What are the benefits of drinking dandelion tea?
Dandelion is a unique flower, it is used to make honey, beer, wine and jam, it lowers blood sugar and has regenerative properties. In folk and official medicine, dandelion tea is also gaining popularity, the benefits and harms of which are still being studied by scientists.
The drink is distinguished by its special preparation. It is brewed with boiling water or hot water at 80 - 100 degrees, so it retains its beneficial properties. It is used to wipe the face from acne and to lighten freckles, but more often inside, for the treatment and prevention of diseases.
Read also about: medicinal properties of dandelions!
The chemical composition of dandelion as a plant
Tea made from dandelion roots, petals, leaves retains the beneficial properties of the flower, the only exception is fiber: it is often not taken into account in the broth. Nutritionists advise using this drink along with the brew, especially if it consists of fresh parts.
Features of the chemical composition of the plant:
- Contains fiber. It improves bowel function, removes toxins from the body.
- In the composition - almost 50% of the daily value of vitamin A. It improves the outflow of bile, improves the functioning of the organs of vision, promotes the early recovery of the skin in case of injuries.
- Dandelion tea, the benefits and dangers of which are discussed depending on the amount of infusion, remains a source of potassium. 100 g of raw materials contains 6 daily servings of vitamin. Normally, the substance supports the work of the heart, kidneys, and nervous system.
- The drink also has a high level of vegetable fats, B vitamins, iron, calcium, manganese.
They are necessary for the development of immune processes, normal metabolism, and maintenance of the body's youth. Dandelion flower tea, like other parts of it, enhances its properties with the addition of honey or lemon juice.
Beneficial supplements can trigger an allergic reaction, just like the plant itself. It is better to start drinking the drink with a couple of sips a day. If there is no redness of the skin, itching or tearing, they begin the course of treatment with herbal tea. It is important in maintaining health.
Benefits of Dandelion Tea
Scientists at the Canadian Institute, which studied cancer patients, put an experiment on patients, treating them with herbal teas. The disease was at an early stage. Dandelion root tea has been shown to be effective against cancer. He helped to overcome the disease in half the cases. The benefit was to stimulate self-healing processes, the body got rid of toxins, and accelerated the regeneration of affected tissues.
But any use of vitamins, including the use of herbal teas, immediately after chemotherapy is harmful. It is better to find out about the possible use of vitamin infusions from your doctor.
Dandelion, which gardeners consider a perennial weed, reveals its beneficial properties in tea. The drink is indispensable in case of common diseases and pathologies:
- For diseases of the stomach, such as ulcers or gastritis. But they use the drink in remission.
- With pathologies of the liver and gallbladder. Tea made from a beneficial plant stimulates the production and outflow of bile.
- The product is useful for joint diseases. Dandelion extracts are included in ointments for their inflammation.
- Due to the high percentage of potassium, the plant has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.A drink from it is a remedy for insomnia, irritability.
It will help with nervous exhaustion and distraction. Potassium improves communication between neurons, so the nervous processes are faster.
Also, the drink is effective in the fight against colds, bronchitis and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.
But herbal medicine has a cumulative effect, this also applies to tea from dandelions, it can bring benefits and harm to those who use it in small portions and know about contraindications. In some cases, such plant treatment is refused.
Dandelion tea: potential harm
Therapy with folk remedies, even infusions and decoctions, can harm health. Before preparing dandelion tea, contraindications are carefully studied. An excess of nutrients leads to problems.
- Dandelion, due to the same vitamin K, can lead to open bleeding. This is especially important for expectant mothers and nursing women to know.
- With an exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the stomach, tea is also excluded from the diet.
- In case of stone formation, they also try to prevent dandelion from entering the diet.
- They refuse it if they use anti-acid drugs that block the production of stomach acid.
- You cannot drink this tea in parallel with the use of aspirin or some groups of antibiotics - the risk of bleeding or low absorption of drugs increases.
- You should not include dandelion and tea from it in the diet for diabetes, when the patient is taking sugar-reducing drugs. Development of glycemia is possible.
Nursing mothers also do not drink the decoction of plants due to the ingestion of its ingredients in the food of the baby. The child may develop allergies. But most people are not included in groups with contraindications, so they can feel the benefits of this health elixir.
Wellness tea recipes
In summer, it is better to prepare a decoction based on fresh parts of the "weed", in winter - from dried ones. Dandelion tea, the recipe for which is extremely simple, requires a tablespoon of fresh or teaspoon - dried leaves, yellow flowers or root, and a glass of hot water. Cover the cup with a saucer and leave for 5 to 10 minutes. Drink the drink between meals, not on an empty stomach.
The flowers of the plant are cut off yellow, do not wash. Young petals or leaves are washed under running water, finely chopped. They are dried in a linen bag in the attic or dried in an oven - at a temperature of about 50 degrees. With this indicator, ascorbic acid does not die.
The underground part of the "weed" is also considered to be almost miraculous. Before making tea from dandelion roots, find a biennial plant. More nutrients are concentrated in it in early - mid-autumn.
The root is washed, cleaned of insects, finely cut and dried. If you fry, some of the vitamins will die, but you will get raw materials for making "coffee".
But tea is the best that a dandelion can provide. Adherence to the tradition of tea drinking gives it a special charm. The drink is served in a transparent glass, you can add 3-4 yellow flowers for beauty. The health drink is ready to drink.
Cooking herbal tea - video