Posts tagged "potato"
Planting potatoes in the Urals
Experienced gardeners have repeatedly noticed that potato bushes planted at the very edge of the allotment are usually the tallest and most prolific. And all because it is in this part ...
Why don't potatoes come up?
If the weather is warm, and the soil has warmed up under the rays of the sun up to 8-10 C °, the first shoots of potatoes appear on the plantation in about 10-12 days. However, in lingering springs, ...
Manual potato ridger
Many gardeners, at the time of planting potatoes, still use outdated farming methods. Initially, they make an approximate marking of the ridges, use a shovel to dig holes, plant tubers and ...
Why spud potatoes?
The answer to it will become clear after considering the vegetative characteristics of this crop. In potatoes, below soil level, relatively rapidly dying elongated side shoots, called stolons, develop. They ...
Photo and description of potato varieties
Not everyone knows that a huge number of potato varieties are grown in the world. There are exotic species with unusual tastes. We cannot imagine any holiday and an ordinary family dinner without ...
How to spud potatoes?
As you know, hilling potatoes is necessary to increase productivity and protect tubers from adverse weather conditions. That is why all gardeners who grow crops should know how and when to huddle ...
Why do you need siderates for potatoes
Surely, many gardeners know that almost any agricultural crop must be planted in a new place every year (this is necessary so that the soil does not deplete). Potatoes are no exception. True, ...
Timing of watering potatoes in the open field
Potatoes are extremely sensitive to lack of moisture in the soil. The not too extensive, reaching a depth of 30 cm, the root system of this culture has a significant load. In a short growing season ...
"Prestige" for potato processing
Working in the garden is hard physical labor. Sometimes you wonder how people have enough endurance and desire to carefully monitor seedlings and seedlings under the steaming sun. After all, it is necessary ...
How to get rid of a wireworm?
The main enemy of potato plantings is traditionally the Colorado potato beetle. But if the damage from this pest of potatoes and its larvae on the tops is noticeable with the naked eye, then the losses from stay ...
Do I need to pick flowers from potatoes
On the Internet, the question more and more often arises - is it necessary to pick flowers from potatoes? The question is quite controversial. Amateur gardeners and professional agronomists still cannot ...
Growing potatoes in bags
Today, there are many technologies that allow you to grow early potatoes, increase the yield of this crop and control its pests. But with a lack of fertile soil, for example, in swampy, rocky areas, ...
Planting and caring for potatoes in the open field
Potatoes are a favorite plant of many summer residents. New methods of cultivation make it possible to simplify the work of the gardener and at the same time not to lose in the harvest. The modern technology of potato cultivation is more like an art that ...
How to poison the Colorado potato beetle on potatoes?
Fragrant fried potatoes with a crispy brown crust, boiled delicate mashed potatoes, casseroles and pancakes - all this causes not only profuse salivation, but also pleasant emotions. ...
Hilling potatoes with a walk-behind tractor
Hilling potatoes is one of the most labor-intensive processes, especially when it comes to large areas. Manipulation can be done both manually (using hoes, hoes, etc.), and ...
Foliar dressing of potatoes
Many novice gardeners believe that potatoes do not need special feed - they grow well without this. In some ways they are right. Indeed, if the soil is fertile and ...
A hassle-free vegetable garden: planting potatoes under straw
Do you know how to plant potatoes? No, not in the traditional way into the ground. And under the straw. So much so that in the summer not to huddle and not break through the weeds, but to collect in the fall ...
All about potato diseases
Growing crops requires proper care for the future harvest. Potato diseases can cause serious damage if the necessary measures are not taken in time. What diseases do farmers face and ...
Growing potatoes
Potatoes are a vegetable crop, without which the life of a Russian person cannot be imagined. The roots of this plant contain many nutrients (starch, protein ...), which is why they are also called “the second ...
Lapis lazuli from weeds on potatoes
Resentment involuntarily torments when the autumn potato field resembles a wasteland, with a fat swan and a thistle thistle, towering victoriously over stunted potato bushes. Fortunately for gardeners, a new drug has been developed ...
Potato harvest at the end of June (video)
Of course, many summer residents and gardeners dream of harvesting a good harvest. Potatoes are no exception. The standard planting of potatoes is carried out at the beginning of May, but the ripening period of even the earliest variety ...
Quick planting of potatoes with one foot movement (video)
It would seem that it is impossible to facilitate the process of planting potatoes by hand. Very often, when reminded of the upcoming work, people shudder. Immediately, ideas about future suffering begin ...
How to collect a bag of potatoes from 1m2 of area? (video)
Many summer residents who do not have large garden plots find rather original solutions for growing potatoes. The search for such solutions was embodied in an incredible way to get about one bag of potatoes ...
How to prepare potatoes for planting (video)
Potatoes are the most popular vegetable and are included in the diet of many people. Potatoes are rich in substances useful for the body, micro- and macroelements, vitamins of groups A, B (B1, B2, ...
Video: growing potatoes under straw or hay
In Russia, potatoes are called the second bread and this is not without reason, since they are nutritious, tasty and very healthy. Almost every summer resident grows potatoes in the garden, because it is unpretentious ...