The danger you need to know in person - hallucinogenic mushrooms
If the use of poisonous mushrooms "lies" on the conscience and health of only mushroom pickers, then for the massive collection, cultivation and distribution of certain species in most European countries, criminal liability is provided. These are hallucinogenic mushrooms.
According to the scientific classification, they include two categories:
- mushrooms from the amanita family;
- psilocybin mushrooms, which contain in their main composition such dangerous substances as psilocybin and psilocin (psilocybe, fibrillas, hymnopils and paneolus).
How do such mushrooms work on the human body?
It is noteworthy that the "degree of danger" for each species is different: some mushrooms retain their properties after storage in a dried form, while in others they completely evaporate, and there are also specimens that, when fresh in a closed room, cause hallucinations even without their use, by inhaling the aroma.
After the use of representatives of the fly agaric, after 30 minutes, a sleepy state occurs, which is accompanied by vivid visions (sometimes the symptoms are "delayed" by 3-4 hours). It is replaced by intense excitement with hallucinations, and this happens in turn. In addition, dizziness, seizures and confusion can occur. Do not forget about the muscarine contained in the fly agaric species: it causes profuse salivation, lacrimation, vomiting and diarrhea, in general, there are all signs of poisoning.
Psilocybin mushrooms act even faster and sharper:
- 15 minutes is enough to feel the touch of the needles, rolling in waves throughout the body;
- the perception of the external world, both sounds and light, and taste sensations is sharpened;
- anxiety appears, turning into panic;
- a strong rage and aggression rolls over, not only towards others, but also towards oneself, often ending in murder and suicide;
- in other cases, positive emotions are also observed - a feeling of flight, euphoria.
This continues until the effect of the hallucinogen ends.
It is impossible to foresee what effect eating mushrooms will have, rage or euphoric freedom.
The simultaneous intake of mushrooms from both categories has extremely serious consequences, leading to severe disorders of the nervous system and a decrease in blood clotting. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the well-known types of hallucinogenic mushrooms in more detail, so that during a quiet hunt, dangerous specimens do not end up in your basket, and do not spoil your dinner with an undesirable, and sometimes even dangerous, effect.
The sacred mushroom of the ancient Maya - the red fly agaric
One of the most famous hallucinogenic mushrooms is the red fly agaric due to the high content of ibotenic acid, muscimol and bufotenin in the pulp. Its bright red cap with white warts is clearly visible among the grass, but the white flakes are easily washed off after heavy rain. A tuberous leg near the ground is empty inside, it looks like a cylinder and is ringed. After eating poisonous white pulp, the first signs in the form of nausea appear within 20 minutes.
Among African tribes, the fly agaric is nicknamed "eat and hear a voice from heaven." Ancient peoples often used red fly agaric during rituals and prepared a "divine drink" based on it, causing hallucinations.
Among the lamellar mushrooms of the stropharia family, there are miniature and slender mushrooms called psilocybe semi-lunate. They grow mainly in grass, among abandoned farms, where the soil is fertilized with manure after animals. The diameter of the conical cap does not exceed 25 mm, but it is one and a half times greater in height. The peel is slimy and easily detached, it is colored beige, in old mushrooms it is brown. A moist growing environment encourages the appearance of darker streaks on the cap. The leg is rather high and thin, but very flexible, slightly lighter than the hat. The yellowish flesh on the rift turns blue (and dried as well).
The semi-lanceolate psilocybe is also called the jellyfish for its hallucinogenic properties. Other names for the mushroom: sharp conical bald spot, freedom cap.
Psychoactive substances contained in mushrooms have an almost irreparable effect on the nervous system and psyche. After 10-20 minutes after consuming a decoction with mushrooms, consciousness begins to change, peace sets in, turning into depression and possible loss of mind. The action of the mushrooms lasts up to 7 hours, but the enhanced perception of the surrounding world persists for several more days.
Weakly hallucinogenic paneolus moth
A little similar to the vestushka and another herb-dung inhabitant, the paneolus moth. Most often it can be found in grassy areas with cow or horse dung. Young fungi have gray-brown conical caps, slightly curved inward, with scaly remnants of the bedspread. With age, they acquire the shape of a bell, brighten, and almost all the scales fall off. The length of the leg can reach 12 cm, it is very brittle, hollow, dirty brown, which becomes darker when pressed. In small mushrooms, the leg is covered with a white coating, in adults it does not. The grayish flesh is thin, odorless.
According to some sources, psilocybin in the pulp of this mushroom is contained in a small concentration, but it still causes hallucinations, albeit an order of magnitude weaker.
Fungus Causing Schizophrenia Syndrome - Sulfur Head
One of the highly active types of hallucinogenic mushrooms is the sulfur head - small mushrooms growing on logs and in damp grass. In young specimens, the cap has the shape of a cone, but then it fully straightens, and the edges are bent upward. Its diameter does not exceed 5 cm, and the color can be either yellow or chestnut, depending on the weather (it gets dark during the rains). The length of the yellowish leg is on average 10 cm, slightly thickens at the bottom.
If the cap is damaged, dark blue spots of irregular shape appear on its surface in these places.
A quarter of an hour after consuming the sulfuric head, a person falls into a delusional state, all feelings become aggravated, and the feeling of reality is lost. The mushroom causes mental addiction with frequent use, and also disrupts the activity of the heart system and causes kidney failure.
Mushroom growing in poop - poop bald head
Stropharia shitty, as this variety is also called, in our area can be found not so often (its area of growth falls on Central America and Mexico), but it will not hurt to know about it. The bald head got its name for the love of animal excrement in which it grows, as well as for a small (no more than 2.5 mm) brown semicircular hat with reflections and longitudinal strokes, decorated with a light border around the edges. Her leg is brittle, slightly lighter, thickened at the bottom.
Less than half an hour after dinner with a shitty stropharia:
- confused consciousness;
- limbs begin to tremble;
- hallucinations and feelings of endless joy or, conversely, anxiety arise.
Long-term use of poop bald head leads to severe mental disorders.
Bright beauty stropharia blue-green
Among the rotten wood of spruce species, a small beautiful mushroom of bright color - blue-green stropharia grows in small groups. In young specimens, the conical cap is dark blue with a green tint and is covered with thick mucus. A darker hill is visible in the center, and white flakes hang from the edges - the remains of the bedspread. Old mushrooms are no longer so slimy and less bright. The leg is the same color as the cap, in the lower part it is scaly, and on the top it is ringed. In the section, the cap is bluish, and the leg is yellow, the flesh smells good. The total height of the mushroom does not exceed 10 cm.
Stropharia blue-green in most countries is considered an edible mushroom and is eaten after having removed the skin and boiled well. However, its pulp contains meconic acid, which is part of the opium, and in raw or undercooked form, mushrooms cause mild hallucinations, however, the effect disappears after two hours.
Inedible and even poisonous mycena pure
Mycena clean contains such a dangerous substance as muscarine, and can not only cause hallucinations, but even lead to death if you eat a lot of mushrooms.
First, a person loses a sense of reality and sensitivity increases, then changes occur at the level of the organism, namely:
- pupils decrease;
- saliva and bile begin to flow abundantly;
- the pulse becomes frequent;
- body temperature decreases;
- convulsions appear.
In some countries, the pure mycena is protected from destruction and is listed in the Red Book.
Outwardly, the mushroom looks very modest: a slightly convex thin cap is painted in a delicate purple color, villi hang along the edges. The hollow stem is slightly lighter at the top. The pulp is watery, smells like lye.
Juno's photogenic hymnopilus
In the middle of summer, under the oak trees, whole families of rather large mushrooms with orange fleshy caps on dense legs in a brown belt grow. This is Juno's hymnopilus and its yellowish, very bitter and almond-scented pulp contains psilocybin. After dinner, you can enjoy visual hallucinations for several hours with such mushrooms.
The number of psychedelics in the pulp of the hymnopilus depends on the locality of growth: the most hallucinogenic are mushrooms growing in the Far East, but European species can be completely harmless.
Ergot purpurea - a parasitic fungus
One of the dangerous fungi that can kill a person is ergot purple - marsupial fungus parasite, settled down on cereals. For its appearance, it is also called the uterine horns, since it does not have caps and legs as such. It grows inside the ears, in appearance it looks like dark elongated and curved formations in the form of horns.
Ergot-infected cereals can provoke a whole epidemic, because even after heat treatment (for example, baking bread), mushrooms retain their dangerous properties.
A small amount of eaten mushrooms intoxicates the mind, causing joyful euphoria or causeless rage, but large doses of alkaloids kill. At the same time, on the basis of this mushroom, many medicines have been created that help in the treatment of female, nervous and mental diseases.
There are many more varieties of hallucinogenic mushrooms that have a negative effect not only on health, but also on the human psyche. Collecting them even for good purposes, such as making homemade medicinal products, is strongly discouraged, because it is very difficult to calculate the dosage. Self-medication is more expensive for yourself, and certainly do not use such mushrooms to “cheer up”. Take care of yourself and only pick edible mushrooms!
How hallucinogenic mushrooms work - video