Popular Korean eggplant recipes

eggplant in Korean for the winter Among the winter preparations on the shelves of caring housewives, eggplant caviar takes pride of place, however, this is not the only way to preserve blue ones for the winter. For those who love savory snacks, try the Korean style eggplant recipes.

The Korean cuisine is characterized by the use of hot herbs and spices such as paprika and coriander. Dishes are subject to the minimum heat required to cook vegetables. Therefore, the ingredients are well chopped with a knife or grater.

To make Korean-style eggplants, they are pre-treated with salt. As you know, eggplant pulp contains solanine, which gives it a bitter taste. Vegetables sprinkled with salt begin to secrete juice, and with it, bitterness comes out.

The vegetables themselves should have a dense skin, without signs of damage or decay. Fresh, recently picked eggplant has a green tail that is not dry. If the stalk is sluggish and brown in color, it is best to refrain from using these vegetables.

For the preparation of snacks, it is better to take young blue ones, no more than 15 cm in length - they are not so bitter.

Eggplant salad with soy sauce

eggplant with soy sauce To make Korean style spicy eggplant, 4 vegetables. cut lengthwise, put on a baking sheet and bake in the oven. Make sure that the flesh remains firm and can be cut. If desired, the vegetables are boiled, however, in this case, after cooking, the eggplants must be placed under a press so that the excess water drains.bake eggplant

Cut the finished vegetables into thin, but long cubes and put them in a salad bowl.chop baked eggplant

Add 6 chopped slices garlic.chop the cloves of garlic

And green onions, pre-chopped.chop the green onion

Squeeze juice from a whole lemon and pour it into the salad.juice from one lemon

Pour the vegetables with soy sauce (about 6 tablespoons), sprinkle a little with red pepper and 2 teaspoons of sesame seeds, pre-fried.soy sauce and konzhut

Stir the salad and let it brew for two hours.

Heh eggplant

heh eggplantSpicy Korean snacks have found their admirers in our area. Using special seasonings (for example, for carrots), you can quickly make Korean style eggplant heh. This dish is a spicy salad of eggplant, carrots, onions and bell peppers, which has a sweet and sour taste thanks to a special marinade. The proportion of vegetables is approximately 1: 1, that is, one unit of each fruit, and cutting into thin strips corresponds to Korean cuisine.

Prepare blue ones: cut them into thin plates no more than 0.5 mm thick. Crumble each plate obliquely with straws, sprinkle with a little salt and let stand for 20 minutes.cut the eggplant into strips

While the eggplants are juicing, chop the carrots using a special grater.grated carrots

Cut the onion into half rings.onions in thin half rings

Bell pepper also cut thinly.sweet pepper strips

Fold the vegetables into a common bowl, add 0.5 tsp. sugar, and the same amount - salt. Wrinkle lightly with your hands and leave for half an hour. Then drain the juice that will stand out during this time, sprinkle the vegetables with Korean carrot seasoning (2 tbsp. L.).

Now it's time to tackle the eggplant. Squeeze the juice out of the blue slices and boil them for 2 minutes. When the water drains, put in a bowl with vegetables. Add 4 minced garlic cloves and a tablespoon of soy sauce.boil eggplant

Prepare the dressing: heat half a glass of oil well in a frying pan and pour into the vegetables. At the end, pour 2 tablespoons of vinegar, stir the salad and let it brew for three hours in the refrigerator.mix salad ingredients

If apple cider vinegar is not on hand, you can replace it with 6% alcohol.

The peculiarity of these instant Korean eggplants is that of all the ingredients in the salad, only they are processed. The rest of the vegetables are added raw.

Spicy appetizer

spicy eggplant snackThe secret of this snack is aging: the longer it is infused, the tastier it becomes. Therefore, it is better to eat vegetables the next day after cooking. White cabbage will give a special flavor to the Korean style eggplant salad.

First, you should start preparing carrots and cabbage. To do this, grate 3 carrots, and cabbage (500 g) - chop into thin noodles. Mix them in a shared bowl and sprinkle with salt and sugar to taste. Wrinkle lightly with your hands and stand for 20 minutes. The juice that appears - drain.shredded cabbage and carrots

Add spices to vegetables:

  • 5 chopped cloves of garlic;
  • hot ground pepper - to taste;
  • coriander - on the tip of a knife;
  • 3 tablespoons of vinegar.

Stir and leave to marinate for two hours.

Let's take care of the eggplant. Remove the peel from 1 kg of vegetables with a sharp knife or vegetable cutter (you do not need to remove it if the fruits are young) and cut into matchbox-length bars. The thickness should not exceed 1 cm. Stir with salt and stand for 40 minutes. After the specified time, drain the liquid. Fry the little blue ones in oil in a pan and let cool.salt the eggplant

And now the final stage of the Korean style eggplant recipe is to combine all the products, sprinkle with oil and send to infuse.combine the ingredients of a spicy snack

To serve an appetizer for tomorrow's gala dinner, prepare it today.

Korean eggplant for the winter

korean eggplant for the winterTo feast on salad not only in season, you can easily prepare Korean eggplants for the winter without sterilization. The appetizer is quick to prepare, the time is mainly required for cutting vegetables. Thanks to the heat treatment and the addition of vinegar, the salad is well stored for a long time.

First, prepare the blue ones - cut 10 large young fruits together with the peel into long strips. Stir with 1 tbsp. l. salt and set aside.

Now we are preparing the rest of the ingredients:

  • Grate 5 carrots on a Korean grater;
  • Cut 5 onions into thin half rings;
  • bell pepper in the amount of 10-15 pcs. (depending on size) divide into two halves and also chop finely;
  • Finely chop 1 hot red pepper.

Fry the chopped four vegetables in oil, starting with the onions. Then gradually add them to each other.

We return to the eggplants: pour out the liquid that the vegetables were letting in and transfer the blue ones to the common cauldron to the rest of the ingredients. Add half a glass of water, 2 tbsp. l. salt, 3 tbsp. l. sugar and a couple of peppercorns. Bring to a boil and simmer, screwing the burner down to a minimum, for half an hour.mix ingredients and season salad

During cooking, make sure that the liquid in the cauldron completely covers the vegetables when pressed with a spoon. If it has evaporated, add a little more.

Add 0.7 tbsp to the cauldron. vinegar, 8 cloves of minced garlic and a bunch of minced parsley. Protomit for another 10 minutes and put in sterilized jars. Roll up, turn over, cover with a warm blanket and leave to cool for a day.

Marinated eggplants

eggplant marinatedThe process of cooking pickled eggplant in Korean can be roughly divided into two stages:

  1. Cutting vegetables. Cut 1 kg of eggplants into squares, boil in salted water (no more than 3 minutes) and drain in a colander. Grate carrots (250 g) with long noodles, chop three onions at random, and cut 250 g of sweet pepper into strips. Crush one head of garlic in a garlic bowl.
  2. Preparing the marinade. Pour half a glass of oil, vinegar (75 g) into a saucepan and heat.Add 2 tablespoons of sugar, half a tablespoon of salt and half a teaspoon of ground pepper. Heat over low heat until salt and sugar dissolve.preparation of the marinade

Combine all the components of the salad and leave to marinate for 12 hours, stirring occasionally during this time.

The finished snack is stored in the refrigerator. For winter harvesting, it should be additionally sterilized.

Eggplant with carrot filling

Korean-style stuffed eggplant is not only delicious, but also looks very beautiful. It is not a shame to put such an appetizer on a festive table.eggplant stuffed with carrots

So, wash two kilograms of eggplant, chop it with a fork and cut it lengthwise, without bringing the knife to the end (the vegetables should sort of open up). Boil whole fruits in salted water. During the cooking process, you must turn them over, since the vegetables will float and not boil. Readiness is checked with a knife: if it comes in easily, it's time to take it out. Put boiled eggplants under a press for 3 hours.

For filling:

  1. Chop parsley, cilantro and celery finely.
  2. Grate carrots in the amount of 0.5 kg on a special grater.
  3. Bring the oil (100 ml) to a boil in a frying pan and pour into the carrots.
  4. Pour Korean seasoning for carrots, 5 cloves of chopped garlic, herbs into the filling. Salt and pepper - based on taste preferences.

Put the filling in the vegetables and place the Korean style eggplants and carrots tightly in a saucepan or deep bowl.

Make brine:

  • water - 1 l;
  • salt, vinegar - 2 tablespoons each.

pour the eggplant with brinePour the brine into the stuffed vegetables and cover with a plate so that it goes into the bowl. Put oppression on top of a plate. Leave to marinate for a day at room temperature, and another two days in the refrigerator.

According to the Korean eggplant recipes described above, you can prepare not only a delicious side dish for dinner. A variety of spicy eggplant salads will be a welcome addition to the New Year's table. Making them is not difficult at all, the main thing is not to overdo it with spices. Be attentive and bon appetit!

  1. Stator Muinzade

    Supper… .ochen bkusno

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