
Tell me, is it true that amaranth is edible? Until recently, I did not even know what he was. But two years ago he appeared on ...
Tell me how to propagate an allium? Last year I bought one bush for trial. When it bloomed, I just fell in love with this huge lilac ball. ...


