Posts tagged "flowers"
What leads to yellowing of pelargonium foliage and how to help the plant?
From spring to autumn, pelargoniums grown as indoor and garden plants delight owners with lush caps of inflorescences, endure all the hardships and grow beautifully, ...
Choose your own types and varieties of spathiphyllum based on photos and descriptions
Spathiphyllum was first discovered and described by German botanist-enthusiast Gustav Wallis back in the 19th century. The plants that attracted the scientist's attention are still common in Colombia and others ...
Let's find out why spathiphyllum flowers turn green
In colorful photographs of spathiphyllum and in the description of existing varieties, you can see that the spectacular perianth, thanks to which the plant got its name, has a white or barely creamy color. ...
Reproduction of spathiphyllum and care of young plants
Over the years, the spathiphyllum bush grows, becomes unmanageable, it cannot painlessly replace the ground. At this time, only the top layer is loosened and removed. Meanwhile, the spathiphyllum flower is aging and ...
Proper care of the indoor plant spathiphyllum and possible difficulties
The homeland of spathiphyllum is the humid tropics, so keeping in captivity should take into account the characteristics of those places. Our flowers grow there under the canopy of tall trees in partial shade. They are not concerned ...
In spathiphyllum, the tips of the leaves turn black, how to help the plant and what to do
Spathiphyllums, natives of the humid South American tropics, where plants can be found in dense undergrowth, on swamps and the banks of water bodies, have taken root well in indoor conditions. Plants from the family ...
Spathiphyllum "female happiness" in a flower pot
Gustav Wallis, who discovered spathiphyllum in the jungles of Colombia, probably did not realize that a century later the plant would become one of the most popular indoor crops, and in Russia it would receive a very ...
How to help spathiphyllum if the leaves begin to turn yellow?
Unpretentious, easy-to-care spathiphyllums can be found in apartments and offices, they decorate public buildings and plant greenery in educational institutions. Without any tweaks and labor on the part of the owner, ...
Correct spathiphyllum transplant after purchase
Indoor flowers live constantly in conditions that only remotely resemble natural ones. Therefore, the decorativeness of a plant depends on many factors. Spathiphyllum transplant is a mandatory technique in captivity. Root system ...
What if your spathiphyllum isn't blooming?
In order for the spathiphyllum to please with abundant flowering, you just need to pay a lot of attention and care to the plant. But even so, the question may arise why spathiphyllum does not bloom ...
Spathiphyllum - leaving from A to Z for home "female happiness"
If you want to make a "live", but not burdensome gift to a loved one, give him spathiphyllum, the care of which is so simple that even novice flower growers can do it. Originally from the warm ...
We get acquainted with the varieties of terry pelargoniums from photos and descriptions
Modern varieties of pelargonium are difficult to compare with the bushes of "grandmother's" geraniums, whose scarlet or pink umbrellas proudly flaunted on the windowsills of city apartments, in front gardens and on balconies. Despite the fact that ...
We present to your attention varieties of rosaceous pelargoniums with photos and descriptions
Pelargoniums with double flowers, resembling garden roses in shape and structure, enjoy the long-standing and unflagging interest of flower growers. At the same time, there are rosaceous varieties among the zonal pelargoniums, and ...
Meet - varieties of star-shaped pelargoniums with photos and descriptions
Stellar or stellate pelargonium is an amazing, unlike the classic varieties, a plant that most flower growers have yet to recognize and appreciate. Pelargonium Lotta Lundberg Blooming terry pelargonium ...
We grow fragrant pelargonium at home
Among the numerous groups of geraniums, fragrant pelargonium occupies a special place. This type of plant does not have a beautiful flowering. But the decorative leaves and the scent that emanates from plants with a fleeting touch ...
Choosing an ampelous plant for the garden and home - ivy-leaved pelargonium
The catchy inflorescences of pelargonium on the windows surprise few people. Erect bushes of pelargonium or zonal geranium are well known and loved by flower growers, but ampelous varieties are not yet so well known ...
How to properly care for pelargonium at home?
More recently, a blooming geranium bush on the windowsill has been an indispensable attribute of a prosperous family. It was believed that pelargonium is the keeper of the hearth. The unpretentious plant has made room and gave way to new types of flowers. ...
Learning to breed and care for ampelous pelargonium
With the onset of warmth, the streets of cities and small settlements, household plots and balconies are transformed due to the lush bloom of a variety of decorative crops. Ampelous pelargonium, as in the photo, with ...
Photo of royal pelargonium and plant care at home
In the courtyard front gardens, on window sills, balconies and even on city flower beds, with the onset of summer, you can see brightly blooming bushes of pelargonium, popularly called geraniums. Thanks to unpretentiousness ...
Why isn't hippeastrum blooming?
An enthusiastic florist selects pets so that in a cramped window sill they give beauty that changes from season to season. Not many indoor plants please with winter flowering. Hippeastrum ...
Photos of different types of hippeastrum and features of their care
The era of the great geographical discoveries brought the world not only a lot of new knowledge about unknown lands and peoples, but also helped to find and study many families and species of wild ...
What to do after the hippeastrum has faded?
Hippeastrum are famous for their luxurious flowers in a variety of shapes and colors. And although the flowering of this indoor bulbous culture lasts up to a month and can be repeated up to three times a year, ...
How to distinguish between hippeastrum and amaryllis?
The two plants from the amaryllis family are at first glance indistinguishable. Both plants release an arrow, decorated with several gramophones of amazing beauty. At first, rare flowers were grown only in greenhouses, where for ...
Home care for hippeastrum
In the wild, hippeastrum are found in South America, with a number of varieties found in subtropical climates and the tropics, while others prefer rocky slopes where conditions for growth are very harsh. IN ...
How to prepare kalanchoe tincture with vodka and how to use it?
One of the wonderful indoor plants, which is also confidently used for medicinal purposes, is the Kalanchoe, a flower brought to Russia from Germany in the early 19th century. Today on ...
It is important to know how to trim Kalanchoe
Kalanchoe is a plant that can be seen in many apartments. And there is an explanation for this: almost all of its varieties are unpretentious and capable of exerting a healing effect on the body. But ...
Making at home and instructions for the use of Kalanchoe juice
Burns and gastritis, sores in the mouth and bedsores, runny nose and pimples on the face - this is an incomplete list of what treats Kalanchoe, or rather, its juice. This plant ...
Photos of medicinal Kalanchoe and recommendations for its use
The benefits of Kalanchoe are undeniable: it treats a runny nose and sinusitis, it is considered an excellent cosmetic product. The plant helps fight colds and is a good prevention against it. Judging by the photo, Kalanchoe ...
Names and photos of different types of Kalanchoe
The medicinal plant Kalanchoe brought hundreds of years ago is represented by two species - pinnate and Dergemon. In nature, there are about 200 forms of Kalanchoe. Many of them have taken their rightful place ...
Reproduction of Kalanchoe in different ways
Kalanchoe belongs to those plant species that are easy to reproduce in a variety of ways. Moreover, even an inexperienced grower can easily cope with this task. Kalanchoe, the reproduction of which ...
Home care and proper cultivation of the unique Kalanchoe Mini Mix
The Kalanchoe plant, which came to us from Madagascar, attracts the attention of many of our compatriots, because it has not only healing properties, but also a beautiful appearance. Among the many species ...
Types of home grown Kalanchoe
There are about two hundred plants belonging to the Kalanchoe genus around the world. At the same time, outwardly, they can look like real giants, 2-4 meters in height, with strong ligneous ...
Why Kalanchoe leaves turn yellow on the windowsill
Kalanchoe is a favorite houseplant of flower growers around the world. After all, a flower can delight its owners with beautiful decorative flowering almost all year round. More to the merits of this culture, you can ...
Treatment of Kalanchoe colds in children
From the very beginning, the plant was brought to Russia from overseas countries, namely, as a mysterious medicinal plant that helped save the sailor from tropical fever. When the plant took root, like an indoor ...
How to transplant Kalanchoe on your own so that the plant will start and grow?
At home, flower growers grow many species of such a diverse and at the same time unpretentious plant like Kalanchoe. On the windowsills today you can see the spectacular Blossfeld Kalanchoe inflorescences, sharp, strewn ...
The healing properties of Kalanchoe - an alternative approach to the therapy of pathologies
Kalanchoe not only decorates any interior of the room, giving it comfort and sophistication, but is also actively used for medicinal purposes and cosmetic procedures. The healing properties of Kalanchoe relieve a person from ...
Pharmacy on the windowsill - Kalanchoe Dergemona
Pointed gray-green leaves and garlands of tiny "babies" on jagged edges. Such an image is most often born in the imagination when Kalanchoe is mentioned. Even without knowing the full name, people imagine ...
Such a diverse and beautiful Kalanchoe Blossfeld
Walking past the windows of a flower shop, it is difficult to resist the temptation when Blossfeld's Kalanchoe bloom magnificently behind the glass. From under the caps of amazing inflorescences of various tones and shades, the compact itself ...
Kalanchoe - home care for medicinal and flowering varieties
The popular houseplant Kalanchoe, home care, which is simple, is known to all flower growers. Some grow its medicinal species, enjoying the decorative appearance of the bush. And at the same time using ...
Getting to know Kalanchoe Kalandiva
Plants united by the genus Kalanchoe, in nature, are mostly found in the Southern Hemisphere. Kalanchoe Kalandiva is no exception, representing a miniature, luxuriantly blooming subspecies of Blossfeld's Kalanchoe. Like others ...
Care and maintenance of "living stones" of lithops at home
The discovery of these amazing plants belongs to William Burchell, an English botanist and naturalist who traveled in September 1811 in the desert in the South African region of Prisca. In a book published later, the scientist ...
Meet the amazing lithops plant
Where a scorching and waterless desert burns out all living things on the surface, for millennia evolution has created plants adapted to the absence of moisture and searing heat. Long known as a species ...
Why don't our favorite hyacinths bloom in the garden?
Even the most unpretentious plants have some characteristics and have their own requirements for planting and care. The agricultural technology used in the cultivation of hyacinths in the garden is also due to the need to create comfortable ...
The right time for planting hyacinths in the garden is a guarantee of abundant flowering in spring
When hyacinths bloom in spring, they become one of the first and, obviously, the brightest decorations in the awakening garden. Despite the warmth-loving nature in the middle lane, guests from the Mediterranean and ...
Do you know when to dig up hyacinths after flowering?
To successfully grow a plant such as hyacinth, you need a correct and calculated approach. If you want your plant to be strong and produce beautiful flowers, you should stick to some ...
Fragrant hyacinths: planting and care in the open field
Natives of the Mediterranean and Southeast Asia, hyacinths bloom in early spring, striking with their aroma spreading in the air and a riot of color from white and all shades of blue to yellow ...
What to do with the bulb when the hyacinth has faded?
Spring is gradually losing its bright colors and everything around is dressed in summer pastel colors. The close arrival of summer heat is also confirmed by the faded heads of spring flowers. They've already lost ...
Planting and caring for water hyacinths - advice from a professional!
On the rivers and lakes of the South American continent, Asia and Africa, the water hyacinth Eichornia sometimes becomes a serious problem for the inhabitants of the surrounding villages, biologists, and all local flora and fauna. ...
Proper planting and care of hyacinths at home
Hyacinth is a bulbous plant that can be successfully grown both in the garden and at home. Therefore, many amateur flower growers want to grow this flower at home ...
Growing and caring for unpretentious nasturtium
In the warm climate of South America, where nasturtium comes from, these plants are often grown as perennials, producing lush flower hats almost all year round. But to survive the Russian winters is not ...
Flowerbed in red-azure tones: types and varieties of salvia for the garden
It is difficult to imagine flower gardens in personal plots and city flower beds without catchy spike-shaped inflorescences of salvia. Long and lush flowering plants, not demanding on soil and watering, are well known ...
We grow salvia from seeds for summer cottages
The zenith of summer has come, and every plant seeks to declare itself. Flowering is a continuation of the genus. To bloom, to nourish the seeds with vitality and go into the shadows, giving way to a new ...
Types of nasturtium used to decorate home gardens
Nasturtium appeared in orchards and vegetable gardens almost simultaneously with potatoes, sunflowers and corn. Like these cultures, it comes from the South American jungle. Features of the numerous genus Tropaeolum ...
Nasturtium flower as a visiting card of summer
After the all-conquering summer heat, the plants in the garden seem a little faded, as if they were tired of the daytime sun. But the August flowerbed with nasturtium attracted the eye in the sunset. Every petal ...
Why doesn't potatoes bloom and how dangerous is it for the plant?
Many questions related to vegetable growing arise from a lack of understanding of their essence. Among them is the problem of potato reproduction, which is very relevant in our country. Knowing that this root vegetable can ...
Shape a petunia to create a lush bush
Petunia is a herbaceous plant. She adorns flower beds, gardens, summer terraces and balconies all summer. Many summer residents grow it on their flower beds. In order for the bushes to be ...
The good appearance of indoor plants and flowers depends on the choice and application of fertilizers
When growing indoor plants and flowers, you should be aware of the fact that at certain points in their vegetative development they need fertilizing. At the same time, fertilizers should not be confused ...
How to care for a home rose?
A home or indoor rose is a miniature (up to 50 cm high), flowering, potted plant, of which there are about 250 species, but there are many more varieties. In the photo of home roses ...
How to keep roses in a vase for a long time?
Having received a beautiful bouquet, you always want it to stand for at least a few days. In order for roses to stand in a vase for a long time, they and the water must be properly prepared: you cannot immediately ...
How to grow a rose from seeds - advice from experienced!
It has long been proven that if a plant produces seeds, then a similar specimen can be obtained from them with some effort and knowledge. And the rose is no exception. For growing roses ...
Why do the leaves of a rose turn yellow - looking for reasons
A beautiful well-kept rose garden in the front garden is the pride of any hostess. Due to the duration and frequency of flowering, roses have become quite popular decorative crops. However, even the most resistant varieties can ...
When to plant roses
Several roses can be found in almost every garden plot. One has two or three copies, the other has a couple dozen, but a rose is always a win-win option for ...
Canadian roses - undemanding garden beauties
Canadian roses are considered to be an unpretentious decoration for parks and gardens. It is Canadian roses that are advised to grow to novice flower growers. The main advantages of "Canadians" include high frost resistance, the ability to quickly recover ...
Dutch rose - harmony of beauty
Dutch roses are considered the bestsellers among all known rose varieties. They owe their popularity to the beautiful flowers of all tones and shades with a delicate odor on even long shoots. ...
Wrinkled rose - care secrets
The wrinkled rose is a shrub that reaches no more than 2 meters in height. The branches of the plant can be both penetrating and erect. Depending on the type of bush ...
Why the rose does not bloom - the main mistakes of florists
Sometimes even experienced growers find it difficult to say why a rose does not bloom. Knowledge of the basic rules of caring for a beautiful flower will allow you to enjoy its splendor of colors and delicious aroma. Breeding ...
Peony roses - a fragrant pleasure
The world saw peony roses only at the end of the twentieth century. Since then, the popularity of these flowers has only grown. These roses are really peony-shaped. Among other colors, their ...
How to cover roses for the winter?
Rose refers to plants that require care and attention not only during flowering, but also in preparation for winter. Rose is a moderately frost-hardy plant that is afraid ...
How to grow a rose from a bouquet?
How often it happens that for some kind of celebration we are presented with a beautiful bouquet of roses, and we admire the beauty of the incomparable flowers a little, ruthlessly throw them into the trash. But from ...
Tea rose - fragrant beauty in the garden and at home
Aristocratic beautiful tea rose (see photo) with an exquisite aroma, delicate flowers of delicate shades can decorate any summer cottage and city lawn. She is not only pleasing to the eye, but ...
Country question: roses planting and care
The rose is considered to be the royal flower. She is also beautiful and wayward. But, few of the novice florists dare to plant it, because they simply do not know how to do it right ...
Sudanese rose - tea and medicine
Rosella, Venetian mallow, Pharaonic flower, Sudanese rose are common names for the Hibiscus sabdariff, which we know as hibiscus. Most recently, dried red ...
Amazing barberry at their summer cottage (video)
Not only flowers, but also shrubs can decorate a summer cottage. It is especially pleasant when the fruits of these plantings can be used with benefit, for example, in food. Just so useful ...
English roses - planting and care
English roses are the most beautiful of all roses. This new variety appeared in the 80s of the previous century. They appeared thanks to the English breeder David Austin by crossing old ...
Reproduction of phlox by cuttings (video)
Phlox is a very beautiful decorative flower that can create a beautiful flower bed oasis. This video will tell you how you can plant phlox in your summer cottage in a short period of time at the expense of ...
How to cut roses for the winter - we comply with the deadlines and all the subtleties of the autumn haircut of the queen of flowers
Often in the spring, the gaze of gardeners is presented with an unflattering picture in a rose garden, full of frost-bitten shoots. In order to prevent the freezing of the bushes, it is important to know in what time frame and how to cut roses on ...
Stock-rose - planting, growing and care
Rarely has anyone not had a chance to meet this wonderful flower in his life. Its simplicity, and at the same time, elegance and majesty has won a lot of fans among amateur flower growers. From proudly ascended to ...
Decorative stonecrop prominent (video)
Sedum is a very beautiful plant that blooms in autumn, but the entire spring-winter period creates amazing beauty in summer cottage flower beds with its artisanal foliage. It goes well with ...
Spider mite on a rose - what to do
Every florist and gardener knows a spider mite by sight. This is the most harmful insect that wraps around plants with cobwebs and sucks out all the juices from it, due to which the leaves and ...
Secrets of transplanting roses in the country
There can be many reasons for transplanting roses, for example, you want to change the design of the site, create a rose garden, or, on the contrary, plant bushes throughout the plot, since they, growing, create a friend ...
DIY gladiolus flower bed - easy and simple
Gladioli delight with their flowering in the summer. Beautiful velvet buds of inflorescences are an excellent option for decorating any suburban area. With gladiolus bulbs you can make your own ...
If there are black spots on the leaves of a rose, what should I do?
The process of growing roses is impossible without obstacles. The most common plant disease is spotting. The disease is very dangerous for the flower, as it leads to its death. When spotting appears ...
Chinese rose - growing conditions and signs about the flower
Hibiscus (Chinese rose) is a tall, beautiful plant with large, bright blooms of various colors. The beautiful flower is a favorite among experienced gardeners and amateurs. He is not whimsical ...
Spring country flower bed of hyacinths (video)
A summer cottage bed should delight with flowering from the very early spring. Hyacinth, a low-growing plant that produces a cluster of inflorescences on which ...
How to grow a rose from a cutting: features of simple agricultural technology
Many gardeners will be interested in learning how to grow a rose from a cuttings quickly and effortlessly. The fact is that numerous attempts to root small pieces of stems have not ...
All about hosts - decorative flowers for summer cottages (video)
Beautiful host bushes look very attractive in the landscape design of any summer cottage. The multicolored large leaves create a real green oasis, especially if there are several varieties of varieties on the flowerbed ...
Climbing roses - care and planting of a plant
How exquisite climbing roses look on fences. Caring for a plant is not an easy process, requiring a certain amount of time and effort. But no difficulties can keep florists from ...
How to plant a rose from a bouquet - growing methods and basic rules for caring for cuttings
Many women, having received a gorgeous bouquet of roses as a gift, are eager to grow the same ones in their summer cottage or on their windowsill. According to experts, this is quite ...
How to care for a room rose at home?
Walking past a flower shop window, it is impossible to take your eyes off the bright miniature rose bushes. And how you want to see such a miracle on your windowsill. However, from the purchase ...
Beautiful country flower - clematis (video)
Clematis photo is the most successful plant with which you can beautifully decorate any summer cottage or an empty wall. The curly stem of the plant curls all the supports, covering them with its ...
Common rose diseases - control methods and disease symptoms
What usually prevents you from growing healthy flowers? Of course, various diseases and pests. Rose is one of the most sought-after plants among flower growers. Having a "queen of flowers" in your flower bed is considered ...
How to keep chrysanthemums in a vase - "second life" for flowers in a few minutes
From chrysanthemums, bouquets of amazing beauty are obtained, because their graceful, different shades of inflorescence can be combined into elegant, beautiful compositions, diluting their color with green fern or asparagus. Plucked ...
Ampel begonias - cultivation, use, reproduction
Ampel begonia has recently become very popular. She certainly deserves such recognition. It is one of the most attractive indoor plants. Everything deserves praise: gentle, bright asymmetrical ...
The most preferred summer flower is lily
Lilies look great on any garden bed. They are short, medium, tall, and even today it is possible to grow the so-called lily trees. Planting lily bulbs has its own nuances ...
Chrysanthemum bush - the queen of the flower garden
All spring and summer, she hides in invisible bushes in the flower garden, unquestioningly giving primacy to the letniki. Walk past her and not look. For the exuberant flowering of roses, dahlias, aquilegia, daisies, ...
Cutting chrysanthemums is the best way to reproduce
When growing chrysanthemums from seeds, the loss of their varietal characteristics is often noted. The most reliable way to reproduce valuable varieties in large quantities is considered to be cuttings. This method is a kind of vegetative ...
Growing chrysanthemums at home is available to everyone
Chrysanthemums are one of the favorite plants of flower growers. This is due not only to their beautiful decorative appearance, but also to their relatively easy care. They decorate any flower garden up to ...
Chrysanthemum care at home
Two types of chrysanthemums are grown in pots - Chinese and shrub. In contrast to the garden type, caring for chrysanthemums in pots is more difficult.The main and most important rule ...
Royal begonia - a scattering of colors in one flower
The genus of begonias is so diverse that the number of varieties of this plant exceeds a thousand. Among them are begonia with a rich royal name. Why royal? This name has not been assigned to the plant ...
Begonia Rex - home decoration
Begonia Rex species by leaf shape: hybrid shape. Leaves with green, pink, silvery and red streaks. The surface of the leaves from above can be completely silvery, pink or red ...